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Making Decisions
You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren like the desert. Your self-esteem plunged. You don't think you are good enough for anything. You will never find another job because you lack the education and the skills required. You are too old to try again. And who would want you now? The most "handsome, tall dark and charming man" has deserted you and you will never find another as charming as him. These are common thoughts when you are met with adversity. At this point of your life you usually will not be able to see beyond what you are facing. How can you think right when you are hungry? All you need is food to eat and a place to stay and call it a night. Your goal for the moment is to feed your stomach. What can you do? You can do something. All is not lost. You can decide to tell yourself that "this too shall pass". You can decide that you will start all over again. You can take any job for the moment to give you a paycheck. And from there work yourself up again. Read inspirational and motivational books instead of wallowing in self-pity. Better than using the time watching soap operas or reality shows. The books are available from the library and you can read them for free. If you think that there is no way to turn your life around-read "Man's search for meaning" by Victor Frankl. It may help you look at your life at a different perspective. Or you can read the book by W Mitchell. You'll be inspired. Listen to motivational recording. If that is the only one you have...just keep listening to it. Start writing your goals. Make a list of what you can do today and the next day and the next. Set out your intentions. It's one step at a time and you have to keep on trying many times and different ways until you get what you want. Have a talk with yourself. Write your feelings and thoughts in a journal. Sit down alone and contemplate. Go for a walk. Practice deep breathing. You and only you decide what you want to think. No one knows what's going on inside your head. You can rewind and replay your failures or you can record and replay new positive ones. People can say things about you. You decide what you want to listen to. You decide what you want to keep. You decide what you want to say to yourself. Sometimes you think that there is no way out. How do you know you have tried everything? Did you write them down? How many ways were there...1, 2 or 20? If you still have your complete physical self and a sound mind, there is no reason why you cannot start all over. Unless...you do not want to. Or maybe what you are really crying out for is the familiarity. It's too scary out there. You have been comfortable all this while. Now you have no choice but to change or rot. And you do not want to rot. At the same time you are so fearful. You have to decide. And the decision is yours. This is the opportunity for you to challenge yourself. You have to help yourself to grow. You have to develop the attitude that if you work hard you can have a better life. No one is going to help you unless you help yourself first. Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes to help people become aware that any future growth starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at http://www.about-personal-growth.com
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Keep on taking that leap of faith and learning from each and every mistake until you become used to jumping and used to falling. Then, you'll get over the fear of falling and you'll finally begin to concentrate on flying. I want to see you run with everything you have and dive into your dreams with so much passion and fire that you forget all about the possibility of failing. You will never find your wings until you do. The Time to Act Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong. Stretch! "Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be" Karen Raven Fear of Failure The fear of failure is more deadly than failure itself. The fear of failure paints so many imaginary scenarios which petrifies you and renders you immobile. Most folks have buried their dreams because of the fear of failure, which graduates into the fear of stepping out. Motivation: The Power of Celebration Cherish A Woman?s Road To True Beauty We live in a world where society dictates the norm. In today's society, beauty becomes so stringent that many women develop distorted views of body images and become frustrated at not being able to obtain the "ideal figure." Some women are so dissatisfied with their body size that they are driven to become thin and maintain that thinness, sometimes to the detriment of their health. Some women diet in order to increase their self-confidence, make a partner happy or to fit into the perceived model look hype that is so often seen on television. In some respect dieting trends reflect the cultural norms that say that women who eat less are considered to be more feminine and more beautiful. Women spend thousands on surgery to change their features or gain the nose, eyes, and mouth of their favorite celebrity. Perseverance As A Virtue "Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) - British Statesman, Prime Minister Finding Direction: Finding Passion Series - 2 of 3 In order to find the right direction for ourselves, we have to do some soul searching. What is it I want to accomplish? Why? What kind of person do I want to become? Is it so weird to be in our thirties or forties and ask ourselves, "So, what do I want to be when I grow up?" What would make us jump out of bed excited and motivated to get the day started? Before getting into these big questions, we need to find out the roots behind our decisions. What motivates us to choose what we choose? ![]() |
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