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If Not Now, When?
How many times have you made excuses for putting off something you really needed or wanted to do? Probably too many times to count. It is all too easy to get in the habit of putting the desires of your heart on hold. You may have been taught to put the needs of others first or that it is selfish to think of your own desires. Mind you, there is times when it is appropriate and right to put the needs of others first, i.e., children, and others who have a right to depend on you. Yet, even with that you must not always put yourself last and deny yourself the happiness that comes from doing something for yourself. The truth is, when we do something that brings us fulfillment, it has a positive impact on every area of our lives.Another truth is that if we don't do certain things we greatly desire for ourselves, that feeling of failure and disappointment often negatively impacts our lives. It doesn't have to be that way. Now is the time to begin a new journey of personal and, perhaps even financial fulfillment. You have within you the ability to change your circumstances. The change begins when you make up your mind to stop putting off those things your really want, and ought to doing for yourself. Recently, I watched the local news as they featured the story of an 80 year-old man who had just received his high school diploma.This elderly man, now slowed by age walked slowly with his hand outstretched to receive his diploma. The look in his time-worn face was one of sheer joy. It was the joy of at last accomplishing this goal that was obviously of utmost importance to him. This man's high school education had been interrupted by World War II, and later by providing for a family. Apparently,for decades he held on to that desire. This man had situations in his life the held him back, but they did not stop him. When it comes to your dreams, your hopes and your desires,what's holding you back? I don't know what prompted the man in the story to finally do it, but he helps us see the importance of going after our dreams,even if it is a dream delayed. Why don't you take a few moments right now to think about what you want that you have not yet achieved? It may be a short or long list. In either case, you must decide where to begin. If there is only one thing on the list, then make a decision today to begin the process of reaching that goal.If there are several, then assign each item a number with the most important goal being listed as number one. One of the goals many of us put off is that of starting a business as a means of achieving financial independence. If having your own home-based online business, getting a new job, losing weight, or whatever is on your agenda I encourage you to start now. If not now, when? Copyright 2005 Elisha Burke Dr. J. E. Burke, a college instructor, has been involved in various business enterprises via his business, Burke Publications for 11 years. Dr. Burke is an educator, writer and motivational speaker on a variety of topics. He is also known for his expertise on nonprofit organizations and grant proposal writing. Burke Publications Copyright 2005 Burke Publications All Rights Reserved
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Rules To Live Life By How often have we heard ourselves complaining about how unlucky we are in life or how things are just not working out right for us. However, what we so easily forget is that at some time before in lives, luck has favoured us.But it is human nature whereby we remember only what didn't work for us but easily forget the things that happened in our favour. There are several things in life that we must cherish and be thankful to God for. One important thing that we must do is make a list of all the good things that have happened to us or all the blessings we have got and refer to that list whenever we feel upset or uncared for. Actually this is the same logic, which we use when we read old love letters because they remind us of happy times and cherished memories. Here is a list of ten quotations and how we can interpret these to lead a happier life. The Default Setting In the coaching relationships I have with our clients, the major problem I see is that individuals end up in the same place - over and over and over again. They mean to save money and build wealth, only to end up (again) with "too much month at the end of the money." They've lost the same 15 pounds 8 times in the last decade. They quit one job only to end up doing the exact same job with the exact same pay for a different company. They end a relationship and then start dating the same person with a different name. Sound familiar? Everyone has patterns and they are determined by what we refer to as the "default setting". Just Do It! If you run a business like I do, you probably have limited time to do all the things you need to do each day. In order to make sure I get to exercise each day, I have to get up BEFORE the chickens do ? between 4:30 AM and 5AM. Every single time I have to tell myself, "Kim, JUST DO IT!" I don't always want to either but I do it. Three Fs and a Challenge It's no secret that life is a tricky animal to understand and it's even harder to tame it so that it delivers what you want. But from my work in the world of personal development I've figured out three simple things that can transform any situation, any problem, any issue...and any life. Three things that once in place can bring the best out of you, bring the best to you and allows you to enjoy all of it. What are these three things? I call them the Three F's - Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom. Are You A Visionary Dreams may seem unimportant in your quest for success. And it's true that ordinary dreams are often a mix of what happened during your day --plus some "wild" random associations. Victorious Living How are things going for you? Are you sitting on top of the world or at the bottom of a pile of problems? Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth or raised on the wrong side of the tracks? Do you say that life dealt you a bad hand? Know what? You are in good company. Everyone has their share of troubles. Three Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself Today! Are you having a hard time getting things done? Are you making no steps toward achieving your goals and dreams? Could you use a little "motivation"? Elements of Change The key to achieving more than you currently are, no matter which area of your life or work you are focusing in on now, is change. The old saying rings true: If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you've already got. If you keep eating and exercising the way you currently are, you will weigh the same a year from now. If you continue to sell to the same people on the same schedule, you will make the same amount of money next year. Getting Out of a Rut Are you feeling bored or restless? Do you need to make a change of some type? People who make creative breakthroughs are the ones who usually are looking for different ways of doing things. I am going to suggest some possible ways to get out of your rut. This could actually be fun. Now, please keep an open mind. Back to Boot Camp You know, whenever you are going to make a major change and begin to undergo a different lifestyle, it is probably good to make a massive move in that direction. Think about it. As the old saying goes, "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got!" So if you keep on living the way you are living, you will keep right on with the life that in many ways you wish was changing! So how do you change your life? You change what you are doing! Motivation By Comparison Motivation by comparison is a dynamic form of motivation which can totally transform our attitude of mind. It is used much too rarely. It is so powerful it could and perhaps should be used every day as a part of a morning ritual of preparation for the day ahead. Taking Responsibility Taking action about our current station in life involves taking responsibility for our current state of affairs. When we acknowledge that we are the main culprits with regards to where we are now, we will more likely take responsibility for creating the future we desire. Motivation: 3 Keys to Lasting Change David Bowie once sang, "Ch-ch-changes, tryin' to face the strain." 2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face those fears in order to move forward in our lives. Being Genuinely Curious Yesterday at the dinner table, my eleven-year-old daughter asked me, "Aren't there times when you absolutely know you're right and the other person is wrong?" She had a disagreement at school that day and believed that her view was the truth. I said, "I used to think I was always right and that other people were wrong. Now I still think I may be right, but I realize that other people know things that I don't. I'm more interested in learning than being right." Under The Guise of Care and Concern These words came up powerfully for me these past few months. I have had the experience this year of being in several situations in which people's genuineness and motives came into question over and over again. Have you ever met the type I am referring to? People who are correcting you because they care? People who are sharing with you for your own good and growth? People who show you every mistake and dark nook and cranny of your soul because they want to see you live a life of freedom, prosperity and possibilities? What Comes First the Action or the Feeling? In other words, it is in the "doing" that we appreciate and learn the meaning of an action or activity, not simply in thinking about it. Creative Procrastination Do you ever postpone things, or just forget about them for a while, or tell yourself, "I'll get to that later?" Do you sometimes feel guilty about it? Well, it's true that procrastination can be a bad habit, but there are times when it can be useful. Anchors Away! If we want to fill our heads with the doom and gloom society seems to thrive on, all we need to do is turn on the local news at night. To make that quantum leap toward personal happiness and success in life, sometimes we just need to do what so many people seem to be talking about lately: "clean house" and take personal inventory of the people we associate with most. 7 Magical Ways To Stop Procrastination There are a number of techniques to help you stop procrastination once and for all. If you can stop procrastination in your life just think about what you could accomplish and how much better you would feel. ![]() |
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