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Pretend Interest and Apathy... What To Do About Them!
According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary "apathy is defined as the following: lack of emotion; lack of interest; indifference". Wow, that's pretty depressing. However, look around you. Don't many of you work with people with this attitude. I don't, because I run my own business. However, I can remember when I worked for others and how many of the people I worked with fit this description. At that time, I couldn't understand how they could be that way. While I left corporate America, for my own separate set of reasons, apathy was certainly not one of them. Unfortunately in the business that Chuck and I run we also see too much apathy. Of course, we get people who show what I like to call "pretend interest". They figure if they pretend an interest in something else, maybe no one will notice their apathetic behavior. The individuals who pretend an interest in creative real estate will call us, and want us to guarantee that they will succeed (without any effort I might add). NOTE: NO ONE CAN GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS BUT YOU. Or they will want to know how quick they can make a million dollars (again, without doing any work). Or, how do I know it will work for me, in my area. As far as their area, creative real estate works in most areas. However, will it work for them, that I can't answer. They have to decide if they are going to work at it or not, they have to put the effort out. I put effort out every day and get rewarded for it. I realize, however, "if there is no effort, there is no reward". For these individuals, because they are so apathetic about everything, of course it won't work. They don't want to work. They are too indifferent. If you find yourself with the above characteristics, and want to make a change do the following. Find something you have an interest in, that you are not indifferent to, and watch your emotions soar. I am not telling you to quit your job, unless you really want to or need to. Look at your job in a different light or look for something you would like to do, and research it. Find out how you can start it in your spare time, or part time, and build it up so you can get out of where you are. Once you do that you'll have a new purpose for yourself. Put all of yourself into it, heart and soul. Don't let apathy make you say, "I'm not good at anything", "I don't know what I want to do", etc. These kind of statements are just perpetuating your apathetic behavior. If it is not your job that is making you apathetic, take a good hard look at yourself, and be honest so you can find out what it is and do something about it. Sometimes it is as easy as finding a new hobby, or doing something special for yourself - dinner, a movie, walking, whatever, will make an enormous difference. If that doesn't help, go talk to someone on a professional level, but do something to remove the apathetic behavior, and I don't mean by using "pretend interest". As Nike is so fond of saying, "Just Do It!" Copyright 2003 DeFiore Enterprises About The Author Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our FREE "how to" Home Business Solutions Digest, it's like having your own personal coach: mailto:subscribeHBS@homebusinesssolutions.com coaches@homebusinesssolutions.com
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Competition, Jealousy And Goals Naturally some of us are more competitive than others, but the vast majority of us have a good degree of competition hardwired into us. If you think you are not competitive in the least, ask yourself: have you ever felt a twinge of desire, jealousy or envy when looking at another person's accomplishments or lifestyle? If you said yes, you are competitive ? otherwise you wouldn't care what others have. Top 10 Ways to Ensure New Years Resolution Success Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Year's Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below. 7 MUST-HAVE Conditions To Goal Setting The three keys to living without limits have always been the same. They are clarity, competence, and concentration. Goal setting will help you live without limits. Learning how to set goals is an art. Learn why setting goals is a necessity. Here are 7 Must-have conditions to set goals. Get a Clear Mental Picture of the Goal Already Accomplished "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done" - Vince Lombardi Does Your Goal Enhance Your Overall Quality of Life? So many people struggle with the issue of time management. Not Satisfied With Where You Are; STOP - Change The Action Change The Outcome "If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will keep on getting what you have always gotten!" So if you don't like how things are going in any area of your business, career, life, STOP! Goal Setting or How Being SMART Isnt Always the Right Objective Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process. Be Selfish With Your Goals All too often good-intentioned people set forth goals designed to satiate others rather than themselves. While the intent is honorable, the results will likely lead to failure. Why? As the somewhat provocative title of this article indicates, you need to be selfish with your goals and select ones that mean something to you. Ingredients That Make A Winner Whether we like to admit it or not, other people's opinions of us really do matter. The opinions we have of ourselves, matters even more. Think about this for a minute. What separates the haves from the have-nots? Nothing, but your own fear and insecurities. Six Keys To Build Vision - Point Five 5.Submit it to good leaders (accountability breeds stability and security) Where Will You Be July 1st, 2006? So, a New Year has snuck up on you again and boy, you have a lot of things to do, eh? Welcome to the club, we all do. But oh no, you have way more, right? You have to start working on your business more so you can finally leave that job you are bored to tears with. You have to start saving at least $400 a month for a little cushion in the bank?that $67.02 is looking kind of lonely in your savings. You have to start getting fit, because you gained some extra 'holiday weight'. You have to start reading more, oh yeah can't forget, spend time with family and friends?the list goes on. I'm tired just thinking about your list, you sure have a lot to do! The Magic of Writing Goals in your life! Goal setting is an important technique used by athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields. Goal setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Goal setting can help you grow in life. It can help you achieve more. A Secret Technique that Entrepreneurs Can Use to Almost GUARANTEE Success! If you were to walk up and ask successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs what they did to succeed or fail, most of them would cite some mentor or lack of trait... Blame genetics or outside influence. But if you were to ask the exact same group if they used this secret, 99% of successful entrepreneurs would say yes - and almost all of the unsuccessful entrepreneurs would ask what you were talking about... Combining the Mind and Effective Goal-Setting Goals are of vital importance in our lives. Many of us spend our lives without any definite purpose, simply drifting from place to place. Setting goals help us to focus our lives and to advance confidently in a definite direction. Without them, I don't think our lives can truly be complete. Is that W-A-L-R-U-S? A few years back, I went to London, England. I needed to get a passport-like photo taken, but the machine I wanted to use was out of order. When I called the company who owned the machine, I asked where they had another location. I was told, "Walrus." "Walrus?" I confirmed. "Walrus," was the response. I should have asked for the spelling, but the person had said, "Walrus." I asked around, and no one knew where there was a "Walrus" until, that is, someone realized that "Walrus" was "Woolworth's." Apparently, the person I spoke with and I both thought we were saying the same thing ? but boy, were we not! Achieve Your Goals: Embodying Your Intentions to Inspire Manifestation Bringing life to your ideas is what helps them to manifest in the material world. Embodying your intentions, feeling it all the way through your physical body, creates an affirmation of that intention. It tells the Universe that you are determined and fully involved in your idea. The Promise: The Key to the Successful Achievement of Your Goals Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. - H. L. Hunt Achieve Your Goals By Doing Something About Them The title of this article sounds simplistic but it is amazing how often people (including me) sit staring at a problem like mounting paperwork and become so depressed by the thought of all the work to be done that they do nothing and continue in a paralytic state for days and even months! Goal Setting Basics - 3 Steps Plus 1 Goal setting seems to be one of the most misundertood, and overly complicated areas of self-improvement. And, well, frankly, it shouldn't be. Losing Site of Your Goals: Determining Your Vision From Your Actions! In the fury of trying to accomplish our goals, we tend to lose site of our Vision. We get so caught up in "doing things" that we forget why we're doing them. In the process, we lose hope, lose drive, and end up running in a circle trying to find our "reason" again. In our circular dance, we fill in the gaps with unnecessary activities, or "busy work", to make us feel as though we're moving forward. Instead, we're merely weighting ourselves down further to create a wall around our newly developed "comfort zone". ![]() |
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