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Getting Out of the Zone!
We've probably all heard the famous movie quip, "why don't you wait here while I slip into something a little more comfortable". It's a comment to make most of our ears (particularly male ones!) stand up on end with the anticipation that the film has actually taken a turn for the better. In real life however, slipping 'into' something more comfortable can often lead to outcomes that are anything other than desirable. To create a compelling life, often what we need to do is 'slip out of comfort' and into something a little more challenging, a little more exciting and a lot more rewarding! What is the 'Comfort Zone'? The 'Comfort Zone' is a situation where a particular level of 'non strenuous' effort produces a fairly certain and familiar result, albeit in most cases, a pretty average one. As our species evolves, we seem to be preoccupied with living in the comfort zone. I mean who can imagine the extreme torture one might experience from getting up off the couch to change channels or to walk down the street to pick up a pizza! The sad thing is that this state of lethargy seeps into the way we live the rest of our lives. The attraction of the comfort zone can be quite compelling because of the common human fear of the unknown. Lets face it, when it really comes down to it, most of us don't really like surprises. A probable average result is often much preferable to the possibility of an outstanding but uncertain one. What most people don't realise is that getting out of the 'Comfort Zone' gives you the opportunity to slip into the arena of the 'Pleasure Zone'. Why aren't more people successful? I heard a very successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker asked the question "Why aren't more people successful?" He responded by saying that it's "because it takes real skill to die of starvation in countries such as the UK, US and Australia." I actually found this statement to be quite profound. I mean how many people do you encounter on a daily basis that consistently give much less than what they are capable of but are still able to hold down their jobs, put food on the table and make their mortgage repayments? Could you see this as a possibility in less fortunate, less developed nations? One shot. Until someone manages to convince me otherwise, I can only assume that we get one shot at life (the Universe is a fascinating place so I am open to suggestions on that one!). Time is running out for all of us. We have one shot and one shot only to experience the magic and beauty of all this life has to offer. What would you do? What would you do if you had a day to live? How about a week? What about a month, a year, a decade? We are all going to die someday. Why not be that somebody who can look back over your years and smile as you say to yourself "you know something, I gave it everything." 4 Steps to a Less Comfortable but More Compelling Future. 1. Think deeply about what your special gifts are and what you love doing most. 2. Think about how you could structure your life to spend more time developing, cultivating and sharing your gifts. 3. Experiment putting aside your comfort seeking behavioural patterns. 4. Get out there and be the best you can be. Copyright Damien Senn 2005. All rights reserved. Damien Senn is a Life and Business Coach as well as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant. He helps professionals, artists and entrepreneurs create compelling futures. He is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'. For your free life coaching tool '101 things to do before you die', please click the following link: http://www.senn-sational.com/freeresources.htm
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7 Reasons To Stop Procrastinating Today Procrastination is a delay tactic that has the ability to choke your dreams and abort the plans and purposes you have for your life. Why Do 9 Out of 10 People Never Live Their Dreams? When we were kids we all had dreams. There were no boundaries to our imagination and anything was possible. Do you remember your dreams? What happened to your dreams? Did life get into its way? Are we all to busy to use our imagination? Struggling With Juggling 'The trick to juggling is determining which balls are made of rubber and which ones are made of glass.' --Anon 2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face those fears in order to move forward in our lives. A Perfect World ... Imbalance Creates Motivation I am a big proponent of balance. Everything has to be just so. I believe that we should all strive to obtain balance in our lives. Balance between career and family. Balance between public and private. Balance between spiritualism, finances, and materialism. Rebirth from the Ashes The legend of the phoenix can actually be found in several belief systems. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt when it was then known as "Bennu" or Bynw", a symbol of the sun god Osiris. Osiris was resurrected to life from serving as ruler of the underworld. Whether this mystical bird is attributed to the Chinese "Feng-huang", the Jewish "Milcham" or even an emblem of Christ, the legend remains the same? After serving its life cycle, the phoenix builds a nest and then by the sun and the friction of its own wings, is consumed by fire. It is inevitably reborn from the very ashes. The phoenix is therefore symbolic of resurrection, immortality, and my personal favourite - triumph over adversity. I has been said repeatedly that there are two types of people in this world: "marathoners" and "sprinters". Both are ambitious at heart. They set a goal and will pursue it zealously. The only difference is that a sprinter expects to see immediate results and if they do not receive those results, they may get discouraged and give up all together. A marathoner on the other hand, can get side tracked, knocked down, and trampled on, but will refocus and redirect when necessary in order to meet their ultimate goal. For example, a woman who had planned to lose thirty pounds in three months may be disappointed upon realizing that after the first month, she has only lost six. She had obviously expected to see faster results. But if that same woman takes into consideration that she is more toned or has more stamina, she may alter her official goal. She may decide "I want to go down a few dress sizes", or "I want to be able to incorporate fitness and nutrition into my lifestyle permanently." Along the way, she may miss a few morning jogs or go off her so-called diet, but above all, she is patient with herself. Patience is essential. It's important to accept that results are not always immediate. Sometimes, they aren't even tangible. But by just going through the necessary steps, you are on your way, whether you realize it or not. Afterall, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. Accepting that the process is slow will likely prevent you from giving up. By altering your original goal, you haven't fallen short. You've simply become aware enough to realize when and where to strategize. It is very important not to perceive set-backs as failures. Coming down hard on yourself can even crush your spirit. Within your spirit lies your innermost dreams, desires, and your attitude toward life. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Some people die at twenty-five and aren't buried until they are seventy-five". Some of us passively sit back and watch the rest of life go on because we feel we have had too many set-backs or let-downs to furthur pursue our dreams. Then there are those of us who have felt defeated at one point, but after getting side-tracked, knocked down, and trampled upon, rise up more determined to succeed than ever. Todays Trivia I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether. I could be, assuming my cables would stretch that far, in my bed inputting numbers into my laptop and still be making money. (Believe me, it sounds like far more fun than it is, and is not nearly as profitable as one might think.) 14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated Why should you bother to spend your valuable time to learn how to get motivated and stay motivated? Self Determination - Making the Most Out of You Breaking the mold of being a child is difficult. The mere addition of years does not make that happen. The dependency many adults choose, in fact, keeps them in a child-like mentality. If the doctor makes our health decisions, an accountant our financial ones, a minister our moral ones and a politician is left to decide our rights, how is that different from a child being told what to do by teachers and parents? Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You! I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see how long you can stare without walking away. If less than five minutes, then you need an attitude adjustment. Greed and Selfishness: Knowing The Difference And Loving Yourself! I hear many people discuss how selfishness leads to greed, or that being greedy is part of being selfish. I simply have to say that "greed" and "selfishness" are not the same things. These are "value words" and are based on ideas and information drilled into our heads when we were younger as something known as "basic morals." A Reality Practice Suggested practice to gain freedom from self-limitation. What is Your Challenge January is almost over. 5 Keys to Maintaining Personal Change I look out my window at daybreak as the sunrise creates tiny sparkles on sheets of frozen snow. Two mornings later, the snow and sparkles are gone. Even the warmer weather will not last long. The Doomsday Device ... The physical Brain In Action Our physical brains quickly and easily handle mundane sequences of operations, or processes without question. It repeats processes like a machine: A»B»C»...»Z». Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the word process to mean "a series of actions, operations, or motions involved in the accomplishment of an end". Heartbeat, breathing, and digestion are processes that occur without a single thought about what comes next. But, in many cases, our movement has become so consistent, that life itself becomes one of the mechanistic processes of the physical brain. Although, life is supposed to be dynamic, the brain only handles what it knows---what it has learned and what is sequenced. Motivation - The 4 Most Potent Ways To Awaken Your Enthusiasm ...it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure. Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually...It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn. ? M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled A Quick Observation of the Low Class We can all learn a valuable lesson about the types of behavior and attitudes to avoid like the plague, simply by observing the characteristics of people we all know are low class. Being low class is not a function of the lack of money or social status. I've seen rich people and those high on the social ladder who were very low class. I've also observed folks who were living below the poverty level and low on the social scale who were very high class people. It also has nothing to do with race or ethnic background. Instead, being low class is strictly a matter of behavior and attitudes. The Secret Motivation Strategy That Never Fails No matter how much you want to make your dreams come true you still need some practical ways to keep yourself motivated over the long term. You need the ability to keep going in the face of setbacks, disappointments and short-term frustrations. i.e. a motivation technique that works. Nothing To Lose I stormed out of the office and headed for the patio area in front of my office building. It was October 2003, and everybody knew what happened. Ever since our division consolidated in February 2002, there had been more "closed door" conversations than ever, and when they involved me, I usually came out angry. This time I was madder than ever. I was sick of the office politics, sick of the cliques, sick of people sneaking around the rules ? and you can only take all of that being sick so long before you explode. After complaining to my supervisor for the umpteenth time about the state of affairs, we both cracked. I told her I was disappointed at the lack of morals and integrity, and she told me that I needed to just shut up and get professional help for depression if that's what it took to quit complaining. Here is the ironic part: I have a degree in psychology. Do You have a Dream? Do you find yourself sitting at work longing to be somewhere else and doing something you have always wanted to do? ![]() |
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