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Do you Live the Life you Desire?
There comes a time in every person's life when you look at yourself and wonder what became of all your dreams and plans for the future. What happened to that future? Is it too late now? Can I create a meaningful lifestyle? I read in the paper about this man in a small town who had been working in the same office since he was young and now at 55 he discovered he never really wanted to work there. And so he opened his own little bakery, which had been his childhood dream, and started a completely new and more satisfying life. If this ordinary man could do this, you can too. You have the power to make changes. What do you want to do with your life? The possibilities are waiting round the corner. It's never too late to take the first step towards a different and better future. Don't let anyone ruin your dream! Yes, it is scary. Taking a jump into the unknown takes a little courage. You know what you have but not what you get. You have to be brave. People around you are going to ask questions about the changes in your life when they start noticing those changes. Are you prepared to face their curiosity? Some of those people will be doubtful and maybe even advise you not to do what you have decided to do. They will tell you it's a bad idea and suggest you are acting unwisely. But they don't know the whole story behind your decision. You are the only one who can tell what is right for you. If you have decided to make a change, then stick to your plans and be careful as to whom you talk to about them. Keep it a secret for most people at the beginning. You will notice that some people's reactions will steal your energy, and that is not what you need at this stage. What you need is encouragement. Don't let anyone ruin your dream. Tell your plans only to a few people who are able to encourage you. Maybe they are your old friends; maybe they are new contacts and associates. Your closest friends are often more likely to feel a little threatened by your new ideas and would prefer it if you didn't change. But they will get used to it eventually. "To dare is to lose your foothold for a moment; not to dare is to lose yourself." This is not, as many believe, a Kierkegaard quotation. But still as true. What were your old dreams? Maybe you have forgotten all about them. If they still are important to you in any way, you owe yourself the possibility of bringing them into the light again. It's possible to fulfil some of your dreams. Why not take your first step today? I have promised myself never to stop planning for my dreams to come true. And planning is more than dreaming. It's the first step to actually seeing it happen. Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 out of a desire to inspire and encourage others to make reality of their dreams of a personal, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, history of art, and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she is now back at school to become a health and lifestyle consultant.
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Motivation; 5 Steps to Get the Changes You Want Q: I just read your column in today's' Greensboro News and Record. For the last few years I've been struggling with change, and found your suggestions about "change tools" to be useful. I was wondering if you have a favorite "change tool", and if you would share it with us in a column? JJKs First Six Secrets to Becoming a Successful, Creative Entrepreneur! Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Motivation: 7 More Musings on Motivation 1. "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to that mountain, move from here to there, and it shall be done. Nothing will be impossible for you." - Jesus Christ. The Simple Secret To Lasting Motivation This is a key to lasting motivation and beating procrastination. Discover the Hidden Power of Self Motivation Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention. Instant Willpower We've all heard people say "I have a system". Ever since I was a little girl and watched my mother put together a grocery list, I've known -- and used -- the power of systems. How To Be Motivated To Create The Life Of Your Dreams When it comes to motivating yourself to be a better person, to do better at work or to create a happier family life you need to understand the importance of taking control of your self-talk. You really need to know how to motivate yourself through thick and thin. Motivation, Your Core Resource Your motivation is one of the core resources you have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Motivation: Good Luck or Bad Luck, Too Soon to Tell As the story goes, there was once a farmer and his only son in the days just before the Civil War. Having only one horse, the farmer and son worked long hard days, sun up to sun down, just to get by, with nothing left to spare. Work, Action, Movement -You Cannot Get Anywhere Without It "You can't get anywhere in anything without work, action, movement..whatever you want to call it." Scott Haines Motivation: Tearing Down Your Own Limitations Q.: I've always been sort of cynical about all this motivational stuff. Lots of rah-rah but no how-to. Now I see all these commercials that talk about no limits, no boundaries, etc. But there are real limits, and I think this stuff misleads a lot of people. What do you think? Are You Lacking Self-Discipline? - Part 1 A man does not live until he begins to discipline himself; he merely exists. Like an animal he gratifies his desires and pursues his inclinations just where they may lead him. He is happy as a beast is happy, because he is not conscious of what he is depriving himself; he suffers as the beast suffers, because he does not know the way out of suffering. He does not intelligently reflect upon life, and lives in a series of sensations, longings, and confused memories which are unrelated to any central idea or principle. A man whose inner life is so ungoverned and chaotic must necessarily manifest this confusion in the visible conditions of his outer life in the world; and though for a time, running with the stream of his desires, he may draw to himself a more or less large share of the outer necessities and comforts of life, he never achieves any real success nor accomplishes any real good, and sooner or later wordly failure and disaster are inevitable, as the direct result of the inward failure to properly adjust and regulate those mental forces which make the outer life. Do The Hardest Thing First And The Rest Will Be Easy Have you ever noticed that in life we almost always choose the easy road, the path of least resistance when it comes to challenges in our way? 7 SECRETS To A Great Life A great life doesn't happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. A great life is the result of using the 24/7 you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next. Customize these "secrets" to fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today! Breaking Even: When is Enough, Enough? I had the most interesting discussion today with a friend of mine. He and I were chatting about the economy, his job, families, and life in general. The one point that he kept raising was that of his "needing to do more" to pay the bills, be with his family, get promoted at work, fix the hot water heater, etc. It's always the "need to do more" to better accommodate more. Qualia and Quanta Ah, those New Year's resolutions. Universal Alignment When the Universe is aligned, all things are possible. Kismet, Karma, Synchronicity and Serendipity work together in unison to provide for us when we sometimes least expect it. Often it is there, but we are too blind to see. Blinded by stress, our jobs, our finances or our illnesses, we often miss what is right there in front of us. Your Date with Destiny Destiny. What a powerful word. And the great thing about it? Everyone has one! You have a destiny! Another great thing about destiny? We have a significant role in shaping our own destiny! In essence, you can choose your date with destiny - powerful! 10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can give you. Just because people like you or you receive an award, does not mean that you will love and take care of yourself. Positive self-esteem comes from within and does not change because the scenery or circumstances change. To have esteem for something or someone is to regard highly or favorably. High self-esteem is relatively stable even when the forecast looks foreboding. Money Doesnt Finance Dreams Are you putting off your dreams until you have money? Well, each day that you put off your dreams, you lose a little bit of time for that dream. ![]() |
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