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Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You!
I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see how long you can stare without walking away. If less than five minutes, then you need an attitude adjustment. One In A Million! Think about it, in all of history there has never been another person exactly like you. That's scary. No, I'm just kidding. You are very unique, you are very personal, and you are very emotional. What makes you so unique? It's the sleeping giant that inhabits you. Actually, you have two giants inside you and they are; your consciousness and sub-consciousness. The conscious giant only benefits you when you are awake. The sub-conscious or the great sleeping giant is our 24/7 buddy. What this means is; we are the product of our environment, our physical body, heredity, and our particular place in time and space. We have the power within us to harmonize with our entire environment and to direct our thoughts, and control our emotions which will ordain our destiny. You Are A Mind With A Body! Sounds like something from a Boris Korloff movie. But, that's exactly what we are. And, it is the greatest design in history. Our mind is made up of these two giant powers that are designed to work in harmony with all the elements of our environment. The problem is; when these two powers inside of us are not working harmoniously together, we experience frustration and anxiety. The conscious mind is always trying to be the bully and have his way. The sub-conscious is a quiet gentleman and always trying through very soft urgings, to get us to listen to him. Well, what do we do? The best answer is to pay attention to both, and not do anything wrong. Yeah, right! Seriously, your body can't do anything without your conscious mind having first set the stage, so, the most important thing is to listen to both and then take action. As the movement takes place, circumstances and results, or the lack of, will tend to direct our decisions from there. As more information is gathered we will be more certain of whether we have made the right move. If not, make adjustments in our actions. The Burning Question! The problem is; we know how to listen to our conscious mind, but, most of the time, we don't know how to listen to our sub-conscious mind. And, it's the sub-conscious, where the giant sleeping attitude is formed that drives the action. And, without the right attitude behind the action, you'll be a few fries short of a happy meal. The sub-conscious is the emotional powerhouse behind whatever we do. Remember, emotions are just "feelings"; the way you "feel" about something. The sub-conscious can make our actions feel like we're riding on a cloud, or gritting our teeth through the whole ordeal. We have all done things that we did joyfully, and we have all done things that just chapped our rear. Get To The Bottom Of It! Well, what was the reason we got so chapped on one and did the other so happily? Was it the "act" itself? Nope, the action itself had nothing to do with it. For every action you hate, I'll bet we can find someone that loves it. What happened was, and this is a simplified example; the conscious mind makes the decision we must do something. Then the sub-conscious tells us how to feel when we do it. Now, here is where the war begins. The conscious mind does not like unpleasant feelings. And, the conscious mind gets all bent out of shape when the sub-conscious serves us up a platter of ugly feelings. Then our conscious mind gets angry and blames the job or "action" we're performing. So, we conclude, we don't like this activity. It's not the action, it's the feeling we don't like. Not To Mince Matters! But, the sub-conscious mind couldn't care less. After all, it never gets blamed for anything. It is just doing what it has been previously programmed to do. So "we", being the mind with a body, think it's the "action" that is disgusting. So, we grit our teeth and do the unpleasant action; All the time thinking I detest having to do this. No, it's not the action you detest, it's the feeling you don't want. Remember, somewhere, somebody, would love to do it. I know what you're thinking, so let them do it. Well, that's a possibility, if you can find someone who will do it for you. But, if you can't, you only have two choices. Either do it grudgingly, or "reframe" the action in your sub-conscious so the next time it will serve up a platter of happy feelings. The sub-conscious doesn't care. The Door Of Opportunity! How do I reframe this idea in my sub-conscious? I'm glad you asked. One good way is to look for someone who likes doing this and ask them; what is it they like about this action? If you can't find someone, then use a daily affirmation to convince the sub-conscious to feel positive emotions and send those emotions to the conscious. Example: I love "whatever". And, from now on I will feel happy and energized when I do it. And, every time I think about "whatever", positive emotions will become permanent in my mind. Do not say things like this; I will "not" feel ugly, bad, depressed, etc. . . The sub-conscious tends to ignore the "negatives" and then reframes and reinforces the rest of the affirmation. Now beware, the sub-conscious is not going to serve up a dose of positive emotions on day one and make you feel like tip-toeing through the tulips. By the same token, it will not refuse to change either. It just has to be persuaded convincingly that the conscious mind wants to feel differently. And, depending on how much you really detest this action, could take varying amounts of time to change it. Most any emotion can be changed in thirty days with this affirmation technique. It is amazing, but you can actually love something thirty days from now that you detest today. Don't tell me you don't believe it, because I'll bet there is someone reading this that never thought they would love vegetables. When I was a kid I thought I would live off hamburgers the rest of my life. Egg On My Face! Why, I used to cuss vegetables. I thought they were a Chinese conspiracy sent over here to make Kudzu vines grow in my belly. And, wouldn't you know it, today, I'm a vegetarian. Go figure! Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html. You may also hear some of Richard's free music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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I said, "I used to think I was always right and that other people were wrong. Now I still think I may be right, but I realize that other people know things that I don't. I'm more interested in learning than being right." Face Your Fears Yes, that's me up there! Interestingly enough, I used to be deathly afraid of heights. I'm not suggesting para sailing is the best way to overcome a fear of heights but it worked for me. Sometimes, the only way through a fear is to meet it head on. That's what I did in this case. Within You Lies All You Need Within is the person we really are. Within lies our very existence. And only from within can we make it happen. This is where our very all subsists. Within you is the ability, the "what it takes" to make it all happen for you, just the way you want it. WITHIN! WITHIN!! WITHIN!!! Oh what a place! This is the only place that will ever always and fully be yours. The only domain where you are king indeed. Not even the future or the past holds a stake high enough to be compared to that within you. The renowned jurist, Oliver Wendell Homes couldn't have said it better when he remarked, "What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are nothing compared to what LIES WITHIN US". The past haven gone and the future waiting beyond, you are left with but one great option - That which is within you. Your very bird in hand. I want you to realize that your best bet is in all that you are potentially endowed with within, though it may not appear, as it ought to be at present. Lights are Off and No One is Home The other day I was on my way home, and for some reason all the traffic lights were out. It was 5pm, so needless to say it was rush hour, and pure chaos. Nobodys Perfect Being human is being fallible. Evolution determines that we all are naturally different. The one constant in our lives and nature is that things will change. A feature or solution that seemed perfect a moment ago isn't now - because everything is constantly changing to solve current problems. Perfection cannot be achieved because of change. Overcoming Procrastination What are the reasons that YOU procrastinate? ![]() |
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