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5 Steps to Goal Setting Success
Goal setting is the true secret to success in any area of life. But although setting a goal may seem simple, achieving it is usually another question altogether. Why is that? Because you will never achieve your goals unless you: (1) know exactly what you want, (2) are passionate about your goal, and (3) have a solid, realistic plan of action. This is what marks the difference between nebulous dreams and wishes - and truly achievable goals! Many obstacles and challenges will fly right in your face when you're going after a goal. Here are 5 time-tested methods that will help get the success you deserve. 1. Know exactly what your goal is Your first job is to discover exactly what your goal is. What will achieving that goal really look like? Be as specific as possible about exactly what your desired end result is. Your success will be a measure of your clarity - since an achievable goal plan cannot be created around a nebulous "dream." If your goal is to create a more successful business, what will that look like? Are you thinking in terms of simply hiring someone else to give you more free time? Are you looking for a very specific monthly profit? Or can your goal be best expressed in terms of a certain lifestyle? Regardless of what you want, the best way to get it is to first clarify exactly what you want in as much detail as possible. This can be hard work. But without a clear mental picture, you'll never have the focus required to achieve your goal. 2. Be willing to pay the "entry fee" Success takes dedicated planning and effort. In a way it's like building a house. In the beginning all you have is a rough concept. Then you develop a complete set of plans - and you immediately move closer to success. The same is true of creating a better lifestyle, or a more successful business. But there's always an *entry fee* to be paid for success. The entry fee? Creating more success in your business may mean less recreational time. Writing your own book may require less TV. Being closer to your children may require adjusting your work or social activities. It's the "full glass" deal. If your life (your time) is already full to the top, there's no room for something new. The entry fee is carving out the time to create that something new. 3. Focus on your goal every day I'm sure you probably want to achieve your goal as fast as possible. That's why clear mental focus is so very important. Consistent daily focus is absolutely necessary to "burn in" the new neural pathways you need to create your new goal. Without daily focus, the old mental habits that have kept you from your goal will continue to take over. This happens automatically - since these old habits replay 24/7 deep in your subconscious mind. The only way to override subconscious anti-success messages is to consciously focus on what you DO want - and build new neural networks! That's why success is an every-day event. Re-commit to your goal every day. Don't let your goal take a back seat to the daily tasks and distractions that will try to take over. Life WILL try to get in your way. Just get, and stay, on course every day. Focus on your goal, and on success! 4. Get passionate One of the most powerful tools in your "success tool box" is having real passion for your goal. Why passion? Because intense passionate desire for your goal will help you burn in those new neural pathways even faster. Many, many scientific studies have shown that intense emotion (passion) is a key success tool. PLUS (and this is really a *big* plus), intense passion will also help you rapidly override any inappropriate old "failure messages" stored in your subconscious mind. 5. Take consistent action In many ways, actually taking action can be the most difficult step. Successful goal achievement is built by taking one small action after another. The word is ACTION! If you commit to take at least one small action each day, your actions WILL add up and make a difference. So avoid sitting back waiting for that big second when everything will magically "just happen." You CAN create whatever you want in life. The secret is to determine exactly what you want, then pursue it passionately. But remember -- in the end, only action counts! You can't just dream about it! You have to DO IT! A weekend with Dr Jill's popular goals workbook will set you up for an exceptional 2005. Procrastination IS an action - and just brings more of the same! Take action NOW => Go Get it! © 2004 All Rights Reserved. The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher, and former advisor to the Pentagon, a Presidential Commission, and numerous top executives and executive teams. The author of several books and hundreds of articles, she is also the co-founder of quantum-self.com, and the Creative Director of the Self Discovery Community. She can be reached at: drjill@quantum-self.com Come visit the exciting Self Discovery Community. Discover the most interesting, unusual, stimulating and creative methods of self discovery on the web today! Free sizzling weekly ezine, and the web's first Brain Gym ezone. http://www.quantum-self.com
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Your Goals Are Unique We have just begun another new year in our lives. It is time to regroup and rethink our goals and desires. Our goals may be partially dictated by outer circumstances. These are cases where we need more money for food, repairs to the home or automobile, medication, winter clothing, heat and so forth. These goals are established by necessity. The Guide To Keeping New Years Resolutions The New Year is quickly creeping up on us. Do you have a New Year's Resolution? Well, if you're like most Americans (88 percent in 2001 according to a General Nutrition Centers poll), you have at least one resolution. And, if you are like the majority of these promise-makers, your resolution is probably related to health and fitness. In 2001 (according to GNC), 55 percent promised to eat healthier, 50 percent resolved to exercise more, and 38 percent wanted to lose weight. A Secret Technique that Entrepreneurs Can Use to Almost GUARANTEE Success! If you were to walk up and ask successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs what they did to succeed or fail, most of them would cite some mentor or lack of trait... Blame genetics or outside influence. But if you were to ask the exact same group if they used this secret, 99% of successful entrepreneurs would say yes - and almost all of the unsuccessful entrepreneurs would ask what you were talking about... Reach Your Goals - Goal-Pooling Goal-pool with friends or acquaintances Reaching for the Goal Can goals be easily reached? This question is in most of our minds. Some tend to think that goals are hard to achieve and that only very clever people can be true achievers! Setting Goals for Success "In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." -Guy Finley, Author Resolutions? Try this! Several articles and newsletters with the message that New Year's resolutions are a worthless exercise and a poorly disguised setup for failure have passed across my desk this last week, and the year before, and the year before that. Driving To Your Goals Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major things that get you where you want to go when driving are a specific destination, directions for getting there, and a way to track your progress. You must also have these three things to achieve any goal. Thank You I wonder if anyone really reads long stuff from Ezines except for the juicy and interesting ones but I am one of those few who painstakingly reads almost all articles posted. And now I've a got a turn to write something here. I had it in my mind to write something short and interesting to keep you on your toes yet, no matter how I long to keep this short, I just can't. Unless if I'll state what I have to say in bullet form. So let me have my hand at keeping you entertained if not informed with this article. The Promise: The Key to the Successful Achievement of Your Goals Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. - H. L. Hunt Achieving Your Goals by Using One Word One of my favorite techniques for achieving goals is to use the word 'anyway' as often as necessary. Finding Your Inner Flame: Finding Passion Series - 3 of 3 Why is it that some goals have a fire and a passion behind them that creates an almost self-propelled drive towards completion, while other goals are left dead in the water before they've hardly even begun? What causes that level of motivation to manifest itself? Can we harness it? Can we predict when and where it will hit? The answers lie in finding out if the person setting the goal is in touch with his or her own deepest desires. Do they really understand who and what they are? Do they really know what it is that drives them? 5 Good Ways to Make Steady Progress on Your Goals & Projects 1. Schedule a specific time and day to work on the goal ? just as if it were an appointment. Don't just wait for "someday" to work on it. It will always get bumped by more urgent (but not necessarily more important) tasks unless you make it a priority. Carving out a specific time to work on the project will make sure it finds its way onto your to-do list. The Parable of the Jackrabbit: The Missing Key to Effective Goal Setting So you've got a goal, and you know someone who has already reached it? Maybe it is earning a certain degree, or opening a business and making it fly. Before you try to duplicate what others have done to attain what they have, be sure of one thing. Understand the Parable of the Jackdabbit: Your Goals Clearly In Mind Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. If I Won the Lottery, I Wouldnt Have to Job Search! IF I WON THE LOTTERY, I Setting Goals and Achieving Them Whatever you want in life, you have far more chance of achieving it if you set a clear goal, written down, with a definite time scale. Habits What I Want For You Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you back? I can probably guess at the possible answers:"Not enough money." "Not enough time." "I couldn't do that!" Prerequisite Qualities For Optimum Goal Setting The minute you set a goal, you are creating a 'mini crisis' in your mind. You're telling your mind about a journey you are considering. In simple terms you are stating where you want to be in relation to where you are. And in between these two is a chasm, a gap. As far as your mind is concerned, the ability to achieve your stated goal is mostly dependent on your mental qualities and skills. Selfish mind, right? Maybe not, but the point is, this is the area on which your success hinges. Goal Setting: 5 Simple Steps One of the things that frustrated me while in school was that most of the psychology books specialized in complicating things. It's the same with many self-help books as well. I always wondered why relationships, change and meeting goals couldn't be made much more simple. ![]() |
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