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Goal Setting and Goal Getting: Go Use This Stuff!
Q. I have always had such trouble with doing this goals thing. I don't know where to start or what to do. I can't seem to get going. I end up floundering, getting discouraged and giving up. Can you help me figure this thing out? A. There are lots of things wrong with goals. One is growing up believing we set them only once a year - the dreaded New Year's resolutions. Another is believing goals are something you achieve and then walk away. There are many things that get in the way of achieving our goals. We have the false notion that goals are to be set only at the beginning of the year. Most New Year's resolutions are broken and forgotten before the end of January, so it's no wonder we get discouraged. Goals can and should be set any time we choose to do so. Many people look at spring as a time of new beginnings, a time to make a fresh start. We can make a fresh start at any time. For me the fall has always been a time of fresh starts and new goals. It's when a break in the oppressive heat begins, and with it comes more energy for life. I often ask myself, "If I start now, what can be accomplished by the holidays?" This is sort of like giving yourself a special gift for the holidays. Often, we try to accomplish too many goals at once. It's the old biting off more than we can chew syndrome. We get motivated and excited, set a whole bunch of goals, then get scattered, overwhelmed, distracted and discouraged. When you're just starting out trying to achieve goals, it's best to work on only one at a time. After you get a little experience under you belt, and have strengthened your goal-achieving muscles, you can work on multiple goals at the same time. Often the most difficult part in achieving goals is simply getting started. The best quick-start advice I can give is once you have set a goal, make sure you do something toward achieving it before your head hits the pillow that night. Never let the day end without taking at least one small step toward your goal. In this way, you break out of the inactive place most people get stuck in, and you begin to build momentum right away. Then the next steps begin to appear more doable. Once you get started, it's important to have a clear idea of how to get from here to there. Without a clear and specific direction, it's easy to get lost along the way. Most goals require a series of steps, or mini-goals. By writing them down, you are creating a map. It should look like this: I'm here, I want to be there, the steps are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. If you don't get anything else from these ideas, get this: Goals are not something you work on and accomplish, only to quit doing all the things that got you where you want to be. Goals are what you pass through on your way to making your life better. Many times we have an idea of what to do, or even know exactly what to do, we just don't do it. Here's a story that illustrates this point. A wealthy man was nearing his retirement and looking forward to traveling, playing golf and spending time with his grandchildren. His only problem was that he did not have any grandchildren. He invited his four grown and married children to dinner and announced before eating, "As you know, I'll be retiring very soon. I've set some goals for myself: traveling, playing golf and spending lots of time with my grandchildren. The only problem, as you know, is that I have no grandchildren. So, I have established a $1million trust fund that I will give to the couple who gives me my first grandchild. Now, let's bow our heads and bless our food." When the man looked up from the blessing, the room was empty. The point is, there is the gathering of information, and then there is using the information. Go use this stuff. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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How To Get Real "What we need most, is not so much to realize the ideal as to idealize the real," said H.F. Hedge. Setting Goals and Obtaining Results GOALS SHOULD BE QUANTIFIABLE: It should be possible to analyze every goal in terms of specific quantifiable objectives. Naturally, for certain tasks, measurement of objectives will be more difficult to attain; the key is to make every effort to reduce each goal to its most quantifiable form. For example, a customer service department might have the following general goals: 1. To increase output on customer acknowledgments. 2. To boost the number of customer telephone inquiries that are handled. 3. To distribute mail in a timely manner. As described, the above goals are completely immeasurable. It is almost certain that the manager's expectations will not be met. The solution: Quantify these goals in a realistic, feasible fashion that will also insure departmental productivity: 1. To type 10 customer acknowledgment letters per hour. 2. Handle a minimum of 15 telephone customer inquiries per each two hour shift. 3. Open, sort, and distribute all mail for the third floor before 10 a.m. each working day. Achieving Elusive Goals Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning of most goals are exciting. Visions of triumph flourish in the minds of those starting a path of change. Each new day brings energy to chase down the most elusive of goals. But what if you've been working on manifesting the same dream for years? And one day, despite your optimism, despite the effort of applying the tools of empowerment, you realize that you have not acquired the goal which you set for yourself. Elephants Are Really Big, Arent They? In fact, this very type font I am using is called Elephant! I looked around and I didn't find any type fonts named Ant or Dog or Cat, Just Elephant. 10 Keys To Personal Goal Setting Does personal goal setting work? Many people want things, situations or accomplishments, call these goals, and then are disappointed when they don't get them. Call desires goals if you want, but just naming your desires sure isn't effective goal setting. Good goals have some or all of the following: Jules Obtains the Jewels Jules Asner, the current cohost of E! News Daily, along with Steve Kmetko, had a golden opportunity to be the first one to host E!'s "Wild On" adventure series. The series was originally titled "Sex on the Riviera." When Eleanor Mondale left the show, Jules filled in and ended up hosting "Wild On" for a year and a half. The "Wild On" series takes viewers around the world and shows them that there are OTHER extremely wild people besides Americans doing extremely wild stuff. Yes, Brooke Burke DID have a predecessor. Although in an interview, Jules mentioned that she was reluctant to host the "Wild On" adventure series. She wasn't sure if she wanted to put herself through the dangerous demands of para-sailing, for instance. By the way, her para-sailing adventure was one of her scariest moments. Apparently, Jules was terrified, and rightly so, when the wind kicked up more than usual and Jules was drifting in the air more than what was planned. It also didn't help matters that the producers took their time bringing her down. Physically, she ended up fine, but her anxiety was obvious because of the expletives were bleeped out and by watching what she was experiencing. Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal vision is powerful because it has allowed me to create a business life for myself that truly reflects who I am. Finding Life?s Candles for Dark Moments Tragedy doesn't make an appointment. It attacks! A terrifying surprise that explodes in the midst of a family. Tragedy brings with it multiple consequences as well?financial disaster, depression, guilt and blame. Devastating fallout! Marriages fall apart, family members commit suicide, personalities change. Yet tragedies occur daily. Tornadoes and earthquakes rip apart communities, car accidents claim thousands of lives, and children drink poisons or drown in swimming pools. People kill their friends and families, co-workers and peers. Here is what helped me make it through a horrendous time, so should it happens to you or to a close friend. You have some suggestions to fall back on. Idiots Guide to Goal Setting: 5 Steps to Success Weve all read about personal goal setting. Weve all tried it. According to the stats, most of the time we all fail. The Illusion of a Final Goal "..... there is no final goal. There is always further to go. It is a voyage of unending discovery, and as in all such voyages, what is gathered by the wayside is often as valuable as what is found at the destination." G.I. Gurdjieff How To Score Your Own Goals With Sarah Do you know where your company is going? Do you have a vision of where you want to be? It Takes A Lot Of A Little To See The Good Times Roll Have you ever wondered why some people are just naturally successful? Why success just seems to fall on them with everything they do? You know.. The guy with the green thumb! And, everything he touches turns to gold. Keep Your Attention On What You Want Have you ever wondered: "How does this 'Law of Attraction' really work? Can I really attract only what I want?" Keeping the Dream Alive Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, "a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities. Top Ten Ways to Achieve Your Goals 1) Write them down! Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% higher success rate of achieving them. Start a Goals journal. Make sure they are SMART goals- specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time-limited. Achieve Your Goals: Embodying Your Intentions to Inspire Manifestation Bringing life to your ideas is what helps them to manifest in the material world. Embodying your intentions, feeling it all the way through your physical body, creates an affirmation of that intention. It tells the Universe that you are determined and fully involved in your idea. Excellence is Never an Accident "Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities." Achieving Your Goals -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- Goal Setting - The Facts Behind The Fiction To have hopes and dreams for the future is a wonderful idea. If you want to call them 'goals' that's fine also but do learn to get things in perspective. They are NOT achieved in the way you have been led to believe. Set Your Mind To Win! Have you ever heard someone say, I could do it if I could just set my mind to it. Have you ever uttered these words, even just to yourself? ![]() |
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