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What Do You Truly Value Most?
Believe it or not, values are in the core of all of us. These underrated rankings tell more about us than we could ever imagine. Yet, many of us overlook this extremely important portion of our lives. Why do we? Because so many of us get caught up in the race of life and flying ahead of others becomes more important. If becoming a better person everyday is important to you, (and it should be) you need to make this crucial evaluation before ever progressing forward. Lets say hypothetically you have a lot of personal issues unresolved, for whatever reason. In addition, you realized that due to your being so self absorbed, you are the highest value in your respective life and always have been. Whew! A lot to have realized. Your partner, child, job, friends, religion, car and pets are all inferior to your number one position. This has a lot to do with your feeling a lack of personal security that can be made to feel secure by centering yourself in the spotlight at all times. The world owes you the favors! This mindset is ultimately destructive and counter- productive at best. Although, you do as much as needed to hide this characteristic of your personality, your thickened veneer will grow more transparent as the days go on. The people you hold most dear will eventually see right through it. By not holding your partner and children in the number one position, you are not only taking their love for granted, but in time setting yourself up to losing them, or at best, they will grow to resent your obvious narcissism. The fact is that everyone in the world has naturally selfish tendencies. How would we anticipate a reward for a job well done without thinking of ourselves? To what degree do we keep this selfish viewpoint close to the chest? That is a very important question to always ask yourself. Balancing this aspect of your heart and your intentions with this question could certainly be the single most important question you ask yourself throughout the course of your life. If ranked properly, your values can dictate your future by holding yourself below rather than at the top. Your interpersonal relationships will be guided by this ranking. However, this is not something you can fake! This point cannot be said more emphatically. Introspectively gaze into your heart and truly ask yourself this poignant question. If you still come out of that experience with yourself as the most important, than your living too selfishly. Additional introspection would definitely be indicated at that point to gauge what is most important. To further illustrate, here is a simple example: Your young daughter is in the second grade and tonight she has her first play opening. She is the innocent bunny, but your Friday nights have historically been designated for haning out and drinking with the guys. Quite a dilemma, huh? Should I see my daughter's first play performance or should I let my super important friends down because if I do, I might lose one or two of them since I'm not a 'gamer'. You think this will inevitaly ruin or dent up my social life. Hmmmm... Well if the answer is to go to the bar with your friends, you are slowly or quickly ruining what should be the most precious relationships to you. Your daughter and partner. If it was not even a question and you wouldn't have missed her play for the world, then you'd be surprised how many selfish people would have picked the social situation. This example is one of a million I could have come up with that determines your higher and lower values in life. Deciding what's more important to you and committing yourself consistently to this mindset. It is not as important the farther you go down the list of high values, but your number one and two are of the utmost importance. Try to make certain it's not you at numero uno! Being selfless is a mindset, especially towards your family and living life with an empathetic attitude toward the rest of the world, creating a more harmonious existence. Moreover, this will eventually speak volumes about your character and lessen the burden of guilt that can eat away at your very core. If you strive to live cleaner, not a necessarily more boring existance, you'll want to examine your highest and lowest values in your life everyday and vow to maintain their order. They will keep you mentally healthy and always progressing. --by Brian Maloney-ValuePrep.com Want to improve your personal values? Get high-quality-relationship advice for guys and gals from a 'Logical' standpoint. Visit ValuePrep - Relationship Advice **Attn Ezine editors / Site Owners** Feel free to reprint this article in its enirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above
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I?ll Do It In A Minute... Or Maybe I Won?t 'Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.' Christopher Parker Context-Free Living ... Living Without Boundaries! I know by now that you've heard the terms Debt-Free Living, Disease-Free Living, or an overabundance of other such coined terms for various marketing ploys to sell products and services. However, I'm not here to sell you anything, as what I'm offering, you already have! You just don't know it yet! Action vs. Apathy - Feeling Powerless? Get Moving! How many times have you felt truly defeated by the circumstances in your life? You know, the "I don't know why I bother to keep trying, I'm going back to bed and staying there" feeling. It happens to everyone - housewives, corporate executives, rock stars, actors, world leaders. Each and every one of us has had a day when we felt that we just weren't able to cope with our daily lives. Listening Skills Listen to win Sales 5 Ways to Fight Pessimism Some people are naturally pessimistic and are happy being so. They view themselves as pragmatic and as having a better sense of reality. Then there are those of us who feel weighed down by negativity and wish that we could be more optimistic. This is completely possible. It all lies in the way we perceive things... 1. Stress management When we conceal our anxieties, they only build. Each concern can snowball into a feeling of being overwhelmed. Each person has their own way of letting off steam. This varies from exercise, to listening to music, to reading a good book. More of us are beginning to realize how important proper stress management is to both our physical and mental health. 2. Constant reality checks It is sometimes necessary to debate the validity of your concerns to determine whether they are rational or not. This is called self-rationalization and one of the most recognized methods is the worst case scenario. This is when you consider the worst possible situation, then go on to consider whether it is likely to happen. For example, a loved one said they would call once they arrived by subway to a certain destination. They should have reached that destination 15 minutes ago. You may dream up scenarios of there being a train accident or some other frightful incident took place. But after a little thought, you find that it's more probable that they either have yet to reach their stop or they will simply call you when it is convenient for them. You never want to leap to conclusions and cause yourself unnecessary stress. 3. Support of friends and family Friends and family are usually more than willing to provide you with a much needed reality check. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have close friends and family members to confide in though. It is detrimental to find some type of support when you are feeling extremely confused or overwhelmed. This support may have to come from a trusted co-worker or a member of a support group. Sometimes all it takes is another person's point of view to put things into perspective. 4. Own your feelings Accept that you have complete control over your perceptions and internal responses. You may not have control over what happened on your commute to work that upset you. But you are able to decide whether you become relieved when the day is finally over, or frustrated, claiming you are always being dealt a bad hand. A Simple Motivation Technique For Massive Success Want to hear about a simple & effective motivation technique? Itīll help you get motivated and stay motivated. Success Secrets - Achieving Ultimate Success I hope you're having an AWESOME week! How to Become an Effective Self-Help User "Know Yourself" That's what the big guy said way back when? Was it Aristotle, Plato or Socrates? Anyhow, that's the essence of what this article is about. Decide Where do you want to be in a year? 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Do The Hardest Thing First And The Rest Will Be Easy Have you ever noticed that in life we almost always choose the easy road, the path of least resistance when it comes to challenges in our way? Creativity and Innovation Management - Motivation Motivation in creativity and innovation is more important than personality traits. This is like possessing high intelligence ? one must be motivated to improve and apply it. Are You A Visionary Dreams may seem unimportant in your quest for success. And it's true that ordinary dreams are often a mix of what happened during your day --plus some "wild" random associations. What Comes First the Action or the Feeling? In other words, it is in the "doing" that we appreciate and learn the meaning of an action or activity, not simply in thinking about it. How to Make it Big In Spite of Your Challenges Imagine for a moment it's five years from now and you are still making the same income (or just a little more), living in the same home or apartment. You are in debt. You are barely supporting yourself and your family. And you are frustrated with the way things are. Knowledge Or Action It's been said that knowledge is power. While that's true to an extent, it isn't the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless. It doesn't help to be a genius if you never do anything with the knowledge. I tend to think of knowledge as ammunition and action as a gun. (It's a typical guy thought, I know but it works for me.) Think about it. If you have bullets and no gun, they're pretty much useless. If you have a gun and no bullets, the best you can do is throw (action) the gun at the target. Not as useless as the bullets (knowledge) since action without knowledge is more productive than knowledge without action Getting What You Really Want Everyone wants something in life, love, money, success, recognition ... Yet too many people fail to realize their desires, and nearly all of them for the same reason. They seem to go whichever way the wheel turns, as if they have no control over their situation. If their vehicle takes them to places they never intended to be, or crashes into the brickwall of utter despair, that's just the cruelty of fate. Motivation By Gratitude Whenever you feel lethargic and depressed by your situation in life reflect on how much worse things could be. This solution to depression sounds obvious and simplistic but it works. ![]() |
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