Goal Setting Information

Achieving Impossible Goals By Ignoring The Experts

"If the world were to blow itself up the last thing you would hear would be the voice of an expert saying it can't be done." --Peter Ustinov

One Stroke at a Time

"One stroke at a time." In an interview, Tiger Woods shared this simple formula for success. He further revealed that his habit to focus on the task at hand and not the previous stroke nor the next stroke keeps him self-disciplined. Tiger?s recent 4th win of the Masters and being the first golfer to achieve this accomplishment before the age of 30 reaffirms his personal success formula.


A true commitment is a heart felt promise to yourself, from which you will NOT back down, no matter what the circumstances may be!

How to Keep Your Focus on Your Home Business Goals

As you begin your new home business you will find there will be hundreds of distractions that will fight for your time and attention.

Why Success With Goal Setting Is A Myth! Heres What You Really Need...

Every person who succeeded at a high level, in any business venture, probably said goal setting played a big part of their success. But often the person speaking these words isn't telling you the whole story. They forget to tell you the other half that made their goals a reality.

Set Your Mind To Win!

Have you ever heard someone say, I could do it if I could just set my mind to it. Have you ever uttered these words, even just to yourself?

10 Ways To Hold Your Focus and Get Your Goals

Hocus, Pocus, it's all about focus. That's the real magic of goals!

Achieving Your Goal By Relieving Yourself In Public

Most marathons provide more than their fair share of heroes and heroines who provide great examples. The London Marathon in April 2005 provided one or two especially heroic examples. The competitors have much to teach about achieving goals.

Do Not Let Anyone Dissuade You From Reaching Your Goals!

Years back when I was formulating my plans for life, I heard the statement, "Reach for nothing and you will be certain to get it." Admittedly, my goals during my youth were rather vague and uncertain. However, several years of experimenting with different goals has helped me to refine them into something workable and realistic. Now, nothing can dissuade me in my quests, even the comments of the naysayers. Here are four tips that are helping me to reach my goals:

Under Their Thumb - Tripping The Parental Triggers!

Some of my clients have come to me feeling like their worlds were not under their own control. They felt as though everyone else ran their lives and had some aspect of control in everything that they did. I asked them to note some specific situations in which they felt this way and how they felt "out of control" of the situation. It's interesting to note that in every circumstance, there was some aspect of "guilt" or "second-guessing" involved. Indeed, these are the purest signs of self-relinquished control.

Lessons From the Creek

Everything is in flow here in Northern Michigan. Buckets of water have flowed off the snow-covered roof. That water, along with the melting snow banks is finding its way down the hills to my driveway. I no longer walk to the mailbox, I wade. The maple sap is flowing too. Drive by a good stand of sugar maples and you'll see them all connected with plastic tubing, ultimately leading to the sugar house where the steam is rising. And the creek in my backyard is bursting over its banks.

How to Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: The Science of ?Habit Management?

Few things are more difficult than kicking bad habits or developing more positive ones. But it is definitely worth the effort. Bad habits like smoking, overeating or self-criticism shorten lives and lead to underachievement, and unsuccessful attempts to change them lower self- esteem.

Action Achieves Goals - Talk Is Cheap

It is very easy and a lot of fun to talk about dreams and goals and a great future. Achieving these dreams is not so easy as all wise people know. We need to build our dreams on the solid ground of action rather than the shifting sands of talk. The Red Indians of America know how to summarize great truths in a few choice words.

Not Satisfied With Where You Are; STOP - Change The Action Change The Outcome

?If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will keep on getting what you have always gotten!? So if you don't like how things are going in any area of your business, career, life, STOP!

How To Rise Above The Clutter In Your Brain

Ever notice when you start a new hobby or fall in love with a new shrub or flower you start to see it everywhere? This isn't necessarily because everyone else has the same new hobby it?s because you have the flower or shrub or hobby at the top of your mind.

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