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Nothing Ever Stays The Same
Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential. Our habits are basically involuntary acts we perform unintentionally and without thinking. We just are them. Yes. We are our habits. Whether, you lack confidence, find it difficult to make decisions, always arrive late for an appointment, can't say no ?, feel lonely, feel stupid, think others always know best?? these are all habits. That's the bad news. The good news is that you can change. Change is based on choice. Once you realise what your habits are, you have more chance of changing them. It may not be easy. It may be painful, sometimes. But it is also fun and rewarding because you are changing your life. You are opening yourself to see the possibilities of your potential. What you are capable of. History shows us that there are four key ingredients to successfully change habits: Reflection, Realisation, Resolve and Sustained Effort. In other words all you have to do is imagine you are the gardener of your life: Reflect on the state of your garden. Realise what are weeds and what are flowers. Remove the weeds Replace the weeds with flowers and make a sustained effort to keep the garden clear of weeds you don't want. So. What is the largest weed in your garden? Which habit causes you most pain? What is keeping this weed in place? What stops you from pulling it out? Look at all the obstacles and think of the best method for eradicating the weed. Remember some weeds do not come out at first pull. They leave a little root behind. Some are better killed off with weed killer rather than a tortuous pull. Look for the best method for your weed. Now, what flower would you like to plant in its place? What behaviour would you like to put in instead of the habit? You will need something because all of us that have changed habits are aware of the need for a transitory behaviour. A good example is giving up smoking. The transitory behaviour is either: something to do with your hands, instead of holding a cigarette; gum to chew when you would light a cigarette or a sweet to pop into your mouthy when you feel like a cigarette. So what flower would you like to put in place of your weed? The next phase is the key to success. For all gardeners the next phase is the most easy and yet the most difficult. Make a sustained effort to keep the weed out of your garden. This is the key. It is so easy to say I've done it and walk away. Sustained effort can also be called zeal and enthusiasm. Be passionate about clearing your weed. Tell others what you are doing. Avoid incidents that would automatically set the weed off. Keep looking at your new flower. Have zeal and enthusiasm for your new flower. Keep focussed on the flower. Make a sustained effort to keep the new flower watered and the area around it free from weeds. Nourish it. Fertilise it. Talk to it. Gradually the new flower will blossom and the old weed disappear. Remember: Nothing ever stays the same. Good Luck Graham and Julie To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels. Please go to: http://www.desktop-meditation.com It's free.
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Motivation; 7 Musings on Motivation 1. Most of us are motivated by one of two things - inspiration or desperation. Most successful people choose inspiration as their motivation. Planting Seeds of Action Recently, I was driving past a local nursery and saw a sign that said, "Fall Is For Planting." As I drove, the idea on the sign was gnawing away at me. I asked myself, "what am I planting for fall?" What actions will I take now that will, with some love and nurturing, bring me a splendid and bountiful winter harvest? Read All the Books All of the books that we will ever need to make us as rich, as healthy, as happy, as powerful, as sophisticated and as successful as we want to be have already been written. Are You Suffering from the Autopilot Dilemma? An epidemic is occurring all around you, and there is a good chance it has already found its way into your life. It begins slowly at first, nearly imperceptible. But it grows. In time it can take over your entire life. I have seen it happen too many times, and if you don't act now, it may happen to you. Do Yourself A Favor--Forgive "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." Buddha The Doomsday Device ... The physical Brain In Action Our physical brains quickly and easily handle mundane sequences of operations, or processes without question. It repeats processes like a machine: A»B»C»...»Z». Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the word process to mean "a series of actions, operations, or motions involved in the accomplishment of an end". Heartbeat, breathing, and digestion are processes that occur without a single thought about what comes next. But, in many cases, our movement has become so consistent, that life itself becomes one of the mechanistic processes of the physical brain. Although, life is supposed to be dynamic, the brain only handles what it knows---what it has learned and what is sequenced. 10 Things To Do This Summer Looking for a summer project? How about working on who you are, and what kind of life you really want to live? Here's some ideas. Make The Most Of Today "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it!" - Margaret Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister) How to Stay Motivated Until You Get What You Want And somehow you knew how to stay motivated... Understanding What Motivates People to Take Action So I wanted to buy a car. It was a tough choice but I decided that my next new car would be a Volvo. So I drove down to a local dealer and told him I wanted to take a look at a few Volvos and could he help. "Of course" he replied. Within You Lies All You Need Within is the person we really are. Within lies our very existence. And only from within can we make it happen. This is where our very all subsists. Within you is the ability, the "what it takes" to make it all happen for you, just the way you want it. WITHIN! WITHIN!! WITHIN!!! Oh what a place! This is the only place that will ever always and fully be yours. The only domain where you are king indeed. Not even the future or the past holds a stake high enough to be compared to that within you. The renowned jurist, Oliver Wendell Homes couldn't have said it better when he remarked, "What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are nothing compared to what LIES WITHIN US". The past haven gone and the future waiting beyond, you are left with but one great option - That which is within you. Your very bird in hand. I want you to realize that your best bet is in all that you are potentially endowed with within, though it may not appear, as it ought to be at present. What Do You Truly Value Most? Believe it or not, values are in the core of all of us. These underrated rankings tell more about us than we could ever imagine. Yet, many of us overlook this extremely important portion of our lives. The Magic of Success is Actually a Law Set in Motion. Finding it is Quite Simple Building Energy Around your Investment! Believe It's like that old joke about how long did it take Bell to discover the light bulb. Then realizing it was Edison who did it. Though I like to think he developed it rather than discovered. He was much more methodical and had a set goal in mind. The Conversation of Recovery - Part Two The listening for the Conversation of possibilities will be even more unfamiliar than the one about the self-limiting belief. Even though possibilities will be caused for the individual and a sense of hope and inspiration created, there will be a tendency at some point for the person to not belief that their life can be truly transformed merely by creating possibilities. Even when the person gets the existence of his self-limiting belief, how he has been being that in his life and the impact upon himself and others as a result, a sense of doubt will arise that mere words or language will truly assist them in transforming their life let alone cause them to be successful with respect to their recovery. As with a newborn child, the existence of possibilities once invented or created will be quite fragile. There will be in the beginning of this Conversation a tendency to return to being ones self-limiting belief if for no other reason than it is familiar to the person. The self-limiting belief is about life in their comfort zone, from the ego, in what is reasonable and familiar to them. Even though the individual will become enrolled into his possibilities it is in the person's initial not getting of its application in life that will leave it vulnerable. The individual will return to his community and with this reentry a breakdown will happen. The success of this process will rest upon the individual continuing to stay in the Conversation about his possibilities and also upon the one assisting to continue to generate the space necessary for this creative process to be lived fully. To Boldly Go For the first time in many years, Star Trek Fans will no longer be able to explore those new frontiers where no man has gone before. Thank heavens for reruns, videos and DVD's! One reason for the success of this TV series is because the storyline appealed to the human desire to explore the unknown. Our curiosity of what's around the corner to the next solar system and our capability to deal with unexpected challenges propel. inspire and motivate us forward even when circumstances may start us behind the starting line. The Power Of The Brain THE BRAIN Thinking for Success - The Same Method Does Not Work For Everyone I am always concerned that there are so many books available on the subject of being successful, but unfortunately many of these books are read and then discarded. The Time to Act Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong. The Top Six Ways to Stay Motivated I receive many emails from people that basically ask the same question: How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated: ![]() |
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