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Achieve Your Goals: Embodying Your Intentions to Inspire Manifestation
Bringing life to your ideas is what helps them to manifest in the material world. Embodying your intentions, feeling it all the way through your physical body, creates an affirmation of that intention. It tells the Universe that you are determined and fully involved in your idea. What is an intention? An intention is the goal that you wish to achieve. It's what you have made your mind up about and have your heart set on. An intention is like an affirmation that you make about what you would like to accomplish in your future. Putting your intention out to the Universe, then sitting back and waiting for it to happen without any action on your part is like a person who goes for a psychic reading and wants to know their future. They sit back in the belief that it's all set in stone and ready for them, then return angry to the reader saying it never happened, only to admit they never performed any actions to put the energy into motion. It's the same with expecting doctor recommendations to work if you never take the medication. Without participation and action, the future you wish for isn't going to just land in your lap. You need to back up your ideas with forward motion, courage and action. Ideas can remain in your mind forever, but without the action of bringing them down into the physical world, there is no manifestation of the idea- therefore, no results. Start bringing them into the physical world by actually writing them down. Many times I hear clients say, "Oh, I have a long list in my head. I know what I want." The problem is it's all in their head. They have never written it down on anything material and stated, " This is what I choose to manifest." Once it is written, put the writing in a special place, read it once a day. In order to turn your ideas into a reality, you need to empower them everyday. Take an action each day to manifest your vision. Write your affirmation, do the research, do one action each day to bring your idea into a reality. You will see results! © 2005 Jodie Foster Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their daily lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at http://www.illuminationsnetwork.com for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at: ttp://intuitiveinnovations.blogspot.com. Publisher's Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact. Author would appreciate a notification, but that is optional.
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Four Steps to Goal Setting When setting goals it is important to know if the goal is realistically attainable. Time is precious; you don't want to waste it moving toward a goal that you will never be able to realize. So, how can you quickly evaluate the attainability of your goal? Ask your-self these four questions: Focal Point Of Success Fortune will flow into your hands like a river flow into the sea if only you can invest a high percent of your time on a high value activity with big pay off. To Reach Goals: Bypass Resistance & Gather Assistance To reach goals, consider this illustration: If you see roadblocks up ahead on a journey you take a diversion. No one in their right mind would just drive on and hit the obstacle head on just hoping they get through! Focus To have a goal is like having a road map. It shows you where to go, and where not to go. Would you begin a trip to an unknown city without first looking at a map? Probably not. Your Life Is A Do-It-Yourself Project! The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on your shoulders. The sooner you realize this, the better! How To Rise Above The Clutter In Your Brain Ever notice when you start a new hobby or fall in love with a new shrub or flower you start to see it everywhere? This isn't necessarily because everyone else has the same new hobby it's because you have the flower or shrub or hobby at the top of your mind. What Words Will They Chisel Into Your Tombstone? One day you will inevitably die. A morbid statement, I know, but one that is true. I don't want to upset you so let me say this - hopefully that day will be a long, long way off. However, I have a question for you now. What is The Right Action That Leads To Your Ultimate Goals? What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? Six Keys To Build Vision - Point Five 5.Submit it to good leaders (accountability breeds stability and security) A Winner Never Uses Chance or Luck to Win In games of chance, what separates a player from a winner and are they mutually exclusive? Intense Desire: Rocket Fuel When You Set Goals! Have you set goals, personal or business, and failed to achieve them? Here is a crucial question: WHY? Goal Setting for Creative Professionals You know that old saying -- if you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there. That's what happens if you don't take the time to figure out what your goals are and WRITE them down. There's power in writing things down (and if you're a writer, you already know this). Conquering Goals: The Battle Plan "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe."(Anatole France) While these three items define success, without all of them success would be unattainable. Without a dream, you will be without desire and without desire, you will be without action. If you can unlock the dream, then you can unlock success and make your dream reality. Success Is Knowing What You Want Many people ask me how they can be more successful. Five Steps to Goal-Setting What would you like to achieve in your lifetime? Losing Site of Your Goals: Determining Your Vision From Your Actions! In the fury of trying to accomplish our goals, we tend to lose site of our Vision. We get so caught up in "doing things" that we forget why we're doing them. In the process, we lose hope, lose drive, and end up running in a circle trying to find our "reason" again. In our circular dance, we fill in the gaps with unnecessary activities, or "busy work", to make us feel as though we're moving forward. Instead, we're merely weighting ourselves down further to create a wall around our newly developed "comfort zone". If You Cant See Your Way to Completing Your Goal, Its Time to Check Your Vision Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is equally as important to do a VISION check to be certain that our goal is on track. How Clear is Your Vision? Wouldn't it be nice to know that there is a way to get what you want? Whether it's in business or your personal life, this article will clearly show you the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Prerequisite Qualities For Optimum Goal Setting The minute you set a goal, you are creating a 'mini crisis' in your mind. You're telling your mind about a journey you are considering. In simple terms you are stating where you want to be in relation to where you are. And in between these two is a chasm, a gap. As far as your mind is concerned, the ability to achieve your stated goal is mostly dependent on your mental qualities and skills. Selfish mind, right? Maybe not, but the point is, this is the area on which your success hinges. Keeping the Dream Alive Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities. ![]() |
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