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Grit or Grace?
The grit of life is hard to swallow. You make a presentation at the office and someone points out a small mistake. The traffic was terrible that morning and you were late to an important appointment. You rehearsed exactly what you wanted to say to your boss, but when the time came the mind went blank. In each situation what was your internal response? Self blame? shame? fear? Each instance of self-judgment is hard to stomach and quickly creates added stress. What is your gut response to the following common limiting beliefs? Five Self-blaming Beliefs: 1. I deserve to be punished. 2. I look like a fool. 3. I am not safe. 4. I'll be abandoned or rejected. 5. I am powerless. Take a few minutes and trace any tightness back to its origination. Now, rewrite a new, self-empowering belief; take a nice deep breath and repeat the belief several times. Here are a few examples of shifting from shame/blame to acceptance and support. 1. I learn from my mistakes and grow in patience and understanding. 2. I see my foolishness with the eyes of compassion and kindness. 3. I am safe and secure in my ability to love and accept all parts of me. 4. I am loyal friend and ally to myself. 5. I empower my weaknesses with the strength of my loving heart. Patience, compassion, acceptance and self-love settles the mind and expands the heart. Full of grace the body relaxes and peace is present. Grace is the balm of the soul. Choosing to live under grace rather than grit creates an abundance of simple blessings. Ten Blessings of Grace: 1. I know that all experiences are growth promoting. 2. I find empowerment in expansion. 3. I experience acceptance in being honest. 4. I uncover purpose through loving. 5. I increase my compassion for others each time I come home to myself. 6. I realize I am here to prosper. 7. I discover rewards in every moment of opening my heart. 8. I am assisted in times of challenge. 9. I receive in great measure while attending to my purpose. 10. I live in joy while seeking the divine within. Challenge yourself to live one week with the blessings of grace. Note any changes in your attitude and over-all anxiety. Pay attention to any surprise glimpses of joy. Watch the tiny shifts in your behavior ripple out and touch your work environment and home life. Challenge yourself to one more week of grace, and reap the bounty of your loving choice. Rebecca Skeele, Author, Life Coach and Professional Speaker has been working with individuals since 1990. Her approach for doing well in life is living well--from the inside out. Her book, You Can Make It Heaven: How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving is a manual for cocreators envisioning and living their personal heaven on earth. Rebecca is an ordained minister and holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and Spiritual Science. http://www.makeitheaven.com
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Walk In The Light It was a mild October night, weeks after the horrific September 11 terrorists attacks on our nation. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, my husband, children and I, entered the gates of the North Carolina state fair. The fair lights illuminated the sky as thousands of fair attendees attempted to escape into hours of fun and fantasy. While trying to temporarily remove the overshadowing fear that more tragedy may be imminent, the excessive police security constantly reminded us of our nation's tragic events. Motivating Yourself To Take Action Daily Daily action towards a goal is the fastest way to achieve your goal. As you take daily action you see the results of that action fairly quickly if not immediately. Visible results which are clear and undeniable are huge motivators. How To Be Motivated Without A Motivator Many professionals spend their entire careers working under managers or supervisors that don't truly understand the importance of motivation. This lack of understanding results in one of two things: 1) Low performance and productivity of the organization and staff or 2) Self-motivation of the professional, which results in high performance, satisfaction, and productivity. If you are in the low performance category then you know how difficult it is to reach your potential without someone motivating you. What you need to begin doing is motivating yourself. The Missing Piece Have you ever tried putting a puzzle together, only to get to the end and discover that a piece is missing? You anxiously put the puzzle together, constantly examining the picture of your anticipated outcome, and a piece is missing. Piece by piece you work, only to realize that something is missing -- and only one piece. One piece of the puzzle is missing, and that one piece makes a huge difference because the puzzle is incomplete. That missing piece changes not only the picture, but also the anticipated outcome. You search and search for that missing piece out of frustration because of your desire to complete the puzzle in its entirety. The Secret to this Famous Singers Success It seems the longer think we have, the longer we put off living the life we see in our heads. Live On Fire Words seem inadequate to describe the beauty and abundance that surrounds us during the month of October in New England. It's as if Mother Nature has taken her paintbrush and with broad strokes has set the landscape ablaze in color. Top 4 Reasons Women Ride The ?Emotional Roller-Coaster? 1. Women have learned and are in the habit of being driven by the approval of others. Most women allow the expectations of others to define them and therefore making the approval of others is responsible for their happiness. This pattern gives others' the power to make and take your happiness at any time. Approval seeking steals your happiness and doesn't allow you to ever get to know yourself, your wants, your desires, or your needs. A total disconnect. Thus an up and down roller-coaster of emotions. Not a pleasant way to live. Dont Wait For All of Lifes Traffic Lights to Turn Green Can you imagine getting into your motor vehicle, reversing out of your driveway, selecting a forward gear then just sitting there waiting for every traffic light between your home and your destination to turn green?" How Much Risk Is Too Much To Take? The ladder was braced against the railings going to the basement. I started climbing up. I had to get to the ceiling and this was my Rube Goldberg way of doing it without having to put up scaffolding. I made it up two or three rungs before coming to my senses. It would be so easy for the railing to break and for me to go tumbling down the stairs. L-I-V-E-- 12 Steps to Living Your Life Many of us only inhabit our lives- we do not Live our lives. But, we can. Nothing Ever Stays The Same Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential. The Simple Life When we talk about a Simple Life, we are not talking about Paris and Nicole. We are talking about a life that is in harmony with our values. We are talking about a life that is joyful to live. Resolution Revolution: 3 Tips For Creating Real Change in the New Year 'Tis the season once again for parties, champagne, noisemakers...and of course, New Year's resolutions. Every year, millions of people go through the same ritual of making optimistic resolutions for the coming year - many of which are destined to be swept up into the dustbin with the remains of the confetti and party favors. Top 10 Tips For The Best Year of Your Life! We typically think of New Year's as the time to make annual resolutions and start fresh. Unfortunately, we all know that most resolutions are quickly forgotten. The good new is that "now" is always the best time to take charge of your future and create the life you want. Real success is about choosing your priorities, and then following a plan that emphasizes the things that are most important to you. With that in mind, here are 10 suggestions for creating a wonderful, productive and rewarding year for yourself (and your practice)! 7 Key Steps to Unshakable Confidence Do you remember that day? Perhaps it was your first job interview. Perhaps you were speaking to a group for the first time. Maybe you were starting a challenging new career or meeting a special person for the first time. Your throat became dry and your knees wanted to shake. Speed Reading Technique Four Brilliant Tips to Speed Read Faster than Ever How To Get Motivated When You Have An Off Day What can you do on days like these? Is there a way to get motivated and stay motivated? Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You! I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see how long you can stare without walking away. If less than five minutes, then you need an attitude adjustment. 4 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Need For Acceptance... And Get On With Your Life Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you get over your need for acceptance. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find that people will judge you less and accept you more! Letting Events Control Your Life ... Dropping The Negatives And Moving On! It's interesting to note how we sometimes become so inundated with events in our lives that we allow them to become our lives. Instead of enjoying and nurturing the life we have, we fall prey to the fears and stresses that occur as a result of negative experiences. ![]() |
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