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Obtaining Your Desires
For one to achieve their goals or obtain their desires, one must know their goals and desires in the first place. The simple task of writing down a list of the things you wish for has an amazing effect on the results of your wishes. This is one of the most basic fundamentals of successful achievement. Lists I have created in the past and later came across, often provides me with a pleasant surprise and a sense of accomplishment. It is amazing to read these lists of my past and to find that seemingly without further effort or conscious thought, I've obtained my desires. As you read this, I encourage you to get started and complete a list of your own. Begin your list with what you desire most and end your list with what you lease desire. It is also important to be as detailed as possible with your desires. As you obtain your desires or your desires change, please feel free to edit your list accordingly. Lastly but most importantly review your list as often as possible. Please don't let the simplicity of this fool you. The power of listing your desires is incredible. So go ahead, It should only take but a few minutes. Imagine in the near future the joy of checking off your obtained desires. Copyright 2005 Carlo Cabrera I'm Carlo S. Cabrera and we all know that in order to obtain our desires we must do what has been done by those who are in possession of what we wish and expect the same results. To obtain your desires please visit: http://www.InstantAutomaticWealth.com/blogger & to discover 3 easy steps to make money online please visit: http://www.InstantAutomaticWealth.com/pips
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How to Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: The Science of ?Habit Management? Few things are more difficult than kicking bad habits or developing more positive ones. But it is definitely worth the effort. Bad habits like smoking, overeating or self-criticism shorten lives and lead to underachievement, and unsuccessful attempts to change them lower self- esteem. Goal-Mapping Goal-mapping is like a treasure hunt, you must first start out by knowing what you are looking for. Be very specific on what you want without limiting yourself. The next step is charting out what course of action you must take to get what you want. I encourage women to map out a treasure hunt on what they want in life, and to use that chart to reach their goals. That is exactly what I did to get my Ph.D. degree. I knew that I wanted to get my degree in psychology, and to write a book. My goal was to use my dissertation as a self-help book, and with the successful completion of my dissertation I could be awarded my degree. I enrolled in the Ph.D. program and completed all my core courses. Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want! I am writing you from the quaint sea town of New Bern, NC where my wife and I are catching some much needed R&R. Seven Deadly Enemies That Stop You From Reaching Your Goals Everybody on this planet has enemies, rivals and foes. Call them any way you like, but nevertheless they exist, chasing you at every step you make. Nobody knows where they come from, but the fact of their existence was detected on the planet and still nobody knows completely the effective remedy from them. They spoil our lives; put the spokes in our wheel, making tricky endeavors to distract us. The biggest nuisance they cause is that they prevent us from reaching success in life. The only way out of this situation is to disclose them and to wipe them out once and for all. Goal Setting and Goal Getting: Go Use This Stuff! Q. I have always had such trouble with doing this goals thing. I don't know where to start or what to do. I can't seem to get going. I end up floundering, getting discouraged and giving up. Can you help me figure this thing out? If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride! And if Bull frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their little rear-end when they landed. Don't make the mistake of thinking that rushing all over the place you are being your most productive self. Don't make the mistake of thinking that when you take time out for thought you are wasting your time. All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy, but, quality time in thought can turn your wishes into diamonds. Personal Development - The Plan (excerpted from the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan - Week Two) 5 Steps to Make the Rest of 2005 Extraordinary So here we are in July. Where did the first half of the year go? It only seems a couple of weeks ago that I was drinking festive egg-nog, wearing my Christmas sweater and humming 'Sleigh Ride' too loudly in line at the supermarket. Everyone Needs a BAG (Big Audacious Goal) A Big Audacious Goal (BAG) is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort. Unlike smaller goals, the BAG is something that is huge. It is challenging and in some ways seems impossible - but a BAG is also inspiring, compelling, and motivating. Achieving Your Goals You may or may not have a set of written goals. If you do not, then I strongly urge you to make a written set of goals and clarify what you want to achieve. Whatever the case, you may be struggling with achieving your goals in life. In this article, you will learn some techniques for achieving your goals. Dont Let Go Of Your Dreams Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go. Setting Goals ? Things to Think About We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right now ? our capabilities and interests ? and think logically about what we'd like to accomplish, our chances of achieving our "goal" are slim to none. Here are a few things to think about when you're trying to decide what you'd like to do. Focus on Your Goals Focus is the single most important factor that will determine whether your dreams come true or not. Depending on what your dreams are, there are so many rivers to cross. Some hurdles look quite formidable, and a lot of folks give up at the first sign of a setback. Plant! -- And Accept The Consequences! Welcome to Weekly Wisdoms. Last week I found a new way to communicate over the internet with audio. After you listen, if you'd like to try it for yourself, click here for a chance to make your own free audio postcard... Too cool! Have fun! What a busy week! The lumber package for the barn is on the way. Malcolm is here to saw up the rest of the logs for the siding. We are building a new riding arena. Three new potential clients. And we planted 3 acres of grass! Actually we put down twelve thousand pounds of lime, fertilizer, grass seed and clover seed. I feel like a farmer! I woke up this morning thinking about all that seed and what it might look like next year. The Kaizen of Goal Setting There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! Top 15 Goals Quotations Examine your own personal goals and find methods to achieve your desires with these valuable quotations about setting goals... Want to Learn Something New Today? How many times do you say, "Gee, I wish I had of learned...?" How often do you avoid new tasks simply because they are out of your "comfort zone" and the task would involve having to learn something new? Weave Your Own Web Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story provides some fascinating guidelines for web spinning. The Great American Dream Challenge Pull Quote: "the secret to living a "dream come true" life is to believe in your dream simply because it matters to you." Thank You I wonder if anyone really reads long stuff from Ezines except for the juicy and interesting ones but I am one of those few who painstakingly reads almost all articles posted. And now I've a got a turn to write something here. I had it in my mind to write something short and interesting to keep you on your toes yet, no matter how I long to keep this short, I just can't. Unless if I'll state what I have to say in bullet form. So let me have my hand at keeping you entertained if not informed with this article. ![]() |
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