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Motivation By Your Family And Cornermen
The motivation for good or bad which we get from our families is huge. They can either destroy our dreams or help us create them. Most of the boxers in the Contender series are strongly supported by their families. The organisers recognise this fact by allowing families to live close to the Contender Gymnasium. "The Contender" is a reality TV show organised by Sylvester Stallone and Sugar Ray Leonard. 16 top middleweight boxers compete for a chance at boxing glory and a million dollars. Each week a losing boxer leaves the show. You would imagine these young boxers would be motivated by the glory and the money but, surprisingly, they seem to be motivated far more by love of their families. If they mention the money it is always along with the thought that it will provide a better life for their families. These tough young men are often in tears as they think of their families. Anthony Bonsante was driven by love of his family to choose as his opponent one of the weaker boxers so that he could progress further in the competition. This annoyed his team members who had agreed that he should choose a stronger opponent. However, he put family first and was willing to upset his team mates in the process. Predictably he knocked out his opponent and stayed on in the competition. Most of his team members later forgave him for chosing a weaker boxer for his opponent. They realised that boxing is, ultimately, an individual sport. Joey Gilbert, one of the boxers, put the whole Contender series in perspective. He was surprised but delighted to pick up the phone and find himself speaking to his soldier dad who had come home from Afghanistan. He knew the comparative value of boxing glory and having a dad who was still alive: "To hell with all this stuff. My dad is home; that is all that matters. I can sleep at night. I can go home with a smile on my face." In one of the later episodes of the first series of fights, Tarick Salmaci called out Juan de la Rosa, a young but very successful boxer, who has all the ideals and energy of youth. Juan believes you have to go the hard way if you want to achieve greatness. This means being ready to fight tough opponents. Juan is young and has nothing to lose. He is too young to have a wife and kids to motivate him but he has a very influential person in his life. This person is his grandfather who had encouraged him to become a boxer. His grandfather died over a year ago but lives on in Juan's memory. Juan hangs his grandfather's picture around his neck before and after every fight: "This reminds me of what I am here for." He feels his grandfather's presence when he boxes. Juan is a power puncher and is extremely confident but he looks a young innocent until he knocks you out! "My grandfather told me there would always be obstacles in the way. I just want to go through them. I want my name up in lights; so did he. He will push me all the way." Juan's dad also supported him. "I am happy my dad is here!" His dad encouraged him with comments like "Let's win". Juan's opponent Tarick Salmaci from Detroit was also motivated by his family: "My daughter is two and a half years old. She is the joy of my life. The energy I get from my daughter is unexplainable. I deserve this shot because I've worked hard for it all my life. I'm doing this for my family - my wife and my daughter - so that we have a better life. When I am in the locker room I visualise myself in the ring and think of what is at stake." Both men were highly motivated for their fight. Tarick is older and more experienced. He is a boxer. Juan is a puncher and he has enormous energy and a great record behind him. He is only 18 years old. Tarick allowed Juan to make a great start and was hurt early in the fight. Juan won the first round. He punched non stop and landed some powerful blows. Tarick's cornerman said: "You don't have all day to do this. You have right now to do this." Tarick won round two but Juan won round three. Tarik's age began to tell as he tired more quickly and was missing Juan with his punches. Again Tarick's cornerman did his best to motivate him: "You don't need close rounds; you need winning rounds. You didn't come here to lose did you?" Tarick won round 4. His cornerman was remorseless: "You've got to give it everything to win. You've got to show heart, Tarick." In round 5, Tarick looked utterly exhausted but fought back fiercely. Juan boxed with all the energy and fury of youthful ambition. The crowd went wild. Juan won the fight. He did not forget to kiss the photo of his granddad. "My Granddad was in there saying: 'Don't give up! Don't give up.' I didn't give up; I just kept punching." Tarick had lost but he was content: "I've had my shot now and it's a relief off my chest and I can now get on with my life." One of the organisers commented: "Juan de la Rosa should thank God that Tarick was not a few years younger." We are all motivated by family and mentors (the equivalent of corner men). If we can enlist their support in fulfilling our dreams, we will progress faster and further. Of course, our progress still depends ultimately on our own efforts. Tarick had great family support and a brilliant cornerman but still lost. About the author John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message. The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, Pictures And Quotes...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles". The book can be found at this URL: http://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.php The book uses acronyms, stories, pictures and quotations to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them. Ezine editors / Site owners
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Intelligence & Energy Life and evolution is the dynamics of energy in which there is gradual unfoldment of energy and intelligence. Intelligence opens packets of energy which further opens up the doors of higher perceptions. Motivation: Good Luck or Bad Luck, Too Soon to Tell As the story goes, there was once a farmer and his only son in the days just before the Civil War. Having only one horse, the farmer and son worked long hard days, sun up to sun down, just to get by, with nothing left to spare. 7 Tips For Unstoppable Motivation And Enduring Success Procrastination is of no use to you in your quest to fulfill your dreams. Lose those old habits and replace them with habits that lead to self-motivation and control over your life. Taking Responsibility Taking action about our current station in life involves taking responsibility for our current state of affairs. When we acknowledge that we are the main culprits with regards to where we are now, we will more likely take responsibility for creating the future we desire. 4 Barriers to Overcome For Growth As we begin a new year, it's natural to reflect a bit on what we really want out of the next 12 months. Have you made some resolutions? Have you decided to get in shape? Go for a promotion? Quit smoking? Get your finances in order? Spend more time with your family? All of the above? Whatever your resolutions are, they all boil down to one thing- you want GROWTH! Congratulations! You've taken the first step towards seeing positive results. The material you'll find in the newsletter this year will help your growth journey be swifter and more fun. Motivation - The Power of Drive My experience tells me there are three stages people go through on their way to having the drive necessary to meet their goals: Ahead of the Curve to be on Top I once heard a statement that no matter how good you think you are, there is always someone else who is better. This appears to be a pessimistic view even to a point of degrading one's self-worth. However, this saying provides a starting point to understanding one's gifts or setbacks, one's strengths or weaknesses in comparison to potential counterparts. The Downward Spirals Of Life - Top Ten Steps For Freeing Ourselves From Some people call them vicious circles or cycles. I prefer to think of them as downward spirals of life. Those periods that we can all become trapped in like the whirlpool of water as it drains from the tub. If we're not careful and mindful these downward spirals can suck the life right out of us. Here are a few simple and effective steps you can use to free yourself of such life sucking periods. Ask Your Question ? Get what You Desire "Questions get answers, advice, opinions, beliefs, impressions, stories, and more questions. Questions are about life, people, careers, achievements, facts, and faith. Ask and learn." - Ruby Bayan What would just the right question be worth to you? There is nothing more effective for bringing deep insight and understanding than a powerful question. You truly can ask questions that create meaningful change in your life. The right questions can lead you toward the things you desire. Questions: Simple words mixed carefully into a phrase with the power to change lives in extraordinary ways. Questions crystallize thought. Powerful questions ask "What, Why, Where, Who, How, and When?" They bring insights, visions, and new perspectives. Lord Byron wrote, "But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think." Top 10 Tips For The Best Year of Your Life! We typically think of New Year's as the time to make annual resolutions and start fresh. Unfortunately, we all know that most resolutions are quickly forgotten. The good new is that "now" is always the best time to take charge of your future and create the life you want. Real success is about choosing your priorities, and then following a plan that emphasizes the things that are most important to you. With that in mind, here are 10 suggestions for creating a wonderful, productive and rewarding year for yourself (and your practice)! Develop Guts to Achieve Glory It is just amazing the amount of people who don't have the courage to go after their dreams.They sit around living a life they are not happy with and still they do nothing about it. Practice, Practice, Practice It may sound silly but the key to self-confidence and building more self-esteem is through practice. Practice what it is you want to feel more confident about and eventually, the confidence will show itself. That makes sense if we're talking about a skill like playing the piano. With enough practice, you naturally begin to get good at it and then you feel more confident. But what about tougher things like public speaking or meeting new people? How do you practice something that you're terrified to do in the first place? Wherever you Go - There you Are Wherever you go, there you are. This is the title of a fantastic book by Jon Kabat Zinn. Often when going through a difficult time, some think about making a major change, a change of a job or residence. Will this really help? Of course if you are being abused or harassed, such action may be in order. But for the most part, if we change nothing about ourselves, we merely take what is inside of us wherever we wander. What Once Was - Ain?t No More Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I'll get right to the point. The past is gone ? vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi, Ho Silver!" It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone! Optimistic Vs Pessimistic Studies have shown that on average an optimist will have a longer, healthier and a more fulfilled life then a pessimist. ADHD - Its a Wonderful Life As I usually do over the Holidays, I watched one of my all-time favorite actors in one of my all time favorite movies and that's Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life". Co-starring Donna Reed and made in the 1940s, the movie was not critically acclaimed at the time, but over the years has become a stable of the Holiday Season. If you have not seen it, you need to, and if you have, then you all know it revolves around a small town businessman George Bailey from Bedford Falls, New York, who, as he grows up, has all of these dreams of doing wonderful things with his life, and hopes of traveling to all the farthest points in the world. His plans are constantly interrupted by world events and family circumstances, which include the death of his father, the great depression, and World War II. George's father and his Uncle Billy years earlier had started the Baileys Brothers Building and Loan to help the less fortunate people of Bedford Falls obtain the great American Dream of home ownership. Their only alternative is high rent or exorbitant interest rates to the local scrooge Mr. Potter. Uncle Billy is a classic ADHD type individual. An Irishmen, like me, who apparently has never been married, has a pet crow he carries around with him, and a pet squirrel at home. He is constantly worrying and has little self esteem. Motivation - The 4 Most Potent Ways To Awaken Your Enthusiasm ...it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure. Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually...It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn. ? M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled Do More! Learn More! Create More! Live More! Over the years in America and the west generally, the nature and means of education have dramatically changed. But it is an error to think that before the contemporary era of schooling on a mass scale that no one was deeply or broadly educated. Many in colonial America were exceptionally well-educated, yet largely self-taught or taught by a tutor or mentor. Such was the case with scientist, lawyer, theologian, statesman, patriot and father of seven, Roger Sherman. You Can! "There are only two ways of bringing brightness into your world; either change your attitude or open the closed doors of your brain" How to Exude More Confidence Confidence: The word conjures up images of self-assurance and belief in ones' self. Self-confidence is inward security. It basically means that your source of security comes from within yourself, you're confident in your integrity to your own value system. It is not congruent with doubt or fear. ![]() |
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