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Universal Alignment
When the Universe is aligned, all things are possible. Kismet, Karma, Synchronicity and Serendipity work together in unison to provide for us when we sometimes least expect it. Often it is there, but we are too blind to see. Blinded by stress, our jobs, our finances or our illnesses, we often miss what is right there in front of us. If you are searching for something, wishing or dreaming for a certain reality, the Universe will open to you―if you are open to it. Patience and faith are an integral part to getting where you want to be. You may believe it is the right time, right place, but the Universe knows best. There once was a young girl who dreamed to be a published writer. Every day she wrote, every week she sent out query letters and samples of her work, only to be rejected repeatedly. Eventually she gave up on her dream?her faith had died and her patience had dwindled into nothingness. Many years later, she realized that she was still a writer―nothing more, nothing less. Every job she had acquired had developed her writing abilities and skills. And her soul yearned once more to be what she most desired―a published author. This time, she sent out inquiries, investigated the field using skills she had learned in the last twenty years. She utilized the Internet and researched the markets, publishing companies and numerous sites. Then she began to write the novel that had been 'haunting' her for two years. Within six weeks, she had a publisher, and within just over three months, her novel was complete. It was published shortly afterward. Success! Some people have asked her: "Why now? Why were you published now?" When I was younger, the Universe knew that I had talent but that it needed to be developed by experience. Reading my past works, I agree with the Universe. How could I write about death when I had not experienced death? How could I write about loss when I had never lost anyone dear to me? How could I write about love when I had only experienced teenage infatuation, not the kind of love that would make you sacrifice everything―even your life? The Universe knew the exact moment that I was meant to return to my passion of writing. The plan was there all along―I just simply couldn't see it. But I was led to a friend who did see it, who encouraged me and inspired me to write a story that needed to be told. It would not have been the same story if told years ago before I was ready, and before the Universe was ready for me. Now I am ready! My time has come! The Universe aligns itself in such a way that impossible is made possible. Just as a baker requires proper ingredients, carefully measured, and the correct temperature, we must sometimes wait for everything to be 'measured and correct' before we see the ultimate plan. Patience and faith! If we have both, great things can be achieved. The alignment of the Universe may take months...or years. But guard yourself against allowing the opportunity to slip through your fingers. Keep yourself focussed, be persistent and above all, have faith. When the Universe is aligned for you, you do not want to miss it. When there is Universal alignment, ANYTHING is possible! ©2004 Cheryl Kaye Tardif ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ For more information on Cheryl Kaye Tardif, check out her website at:
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