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Top 10 Tips For The Best Year of Your Life!
We typically think of New Year's as the time to make annual resolutions and start fresh. Unfortunately, we all know that most resolutions are quickly forgotten. The good new is that "now" is always the best time to take charge of your future and create the life you want. Real success is about choosing your priorities, and then following a plan that emphasizes the things that are most important to you. With that in mind, here are 10 suggestions for creating a wonderful, productive and rewarding year for yourself (and your practice)! 1. Take time to decide what you really want this year. What would make it a great year, a fantastic year for you? Dream and scheme, and then dream bigger! And write it down, just for the fun of it. 2. Mark one day each month, just for you. Use ink, not pencil, and schedule an appointment with yourself for one full day each month. Have fun and renew yourself, just for the joy of it. Every single month. No exceptions. 3. Take more vacation that you had planned. Look at the calendar and write in a couple extra weeks off! Relax. Do things you enjoy. Go camping, rent a cabin at the beach, visit old friends, or climb a mountain. Just do it! 4. Commit to a project you've dreamed of but haven't done. This is not a "should" or a "have to". It's an "I've always wanted to but never did" project. Learn to ski, write a book, visit Niagara Falls, start a business, or run for mayor. This is the time! 5. Buy four books you've always wanted to read, and schedule time for them. Put it in your appointment calendar as "continuing education" or "research", and enjoy! 6. Donate time each week to a cause or group that needs your help. Mentor a child, support the Red Cross, volunteer at your house of worship. Make a difference. 7. Renew relationships with family and friends. Every week, send a note or make a call, and re-connect with the people who have helped you along the way. 8. Make a point every single day to tell someone you appreciate them, that you are grateful for their help. Practice the attitude of gratitude! 9. Raise your sites and increase your goals. Double what you expect of yourself and your world, then commit to making it happen! Expect great things. 10. Be kind to yourself and those around you. Be gentle, practice patience, expect the best and settle for nothing less. That's it for this week. Is it Barbra Streisand who says, "Be good to yourself, and to someone else"? Have a wonderful week! © Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
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Ignite The Fire In Your Belly ? How To Move From Being A Procrastinator To An Activator! Are you sick and tired of not getting ahead and just can't get yourself out of a rut? Well, there are certain requirements (accountability, responsibility, commitment to yourself, forgiveness, positive think and speak, synchronicity within and outside) to help facilitate a real change. Journaling - A Tool for Healing and Growth The word "journal" comes from the French. It dates back to the 14th century and means daily. As recently as April 26, 1999, "Newsweek" magazine ran an article entitled "Pen, Paper, & Power. Confessional Writing can be Good for You." Resistance Is Natural - but Not Helpful - in Times of Change Here are five feelings we all experience in changing times. Check these out for yourself by thinking about times when you were experiencing significant life change, either personal or professional. Hurry Up And Procrastinate I've been meaning to write this column, but I keep putting it off. There always seems to be something better or more important or easier to write about. The Time to Act Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don't need to be hasty if it isn't required, but you don't want to lose much time either. Here's the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong. Mr. Smith, Please Enter the Dream Room - Dream Big Dreams to Do Big Things! Enjoy a great quote to start off this fantastic week! Motivation By Your Family And Cornermen The motivation for good or bad which we get from our families is huge. They can either destroy our dreams or help us create them. Most of the boxers in the Contender series are strongly supported by their families. The organisers recognise this fact by allowing families to live close to the Contender Gymnasium. Training Your Mind to Help You Our friend, singer and songwriter Chuck Pyle, likes to say, "The mind is like a bad neighborhood-you should never go there by yourself." If you're mind hasn't been trained to help you, via methods like meditation, shamanism or NLP, it might really be a bad neighborhood. Our minds constantly absorb thoughts, behaviors, and responses from our environment. These various thought patterns and responses may or may not be in alignment with our goals. So, unless we actively train our minds to be responsive to our needs, we may be in for a wild chariot ride (and 6 out of control horses)! Death by Overwork: Motivationally Speaking Its a Zero The Japanese have a word for death by overwork: Karoshi. A recent survey said 40 percent of all Japanese workers fear that they will actually work themselves to death. Mindfulness and Birthdays: Surprising Moments The first week of May is a big birthday time for my family. My husband's birthday is May 3rd, and my oldest daughter's is May 6th. Hey CyberJunkie, Clean that Booger off Your Nose! Well....., I got some good news and I got some bad news. It's come to my attention that some of you want to be cyberjunkies. Which do you want first? I'll give you the good news first. YOU can!! It's very simple. The bad news is: It's not easy and it could be messy. Within You Lies All You Need Within is the person we really are. Within lies our very existence. And only from within can we make it happen. This is where our very all subsists. Within you is the ability, the "what it takes" to make it all happen for you, just the way you want it. WITHIN! WITHIN!! WITHIN!!! Oh what a place! This is the only place that will ever always and fully be yours. The only domain where you are king indeed. Not even the future or the past holds a stake high enough to be compared to that within you. The renowned jurist, Oliver Wendell Homes couldn't have said it better when he remarked, "What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are nothing compared to what LIES WITHIN US". The past haven gone and the future waiting beyond, you are left with but one great option - That which is within you. Your very bird in hand. I want you to realize that your best bet is in all that you are potentially endowed with within, though it may not appear, as it ought to be at present. A Woman?s Road To True Beauty We live in a world where society dictates the norm. In today's society, beauty becomes so stringent that many women develop distorted views of body images and become frustrated at not being able to obtain the "ideal figure." Some women are so dissatisfied with their body size that they are driven to become thin and maintain that thinness, sometimes to the detriment of their health. Some women diet in order to increase their self-confidence, make a partner happy or to fit into the perceived model look hype that is so often seen on television. In some respect dieting trends reflect the cultural norms that say that women who eat less are considered to be more feminine and more beautiful. Women spend thousands on surgery to change their features or gain the nose, eyes, and mouth of their favorite celebrity. The Seven Keys to Motivation Motivation. It's a complicated subject that is studied by many and understood by few. Virtually every aspect of human life -- from the mundane to the life-changing -- is guided, swayed and altered by motivating factors. Put Some Fire in Your Desire One of the keys to success is staying motivated because it is being motivated that keeps us going out the door every day to change the world and reach our destiny! It is our desire for a better life, for change in ourselves and others, and for personal growth and fulfillment that moves our mountains! Desire! Perseverance As A Virtue "Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) - British Statesman, Prime Minister Making Things Happen We are all given the tools, but it is up to us what we decide to build and how magnificent it will be. Steven Ferrel One Last Month to Make it Count! Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your situation change? Well, the busiest 2 months of summer are over, with literally weeks until school starts up again. There's a lot of juggling finances as you finish off your summer trips, buy school clothes and rush to the store to buy up all the school supplies you can get your hands on. For the kids the hustle and bustle has just begun, but for the single parent this is just a normal month. How often do we have a busy month like this and we don't think twice about it. It's a regular routine for us, we work, we buy, and we're broke. There's no "ifs", "ands" or "buts" about it. We work hard, play less and fall into an eternal cycle of Single Parenting. Half the time we don't know which end is up, just as long as those kids are fed, the bills are paid and we can get to work on time. Action vs. Self Delusion Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Limitations Real Or Imagined, Stick Em In A Pigs Eye! It's about time to take a real hard look at what you think about yourself. What do you really think you're capable of? What if I told you that you could walk on water? Would you believe me? Well, what if I told you that you could never be an important person? What would you say to that? ![]() |
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