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Goals ? The Forgotten Success Element
Goals are extremely important and are the key to any success plan. However, we hear about goals so much that we often take this step for granted. We assume that we already know everything there is to know about setting goals and thus usually skip over this extremely important fundamental success factor. Please don't let yourself get into this trap. As Tony Robbins states in his Personal Power tape on the Power of Setting Goals "Fundamentals have to be practiced daily!" In this article, we are going to work on your goals. Remember my previous article? "Why start a Home business" - http://www.source-locator.com/newsletter1.htm? In that article I talked about creating your "Why". In this article I am going to talk about setting goals to help keep you focused so that you will have a clear cut plan set to help you ultimately achieve the reason why you started a home business. I believe that the Tony Robbins goal workshop method is one of the best goal setting methods out there so I am going to use his method in this article to help you create your goals and help motivate you to take immediate action. It's extremely important to follow the steps in this mini workshop if you are going to get anything out of it. As Tony states, there should be 3 areas for which you should set goals. These areas are: * Financial goals ? (Money) * Thing goals ? (Things you want to have) * Personal Development goals - (Things about yourself you want to improve on) Write out your goals 1. Sit down right now and write down the things that you want to have 1, 3, 5, and 10 years from now. Do it now! Don't read on until you are finished. 2. Ok, now I want you to write down your financial goals for the next 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. Do it now. Don't read on until you are finished. 3. Ok, now I want you to write down your personal development goals for the next 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. Do it now. Don't read on until you are finished. 4. Read over your list and pick your top two goals that you want to accomplish in the next year, from each category, and write a paragraph about why you are committed to achieving these goals now. Take your time? really think about it. Don't rush... Don't move on until you are done. Ok? Are you done? If not finish up before you read on. You are only hurting yourself if you don't take the time to do this. If you are done, I want you to do something now to take action to start achieving the goals that you picked out in number 4 and wrote a paragraph about. Take action now! I am sure you can think of something that you can do right now. Don't put it off until tomorrow. Take action now! Come on right now! Do something to acheive that goal now! It doesn't have to be a huge step, just do something now so that you start to build momentum. After you have done something to take action towards achieving your goal then read on... Make your goals visible It's extremely important to make sure that your goals are always visible. If your goals are visible then they are a constant reminder for you to take action every day towards achieving those goals. Put those paragraphs that you wrote in number 4 where you will always see them. Cut out pictures of your thing goals and hang them around the house. Order a brochure for that car you always wanted but could never afford. Do whatever it takes to make your goals visible. I hope that you took this workshop seriously and wrote out your goals and why you are committed to achieving them. I also hope that you now understand that goals are the forgotten and overlooked success element that everyone needs in order to ultimately achieve their "Why". Paul Lasher is a successful entrepreneur and the owner of http://www.source-locator.com which is dedicated towards helping people to start, manage and market a home based business.
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Finding Your Inner Flame: Finding Passion Series - 3 of 3 Why is it that some goals have a fire and a passion behind them that creates an almost self-propelled drive towards completion, while other goals are left dead in the water before they've hardly even begun? What causes that level of motivation to manifest itself? Can we harness it? Can we predict when and where it will hit? The answers lie in finding out if the person setting the goal is in touch with his or her own deepest desires. Do they really understand who and what they are? Do they really know what it is that drives them? Goalsetting: Must We? All goals take time to accomplish. But most people are impatient. All really worthwhile objectives involve work, and sacrifice, maybe even pain! But most people HATE pain. Therefore, most people don't have any system at all for setting targets. Exploring Beneath The Surface Unwanted feelings and thoughts are rich territory to dive beneath the surface for fresh insights that open the heart. Imagine for a moment that you are floating along on the ocean of feelings unwilling to accept that the choppy waves to your left signify anger. If you put on snorkeling gear and dive under them, you will see a whole new world. A New Conversation About Dreams - The Power of Intention It's time to change the way we think and speak about our dreams. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. Your intentions will assist you in taking greater control of your life. Jules Obtains the Jewels Jules Asner, the current cohost of E! News Daily, along with Steve Kmetko, had a golden opportunity to be the first one to host E!'s "Wild On" adventure series. The series was originally titled "Sex on the Riviera." When Eleanor Mondale left the show, Jules filled in and ended up hosting "Wild On" for a year and a half. The "Wild On" series takes viewers around the world and shows them that there are OTHER extremely wild people besides Americans doing extremely wild stuff. Yes, Brooke Burke DID have a predecessor. Although in an interview, Jules mentioned that she was reluctant to host the "Wild On" adventure series. She wasn't sure if she wanted to put herself through the dangerous demands of para-sailing, for instance. By the way, her para-sailing adventure was one of her scariest moments. Apparently, Jules was terrified, and rightly so, when the wind kicked up more than usual and Jules was drifting in the air more than what was planned. It also didn't help matters that the producers took their time bringing her down. Physically, she ended up fine, but her anxiety was obvious because of the expletives were bleeped out and by watching what she was experiencing. Goal Setting - The Facts Behind The Fiction To have hopes and dreams for the future is a wonderful idea. If you want to call them 'goals' that's fine also but do learn to get things in perspective. They are NOT achieved in the way you have been led to believe. Pretend Interest and Apathy... What To Do About Them! According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary "apathy is defined as the following: lack of emotion; lack of interest; indifference". Blogging Your Way to Goal Success If you have always been procrastinating on how to get started or going with your goals, try this interesting method. Write a blog. Achieving Your Goal By Relieving Yourself In Public Most marathons provide more than their fair share of heroes and heroines who provide great examples. The London Marathon in April 2005 provided one or two especially heroic examples. The competitors have much to teach about achieving goals. Forget New Years Resolutions -- They Dont Work You can forget about making New Year's Resolutions if you're hoping for a successful outcome. Most aren't worth the paper they're written on. Attain Instant Results With Goal Setting Tools Your path to the successful accomplishment of your goals can be very thorny. Ups and downs, hardships and difficulties are inevitable components of success. Besides, difficulties add some spice to the groove of our life. Know What You Want Out Of Life At this point in time you have an opportunity to really analyze your life. Where you are right now and where you want to be in the future. Now is your chance to take a close look at what you would really like to do with your life. Perhaps you have never dared to choose a path based on your true desires, you have purely gone with the flow. This is now your chance. Why Do Many Smart, Motivated People Never Achieve Their Goals? In his multimedia "Unleash Your Greatness Success System" Mike Litman gives his audience a virtual "kick in the butt" - albeit nicely. In this program he pushes hard to get the reader past their desire for "feel good" motivation; instead he offers a plan that, if followed, should result in the listener making strides towards achieving his or her goals. Living The Real Life Beyond Goal Setting In many of his wonderful talks the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar states "you've got to have goals." Have you ever asked yourself why? Make Goals Specific Saying that you want to be rich isn't enough. However, when you say: "I want $12,000 two years from now", you have a specific target that you can break down into manageable goals. Waiting On Your Big Break Is Playing Desperation Life! Have you ever put all your eggs in one basket? Have you ever had so much riding on one big break that if it didn't happen you would have to move down to the zoo and live off of kudzu and stump water? If you have, you're playing desperation life! Achieving Impossible Goals By Ignoring The Experts "If the world were to blow itself up the last thing you would hear would be the voice of an expert saying it can't be done." --Peter Ustinov Planning for Success The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act. The Great American Dream Challenge: Faith Restored Years ago, people came to America in pursuit of their dreams and still do to seek a better life. Work hard, stay focused and you can achieve the American Dream. But our nation, in fact our world, changed on September 11, 2001. Our hearts and spirits were broken, fear and cynicism crept into our collective consciousness, and many are still in need of restoration. 7 Effective Ways To Set Your Goals In Motion Today 1. Stop seeking approval from people. ![]() |
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