Obtaining Your Desires

For one to achieve their goals or obtain their desires, one must know their goals and desires in the first place. The simple task of writing down a list of the things you wish for has an amazing effect on the results of your wishes. This is one of the most basic fundamentals of successful achievement.

Lists I have created in the past and later came across, often provides me with a pleasant surprise and a sense of accomplishment. It is amazing to read these lists of my past and to find that seemingly without further effort or conscious thought, I've obtained my desires.

As you read this, I encourage you to get started and complete a list of your own. Begin your list with what you desire most and end your list with what you lease desire. It is also important to be as detailed as possible with your desires. As you obtain your desires or your desires change, please feel free to edit your list accordingly. Lastly but most importantly review your list as often as possible.

Please don't let the simplicity of this fool you. The power of listing your desires is incredible. So go ahead, It should only take but a few minutes. Imagine in the near future the joy of checking off your obtained desires.

Copyright 2005 Carlo Cabrera

I'm Carlo S. Cabrera and we all know that in order to obtain our desires we must do what has been done by those who are in possession of what we wish and expect the same results. To obtain your desires please visit: http://www.InstantAutomaticWealth.com/blogger & to discover 3 easy steps to make money online please visit: http://www.InstantAutomaticWealth.com/pips

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