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Face Your Fears
Yes, that's me up there! Interestingly enough, I used to be deathly afraid of heights. I'm not suggesting para sailing is the best way to overcome a fear of heights but it worked for me. Sometimes, the only way through a fear is to meet it head on. That's what I did in this case. My wife, Georgia, and I were vacationing on Marco Island, Florida several years ago and I was sitting on the beach watching people flying in parachutes over the water. I thought to myself, "That looks like a lot of fun." Then, the little voice inside reminded me that I had a lifelong fear of unsecured heights. Sure, I was fine in airplanes but to hang out in a parachute was more than I could imagine. After a few days of anxiously watching people having fun I decided to face one of my worst fears. I walked over to the man at the rental booth and asked him if it was safe to do this. Dumb question. Like he was going to say no:-) He said, "It's so safe we have young children doing it and I even have an 80 year old woman who comes every few weeks to do it. What a closer:-) Now, what am I supposed to say? That this big macho guy is too scared to do it? No way! I said sure and paid the man. I will admit that I was frightened half to death when I got up there. I figured since I was a good swimmer I would not worry. Once I saw how high I was going, I realized it did not matter. If I fell, I would splatter - good swimmer or not. After a while, I loosened my painfully tight grip on the parachute lines and actually began to enjoy the ride. What a sight from several hundred feet above the island. By the time I got back down, I had next to no fear of high places. Sometimes we just have to look our fears right in the eye and do it anyway. © 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826 Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com If you had all the information and tools you needed to live your dream life, would you use them? Yes? Click here ==> http://www.jimdonovan.com/ebookoffer.html
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Your Life Just OK? It Doesnt Have To Be That Way! Live the Life You Really Want To Live! I have some questions for you. Are you ready? How would your rate your life on a scale from one to ten; 10 being fantastic and 1 being the worst it could possibly be? Are you happy with the most important aspects of your life? And note that I didn't say are you content or are you satisfied. I said are you HAPPY with your life the way it is now? If you are, why are you happy? If you are not, why not? I urge you to be specific when you answer those questions. How Are You Feeling? Its More Of A Brain Question Than You Think How you respond to How are You reveals a great deal about you. Beginnings Arent As Complicated As They Seem Beginnings are seldom as complicated as they seem. You know what I mean by "complicated ? the dates and the duties and the things-to-be-remembered, the stuff that piles onto your plate with a new project or obligation. Whether it's an urgent justice issue, a medical diagnosis forcing a changed lifestyle, or the work of starting a new job, the message is that a whole bunch of stuff HAS to be done, and you are the only one to do it, and do it NOW! 7 Reasons To Stop Procrastinating Today Procrastination is a delay tactic that has the ability to choke your dreams and abort the plans and purposes you have for your life. Motivation: The Power of Action, Part 2 The Three D's of Action are Decide, Do and Distinguish. Let's look at each of these in detail. If The Fear Fits...Dont Wear It! Undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks we can face everyday is fighting the fear of failure. At one time or another every single person has had to face the fear of stepping out into an unfamiliar area and leaving his comfort zone and entering the twilight zone. Motivation: Tearing Down Your Own Limitations Q.: I've always been sort of cynical about all this motivational stuff. Lots of rah-rah but no how-to. Now I see all these commercials that talk about no limits, no boundaries, etc. But there are real limits, and I think this stuff misleads a lot of people. What do you think? It Is Up To You One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, "if it is to be, it is up to me." That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn't mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career. Ending Procrastination Perseverance is about as important to achievement as gasoline is to driving a car. Sure, there will be times when you feel like you're spinning your wheels, but you'll always get out of the rut with genuine perseverance. Without it, you won't even be able to start your engine. What Motivates You? As a life-long student of personal development, I've attended dozens of motivational seminars, listened to hundreds of tapes, and read untold books on the subject of motivation . I've presented motivational seminars. And yet there is one elemental truth that seems often overlooked. That is: no one can motivate you, because you have to do it to yourself. It's an inside job. And frankly it's less a function of "doing" than it is of discovering what your natural motivators are. So the key to getting and staying motivated is finding out what excites you. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What speaks to your heart as well as your head? Do The Hardest Thing First And The Rest Will Be Easy Have you ever noticed that in life we almost always choose the easy road, the path of least resistance when it comes to challenges in our way? The New Morality In a world where dynamism alters egos and principles in a man every second, where men divest in tenets that secure them from being devout to something natural, where humanity seeks reasons to be ignorant just to feel sly and intelligent ? we're confronted with issues of morality. We can no longer be satisfied with being truthful incessantly, we can no longer be happy for the sake of empathizing, we can no longer be sympathetic in a world that beseeches us to be methodological, we can no longer be human when the invariable pretension has made us lose our ethicality forever ? we can only choose to be different moralists altogether. Succinctly ? we need a new morality. Your Growing Edge You've probably heard the term "leading edge" used to refer to technology or products that are in front of the curve, that are really advanced. You may have even heard the term "bleeding edge" in this context. I want to talk to you about your personal "leading edge," your growing edge. Mr. Smith, Please Enter the Dream Room - Dream Big Dreams to Do Big Things! Enjoy a great quote to start off this fantastic week! Top 5 Reasons Why Youre Not Living Your Dream 1. "I'm too old to make a change." Maybe you're over 30 and settled in your career. You don't even want to think about making a move somewhere else. Besides, at this point in your life, you're supposed to be doing what you want, right? Contemplating Change And Moving Into Action Do you ever have the sense that there has to be more to life than what you are presently experiencing? Those are the moments in time where you become consciously aware of your problems, and awaken to the possibility that change could occur. Perhaps you've noticed yourself seriously considering making some changes surrounding your food habits or your weight. Possibly you've taken the time to make a mental checklist and noted all the ways that food and/or your weight affects the quality of your life. Your awareness may include some of these insights: Clear Thinking - Ten Ways Does your mind sometimes feel like a television station you can't quite tune in? You know there's an interesting program on - or several, but everything is mixed with static. What if you could "tune in" at will, have clear thinking whenever you want it? Try some of the following. Procrastinator No More! Procrastination is when ever we postpone a task or duty intentionally without a valuable explanation. It is a natural tendency in people. Let's face it, sometimes we are tired or a specific task is unpleasant to perform and we respond by putting it off until later. If it happens only once or on something of not much importance it is okay. But, what happens when a student keeps putting off the school work. At the last minute he may want to make up for the lost time but fails the class. So, can you see how procrastination can get in the way of your success and objectives? Therefore, it is crucial for people to learn how to avoid this negative tendency and manage it effectively. Below I have added some tips that can convert anyone in to a procrastinator no more! What Do You Truly Value Most? Believe it or not, values are in the core of all of us. These underrated rankings tell more about us than we could ever imagine. Yet, many of us overlook this extremely important portion of our lives. Make The Most Of Today "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it!" - Margaret Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister) ![]() |
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