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Rebirth from the Ashes
The legend of the phoenix can actually be found in several belief systems. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt when it was then known as "Bennu" or Bynw", a symbol of the sun god Osiris. Osiris was resurrected to life from serving as ruler of the underworld. Whether this mystical bird is attributed to the Chinese "Feng-huang", the Jewish "Milcham" or even an emblem of Christ, the legend remains the same?
After serving its life cycle, the phoenix builds a nest and then by the sun and the friction of its own wings, is consumed by fire. It is inevitably reborn from the very ashes. The phoenix is therefore symbolic of resurrection, immortality, and my personal favourite - triumph over adversity.
I has been said repeatedly that there are two types of people in this world: "marathoners" and "sprinters". Both are ambitious at heart. They set a goal and will pursue it zealously. The only difference is that a sprinter expects to see immediate results and if they do not receive those results, they may get discouraged and give up all together. A marathoner on the other hand, can get side tracked, knocked down, and trampled on, but will refocus and redirect when necessary in order to meet their ultimate goal.
For example, a woman who had planned to lose thirty pounds in three months may be disappointed upon realizing that after the first month, she has only lost six. She had obviously expected to see faster results. But if that same woman takes into consideration that she is more toned or has more stamina, she may alter her official goal. She may decide "I want to go down a few dress sizes", or "I want to be able to incorporate fitness and nutrition into my lifestyle permanently." Along the way, she may miss a few morning jogs or go off her so-called diet, but above all, she is patient with herself.
Patience is essential. It's important to accept that results are not always immediate. Sometimes, they aren't even tangible. But by just going through the necessary steps, you are on your way, whether you realize it or not. Afterall, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. Accepting that the process is slow will likely prevent you from giving up. By altering your original goal, you haven't fallen short. You've simply become aware enough to realize when and where to strategize.
It is very important not to perceive set-backs as failures. Coming down hard on yourself can even crush your spirit. Within your spirit lies your innermost dreams, desires, and your attitude toward life. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Some people die at twenty-five and aren't buried until they are seventy-five".
Some of us passively sit back and watch the rest of life go on because we feel we have had too many set-backs or let-downs to furthur pursue our dreams. Then there are those of us who have felt defeated at one point, but after getting side-tracked, knocked down, and trampled upon, rise up more determined to succeed than ever. Denni Gill is an up-and-coming Canadian poet.
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STOP! Reading the Headlines and Live Your Own Life First Imagine! 40 is old. The California State Supreme Court has said that when are you are 40, employers can discriminate against employees using this age as the excuse. One Last Month to Make it Count! Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your situation change? Well, the busiest 2 months of summer are over, with literally weeks until school starts up again. There's a lot of juggling finances as you finish off your summer trips, buy school clothes and rush to the store to buy up all the school supplies you can get your hands on. For the kids the hustle and bustle has just begun, but for the single parent this is just a normal month. How often do we have a busy month like this and we don't think twice about it. It's a regular routine for us, we work, we buy, and we're broke. There's no "ifs", "ands" or "buts" about it. We work hard, play less and fall into an eternal cycle of Single Parenting. Half the time we don't know which end is up, just as long as those kids are fed, the bills are paid and we can get to work on time. How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit Someone I know maintains that "motivational words are great coming from philosophers, but that's because they're not in the real world." The power of words can be an incredible aid to helping us remain motivated and focused. How to Use Discouragement to Motivate Yourself Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much too handle? 4 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Need For Acceptance... And Get On With Your Life Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you get over your need for acceptance. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find that people will judge you less and accept you more! The Power Of The Brain THE BRAIN Dont Let Failure Go To Your Head I watched as an 8-year-old All-Star slid dramatically into second base. Yet the umpire gave the dreaded signal, "Out!" The crowd yelled, "That's OK. Way to hustle! Great try!" Courage "Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ? John Wayne 10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can give you. Just because people like you or you receive an award, does not mean that you will love and take care of yourself. Positive self-esteem comes from within and does not change because the scenery or circumstances change. To have esteem for something or someone is to regard highly or favorably. High self-esteem is relatively stable even when the forecast looks foreboding. Change 101: How to Get the Changes You Desire Here's a bold statement: 7 Steps to a New Life Overseas Research shows that at any one time more than half of us are dreaming of a new life overseas, but few actually succeed in making the transition from fantasy to reality. The Day Your Life Will Change for Good! Many people long for a better life. In fact, I think it is innate to humans to desire a better life. Wherever we are at we look beyond and dream of a better place. That is good, and that is not so good. It is good because the dream is alive and we can see, even if it is far off, a better situation for us, our families and our businesses and communities. So why is it not good? It is not good because it is not yet a reality! A dream is no good if it is only a dream. Sure a dream can make you feel good but long-term, if you don't pursue it and make it a reality, it will cause you frustration more than anything. But there is hope! Nothing Ever Stays The Same Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential. What is Success? Everyone wants success. People talk about setting goals and positive thinking and getting to the top. However, most of these same people never really define what success means to them. Have A Crack! For everyone the New Year is now in full swing. There is also a percentage of us that are wondering where the last few months went. This is why we all need to start focusing on what we all want to achieve this year and more importantly make sure we actually try to achieve it. Hey Me, Get Out Of My Way Hey Me! Get Out Of My Way By David Stoddard How often it is we give up wanting to do something even before we give ourselves an honest chance of succeeding. Perhaps, we begin writing our autobiography. We get the table of contents and the introduction written, then we let it sit because we don't think anyone will care. We begin a diet over a weekend. Within a couple of days, we are back to our normal habits because we didn't see any immediate results. Maybe we want to start a desktop publishing business. We get it started and the clients start coming in sooner than we expected. Because of our past experiences where we have been so good at what we did, we only remember getting bombarded with more and more work when we wish we could have taken a break. We may see how this can end up, so we slack off and let the business of our dreams fade away. Or maybe we have this idea of having our own place on the Internet. We create a page, then we have different ideas to put on it. Then we think of starting a business with it. Then we also want to have a newsletter for people. Then we want to do web pages for others. Then we go back and work on ways to get people to read our newsletter. But we need a better web site. So we start from scratch and the circle continues. Having too many things we would like to do can stop us as well. Personally, I've become an expert at getting out of my own way when it comes to doing things. After all, I have gotten in my own way over and over and over again for years. I still fit the last one. So many different areas that interest me, I have jumped from one thing to another to another. Like many of the books on the bookshelf at home, I don't think I have ever finished one of them all the way through. We stop ourselves in any number of ways. - I'm not good enough: Well, on Monday, a group of students will be given a lecture by the worst teacher. The worst actor will star in a made-for-television movie. And the worst boy band will put on a mini show for friends and family in their garage. - No one will be interested: Just look around at some of the things you see on television or read in newspapers or books or magazines. It is amazing some things have lasted this long. - I'm too old/young: Colonel Sanders was in his eighties when he began his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Anne Frank was a young girl when she wrote her diary which is still published and read to this very day throughout the world. - I don't know what I want to do: You may not know exactly what you want to do, but there is something in the back of your mind that is important. Especially if you know you're not happy in what you are doing now, you know there is more you want out of life. - I want to do too much: No one says you can't do a little of everything. Just have to pick one that will set the groundwork for the others. Find what is the common thread in the things you would like, and start there. You can branch off once that foundation is in place. - The universe is out to get me: Ummmmm. Not at all. Once you make up your mind and begin heading in some direction, the universe will open up in ways you can't see right now. People will come into your life, events will take place, and you will begin to see a bit further each day. But you have to make the first moves. Motivational speaker Les Brown in his book "It's Not Over Until You Win," tells a story of a keynote speaker at a National Speakers Association conference he attended. The speaker was perhaps the worst speaker Les had ever heard. The man spoke in a monotone voice and was dull as a butter knife. By the end of his presentation, more than two-thirds of the audience had walked out. The speaker, noticing this said something that pretty much sums up this column. "The reason I am up here (Doing) and you are sitting down there (watching) is because I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself." Give yourself a chance and get out of your own way. Motivation: The Power of Celebration Cherish If Not Now, When? How many times have you made excuses for putting off something you really needed or wanted to do? Probably too many times to count. It is all too easy to get in the habit of putting the desires of your heart on hold. You may have been taught to put the needs of others first or that it is selfish to think of your own desires. For Those Who Have Suffered! As one who has suffered from the long, term effects of trauma I feel compelled to share some experience and hope with those who seek to heal themselves and create true quality of life. Motivation-- The Key Is In Your Actions Have you ever read something like this as a "way to increase motivation"? : ![]() |
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