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Seven Deadly Enemies That Stop You From Reaching Your Goals
Everybody on this planet has enemies, rivals and foes. Call them any way you like, but nevertheless they exist, chasing you at every step you make. Nobody knows where they come from, but the fact of their existence was detected on the planet and still nobody knows completely the effective remedy from them. They spoil our lives; put the spokes in our wheel, making tricky endeavors to distract us. The biggest nuisance they cause is that they prevent us from reaching success in life. The only way out of this situation is to disclose them and to wipe them out once and for all. You'll be surprised to know that those enemies live within you. Our greatest enemies, whom we must chiefly combat live inside of us. So, what are those crafty enemies that hold us back from reaching our goals? 7 Deadly Enemies of Your Goals Enemy #1 For 33 percents of people it is shortage of time. They claim that 24 hours are always not enough for everything they have planned. Time is of the essence, they say. And they try their best with 24 hours and manage their time vary carefully, but in any case they constantly feel the lack of time. Time is an illness causing fatigue. Enemy #2 For 11 percents it is lack of motivation. These people feel that they don't achieve their goal, because they don't know exactly why they are aiming at it. As a result, they don't know how to persuade their mind to achieve that goal. More often these people are satisfied with small achievements. Enemy #3 For other 33 percents of people it is lack of persistence. These people just go with the stream, because they lack decisiveness and perseverance. They can't get over the difficulties, they easily give up and refuse from their dreams. Enemy #4 For 22 percents the major enemy is their uncertainty. They don't know what their goals are. These people just don't know what they want to get from this life. Their life is one big question-mark for them. Enemy #5 For some people it is fear, because they afraid to fail and get frustrated. They get angry with themselves when they don't fulfill their goals. Enemy #6 For other people it is laziness. These people just idle and don't want to make any effort to achieve their goals. Enemy #7 Finally, for some people it is a lack of opportunity. Some people are deprived of the opportunity to exhibit their talents and gifts. Success is people-dependent factor. Often most of aspiring people are driven away form their dreams on account of opportunity factors. A common enemy of ours is the surrounding: jealous and envy people who put obstacles on our way to success. Now you know your enemies by their faces, so it will be easier for you to fight against them. Yuliya Muravey is a self-employed entrepreneur and co-owner of the http://www.GoalSettingForms.com. She believes passionately in the enormous power of the goal setting and its impact on the short-term and long-term success in life. For more information, please go to: http://www.goalsettingforms.com
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Not Satisfied With Where You Are; STOP - Change The Action Change The Outcome "If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will keep on getting what you have always gotten!" So if you don't like how things are going in any area of your business, career, life, STOP! Reach Your Goals - Goal-Pooling Goal-pool with friends or acquaintances Mission Statements Improve Goal Setting and Decision Making A Mission Statement consists of a short phrase or a few sentences that form an overview of your core priorities and guiding principles. It describes what you are trying to accomplish and what you value. It forms the basis for all of your long-term planning and outlines the overall direction of where and what you would like to be. Writing personal Mission Statements gives you the opportunity to establish what's really important and to make decisions to stick to before you even start setting goals. They allow you to connect with your own unique purpose and help improve your Goal Setting, Time Management, and decision making processes. Taking Action is Essential for Self Improvement and Success Much has been written about writing down goals and regularly reviewing and updating them as a major party of self improvement and success. Likewise, it is considered that a plan for the achievement of any goal, and breaking major goals into manageable steps are essential. If you are thinking of stating a new business or any major undertaking, thorough research is certainly required. It is also unlikely that any new businesses will get far without a well written and researched business plan, and the chances of raising money from a bank without one are probably zero. How To Achieve Your Goals The first step, of course, is to set them. You can't get anywhere if you're not heading in that direction. Intention is essential. Goal Setting: 5 Simple Steps One of the things that frustrated me while in school was that most of the psychology books specialized in complicating things. It's the same with many self-help books as well. I always wondered why relationships, change and meeting goals couldn't be made much more simple. Four Steps to Goal Setting When setting goals it is important to know if the goal is realistically attainable. Time is precious; you don't want to waste it moving toward a goal that you will never be able to realize. So, how can you quickly evaluate the attainability of your goal? Ask your-self these four questions: Actual Achievement Part 1 Sport is an excellent medium in which to explore the mechanics of achievement. My own background is in Whitewater Canoe Slalom, which requires power and technique in a constantly changing environment. How is this for a fitting metaphor for today's business environment and life altogether? You need resources (power), like money, people or things and use them in skillful ways (technique) to adapt, grow and thrive in an ever changing and unfolding environment. Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business Have you ever had something you wanted just fall into place; come to you through an out-of-the-blue phone call or by coincidentally meeting someone on the street? Have you ever met the perfect client or life partner--just by being at the right place at the right time? Give Your Dreams Substance Setting goals is wonderful; it confirms that we've taken those first awkward steps towards attaining what we desire in our lives. The simple fact that you've taken the time to plan out what you want to achieve puts you in a distinct class. Make 2005 Your Best Year Ever - Its Not Too Late! We are moving rapidly through 2005, and you'll find previously intelligent and reasonable people struggling with trying to keep a 'resolution' that they made earlier in the year to push themselves to create change in a specific area of their lives. Check Your Frequency From time to time we need to stop during our day to keep our frequency in check. Our frequencies are the ranges of feelings and emotions that we have. Like radio waves, our feelings and emotions vibrate at different frequencies. This is a major part of how we create our reality. And why we need to always be mindful of the frequencies we're emitting. Keep a Dream Journal: Why Bother? Want a key to unlock your inner wisdom? Try keeping a dream journal. How To Score Your Own Goals With Sarah Do you know where your company is going? Do you have a vision of where you want to be? A Fundraising Road Trip: Planning & Achieving Your Goals Do you ever daydream about going on a great vacation? It's fun to think of all of the great sights and things to do once you get to the destination. But usually there's lots of planning involved, such as planning around schedules, getting tickets and placing reservations. It can be quite an ordeal. But once you're on your dream vacation, boy is it worth it. Actual Achievement Part 2 In Part 1 I started the discussion on what to focus on in pursuit of a 'time sensitive' goal, a goal you want to achieve right NOW, such as winning an Olympic Medal or closing a major deal you need for the continuation of your business. In other words a goal, which you may never get the chance to attempt again and which requires a lot if not everything of you! Goal Setting Skills Ensure Success SO WHAT DOES GOAL SETTING OFFER? It closes the manager-employee gap. Often there are misunderstandings, miscommunication, or even no communication at all between upper management and lower level employees regarding company goals and plans. By setting reasonable goals with each employee, a supervisor can truly bridge this communication gap. After all, the employees actually perform the required work and such a lack of communication can leave employees feeling frustrated, not understanding their roles within the organization. Fulfill Promises You Make to Yourself I believe innately we all do our best. We work with the tools available to us at the moment. With that in mind, a lot of us do let one person down a lot.. look in the mirror. Yes that is the person. We do try. Yet often we fall short of the commitments we have promised ourselves.. Exploring Beneath The Surface Unwanted feelings and thoughts are rich territory to dive beneath the surface for fresh insights that open the heart. Imagine for a moment that you are floating along on the ocean of feelings unwilling to accept that the choppy waves to your left signify anger. If you put on snorkeling gear and dive under them, you will see a whole new world. One Focus To Success Too many times we are distracted from our main goal and purpose by all of the different things out there that we want, or think we want. Instead of making choices, we seem to want it all, everything we come across. Too many conflicting desires is a recipe for disaster. ![]() |
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