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Resolution: Stop Dieting for the Health of it!
"Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever." -- Mark Twain Hello Everyone! This is part of my annual anti-resolution newsletter. Hope you enjoy it and are already having a great new year. New year's type resolutions have never worked because they are usually associated with something the person doesn't want [as opposed to what they do want] anyway, or with something that is wrong/missing in their life. Focusing on what you don't want or what is missing also has the tendency to produce more of that in your life. The word resolution itself means to re-solve...again...again...again. Not a good word to describe permanent change. "New Year's" makes it sound as if change is not possible at other times only one day per year. How's that for a limiting belief? Being overweight, for example, is a focus on what you don't want. Diets and the deprivation that go with them as well as exercise we'd rather not do... eeks... more of what we don't want! One of the strange ways that people motivate themselves to lose weight is to feel bad about being fat and then use those feelings to fuel the program to lose weight. As soon as they lose some weight they are thrilled [good feelings] and thus lose the motivation to continue to lose weight which was based on bad feelings. Sounds crazy but that's how professional yo-yo dieters do it. Think about how crazy that is: feel bad about what we don't want! The only thing stranger is to know that most people motivate themselves this way for everything! You have to feel bad to stay motivated and focus on what you don't want. Far better to motivate yourself with good feelings about the things that really do matter to you. Good feelings across the board for everything. How about a focus on gaining [what we want] instead of losing [what we don't want]? Gaining health/fitness instead of losing weight. Gaining all the perks vs. doing all that stuff you hate cuz you feel bad about it... Remember I'm only a hypnotist and these are merely suggestions so... Michael Dimas is a performance consultant, workshop leader, speaker, coach who will teach you how to empower your body, mind and spirit. He can be reached at michael@selfchangetechnologies.com or on the web at http://www.selfchangetechnologies.com
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Set SMART Goals to Achieve More Are you having trouble achieving your goals, or getting through a period of no success? Then take the time to learn how to set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tangible. The Future: Help is Available How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life? Focus On Your Goals Without Envying Others Many of us waste too much time envying others instead of getting on with our own goals and dreams. This is stupid to put it mildly. S.M.A.R.T. Goals (excerpted from the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan) Setting Financial Goals - Part 2 In my earlier article "Setting Financial Goals ? Part 1" I identified the 4 simple steps to setting up achievable financial goals. I mentioned that your financial goals should be broken down into smaller more manageable goals and then written down to help you visualize them. This article expands upon that information. eaziGOAL Review: Practical Goal Setting Tools for Everyone I love the internet. I mean, anything at all you want to learn or research or just get more information on is right at your fingertips. And it's there for the taking! So many people have given their time and knowledge freely so that others may benefit from what they have learned. 7 Questions To Tap Into The Limitless Power Of Your Subconscious Mind When you map out what you want, you let go of the trivial tasks that clutter up your thoughts. When you focus on achieving a definite major purpose, your life will assume an energy and unity that will be exhilerating. Self-discipline will appear spontaneously. Goal Setting ? The Importance of Stern Resolve! "Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page...on the first of January let every may straighten himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past." The Twin Actions of Accomplishment When it comes to achieving accomplishments there are two foundational actions that must take place. When these two actions take place, and take place in the right order, you will become unstoppable. You will also enter into an elite group of people who actually do both. 7 Effective Ways To Set Your Goals In Motion Today 1. Stop seeking approval from people. Want to Learn Something New Today? How many times do you say, "Gee, I wish I had of learned...?" How often do you avoid new tasks simply because they are out of your "comfort zone" and the task would involve having to learn something new? Five Steps to Goal-Setting What would you like to achieve in your lifetime? Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. Requirements for Successful Goal Setting and Achievement Benefits of Goal Setting Finding Life?s Candles for Dark Moments Tragedy doesn't make an appointment. It attacks! A terrifying surprise that explodes in the midst of a family. Tragedy brings with it multiple consequences as well?financial disaster, depression, guilt and blame. Devastating fallout! Marriages fall apart, family members commit suicide, personalities change. Yet tragedies occur daily. Tornadoes and earthquakes rip apart communities, car accidents claim thousands of lives, and children drink poisons or drown in swimming pools. People kill their friends and families, co-workers and peers. Here is what helped me make it through a horrendous time, so should it happens to you or to a close friend. You have some suggestions to fall back on. Is it Focus or Tunnel Vision? To achieve success you must narrow your vision on your plan. The question you should consider, is it focus or tunnel vision? Resolutions? Try this! Several articles and newsletters with the message that New Year's resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week, and the year before, and the year before that. Got Purpose? Is your life on purpose? Does just the question stop you in your tracks? Have you been so caught up in the pace of our world that you've not even thought lately about whether or not your life is going in the right direction? Achieving Goals: The Remaining 90% - Sheer Persistence Achieving goals requires persistence. Here's the proof: In 1915 Ty Cobb set up an amazing baseball record of stealing 96 bases. Seven years later Max Carey set the second-best record with 51 stolen bases. Exploring Beneath The Surface Unwanted feelings and thoughts are rich territory to dive beneath the surface for fresh insights that open the heart. Imagine for a moment that you are floating along on the ocean of feelings unwilling to accept that the choppy waves to your left signify anger. If you put on snorkeling gear and dive under them, you will see a whole new world. ![]() |
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