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To Realize your Dreams, Focus on Significance, not Success
"The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success, but on significance." - Oprah Winfrey What if true fulfillment could be found not in what we achieve, but in the significance of what we do? Often, when we think about setting goals for ourselves, we think about what we could have or do that would bring us great success. We dream of a promotion, being on TV, winning the lottery, going on exotic trips, and of the proverbial, shiny red corvette. All these things represent a form of success that we imagine being available for ourselves. It seems reasonable that winning the lottery or getting a new car would increase our standard of living. After all, who couldn't use more money or a better car? However once we've made it to one level of success, we rarely take a moment to appreciate it before moving on to the next. The material object we desire has been captured, and the chase is over. It is instances like this where we have failed to make a true difference in our own lives. By focusing on objects of success, rather than objects of significance, we have created a continuous cycle of disappointment. How is focusing on success different from focusing on significance? We all have a slightly different idea of what success is, based on our own opinions of what it takes to have, be, and do 'more' or 'better.' In this sense, the things we feel successful about are measurable things in our life. Getting the promotion means we have succeeded in acquiring a measurable result. Winning the lottery is a measurable result, as is making it onto Jeopardy(tm), visiting Nepal, or owning a corvette. We also have our own opinions of what is significant in our lives. Our families, friends, spiritual commitments, and health are just a few examples. Sometimes we sacrifice experiences and actions that would make a profound impact in what we would consider significant in our lives, because we are blinded by the more appealing, "successful" solution that will make us look really good. If your dream is for your children to grow up to be healthy, have solid values, and be productive citizens, which would make a more significant impact in their lives? You getting a high-paying job where you travel a lot and aren't home often, but have plenty of money to pay the bills, treat them to movies, and pay for their college tuition? Or would your dream more significantly be fulfilled by taking on a lower-paying job where you are home more, available to spend time with them creating memories, and allowing them to take on the responsibility of paying their way through school? Neither of these options is "right" or "wrong", but they will each have a very different results. Each year millions of parents make decisions just like this, and many opt to be financially successful, because they equate having money to being a good parent. They were brought up, perhaps not having a lot of money, and recognize opportunities that they can make available to their kids using money as a tool. For another example, let's say that since you started your marketing firm, your dream has been to help home-based businesses reach their market expansion dreams. Like all marketing and media firms, you are bombarded with opportunities to win awards and prestigious recognition for the work you do. The issue is that in order to win the awards and gain much desired exposure, you must alter the way you do business. Will you continue to run your business in a way that significantly impacts the lives and futures of your clients? Or will you choose to chase the images of success that lie in awards and recognition? Is it possible to do both and still fulfill upon your mission? If your dreams are a classroom, significance is the genuine learning experience, and success is a standardized test. While you are experiencing true learning and growth, you might learn what you need to ace the test, but when you teach only for the test, you miss out on a lot of wonderful experiences that aren't related to the final exam. *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ***
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Focal Point Of Success Fortune will flow into your hands like a river flow into the sea if only you can invest a high percent of your time on a high value activity with big pay off. Sabbatical from Work? Start Here! Many people envy academics who take sabbaticals. What they don't realize is that sabbaticals are not designed as time on the beach. You are supposed to use your free time to accomplish specific projects. Often you are not allowed to embark on a sabbatical if your plans seem vague or unproductive. Goals On The Wall - What Do Minnie Driver And Genghis Khan Have In Common? Surprisingly few people regularly make lists of their goals and even fewer put their lists where they can see them. This article suggests that it is worth doing both. It also takes a look at the life goals of Minnie Driver and Genghis Khan. Goal Getting: 5 Steps to Get You There Quickly One of the things that frustrated me while in school was that most of the psychology books specialized in complicating things. It's the same with many self-help books as well. I always wondered why relationships, change and meeting goals couldn't be made much more simple. Intrapersonal Communication What is intrapersonal communication? It is communicating with yourself. The Kaizen of Goal Setting There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! Fear Factor Is it possible for an individual to pass a course of instruction with high marks and remain ineffective? Goal Setting and Goal Getting: What Would You Like to Accomplish in 100 Days? Here's a question for you: Know What You Want Out Of Life At this point in time you have an opportunity to really analyze your life. Where you are right now and where you want to be in the future. Now is your chance to take a close look at what you would really like to do with your life. Perhaps you have never dared to choose a path based on your true desires, you have purely gone with the flow. This is now your chance. Whats the Next Action Step? Nothing gets done unless an action is completed. Everything we do is an action step. Of course some are so routine they don't really need to be written down or remembered. They are simply habit or ingrained in our daily lives. Wake up. Go to the bathroom. Say your prayers. Read the sports section of the newspaper. Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Get dressed. Drive to work. Do you have these tasks written down in your planner? Of course not. But they are still action tasks. You don't get cleaned until you wash up. You don't know how the Phillies did last night until you read the sports section. A Simple Solution For Accomplishing Any Goal Have you ever had someone ask you to do some thing and then later forget about what they told you to do? Goals ? The Forgotten Success Element Goals are extremely important and are the key to any success plan. However, we hear about goals so much that we often take this step for granted. We assume that we already know everything there is to know about setting goals and thus usually skip over this extremely important fundamental success factor. Please don't let yourself get into this trap. As Tony Robbins states in his Personal Power tape on the Power of Setting Goals "Fundamentals have to be practiced daily!" 7 Questions To Tap Into The Limitless Power Of Your Subconscious Mind When you map out what you want, you let go of the trivial tasks that clutter up your thoughts. When you focus on achieving a definite major purpose, your life will assume an energy and unity that will be exhilerating. Self-discipline will appear spontaneously. Give Bad Habits the Boot! Everybody has bad habits. Everybody. Now granted, some people have less than others and some people's bad habits are more grating than those of others, but we all have them. What is great is that we don't have to! Motivation and Goal Settings ?The to Do List What is it that you need to do in order to be successful in your endeavor? One way to find out is to write a daily "To do list". This "To do list" will supplement your goal settings. It will simplify yours steps towards achieving your long term goal(s). Everyone Needs a BAG (Big Audacious Goal) A Big Audacious Goal (BAG) is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort. Unlike smaller goals, the BAG is something that is huge. It is challenging and in some ways seems impossible - but a BAG is also inspiring, compelling, and motivating. Housewife....Is That All You Are? Scenario: You have taken care of the house, the kids, your husband and everything in between for years. You get a sense of happiness and joy taking care of your family, although you get tired sometimes. You husband works hard to provide for the family, so you think that it's the least that you can do. There is nothing wrong with feeling this way at all. Here's where the problem comes in: He works and works and works keeping very long hours. You never see him. He is on business trips very often and his luxurious secretary just happens to accompany him on every trip. Well you've suggested that you can take the trips with him to keep him company sometimes. He insists that the kids need you at home, you agree, you stay at home, and the conversation is over. Well, he is still working long hours and you start to express to him that you miss him being at home with you and the kids. He explains to you that he works to provide for you and the kids and that you are starting to nag him. You start to feel guilty and you stop what he calls nagging, because you don't want to upset him. Right? You are just happy to have a husband that provides for you and your wonderful kids. Achieve Anything, One Step At A Time No matter how ambitious your goal, you CAN achieve it. You do it by taking one little step at a time. Here are a few tips to help you: Goalsetting: Must We? All goals take time to accomplish. But most people are impatient. All really worthwhile objectives involve work, and sacrifice, maybe even pain! But most people HATE pain. Therefore, most people don't have any system at all for setting targets. When You See Money as a Tool in Your Goal Setting Process, You Will Lead a More Balanced Life Where Does Money Fit In the Goal Setting Process? ![]() |
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