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7 Steps to a New Life Overseas
Research shows that at any one time more than half of us are dreaming of a new life overseas, but few actually succeed in making the transition from fantasy to reality. To completely turn everything on its head and start your life all over again in a foreign country is an incredible undertaking and one that many dream of but most ultimately shy away from. If you would like to make your dream a reality this article will help you find the courage and strength you need to: - - Define your new life - Find your motivation for making your new life a reality - Overcome any fears or uncertainty - Practically work to find your ideal destination - And avoid some of the more common pitfalls What is it about your current life that you would like to change? This will be the most important step on your road to getting a new life ? finding out whether you really do want a new life or whether you simply need to make adjustments to your current life ? it's all about finding your motivation! Take a look at the following areas of your life. Write down honestly and exactly why you are dissatisfied or disillusioned with them, or how you would like to change them. Then write down if and how moving abroad will bring you closer to satisfaction in these areas. Hopefully there are areas of your life that you are perfectly happy with, if that's the case, make a note of how these areas of your life will be affected if you move overseas - either positively or negatively. a) Your work/job/career. b) Your living environment/your home/your home town. c) Your personal/family life. d) Your social life. The point of this exercise is getting a reality check and ultimately defining your motivation for seeking a new life. You can keep coming back to what's important to keep and what's important to change as you progress with your planning. This will make sure you stay on track and aren't running away from something negative only for it to follow you, and you aren't leaving behind something important. Once you have your motivation defined this will guide the rest of your journey. Step Two - Stop thinking "what have I got to lose" ? instead, start asking yourself "what have I got to gain?" Time to be utterly selfish ? and time for another list! You and your important people ? i.e., anyone else you want to move overseas with (partner, children) - need to sit down and make a 'life wish list.' What is it you want out of life...? Write down everything, no matter how trivial or how incredible? Now compare lists! Find common ground, find compromise and ultimately see how the dreams you've all now defined will be reconciled with the reality of a new life abroad. Again, as you progress with your planning you can keep these dreams in mind and make sure you're progressing in the right direction to achieve them. Step Three ? Honesty and self knowledge. You and your family now need to be honest with yourselves about the type of people you are. Are new beginnings a thrill and challenge for you or does the thought truly scare you? If you go into a blind panic at the thought, are you certain that you want to uproot yourself and go through the stress that does go with any new start? Yes, the rewards are there but you do have to battle through some stresses to get there. If you know that as a family unit you will survive, or you're considering making the move alone and you know that you're strong enough to keep going through the unknown to establish a life for yourself, then all you now need to do is go back to your motivation for choosing a new life abroad and hold on to that...it will get you through. Step Four ? Choosing the right country. You may already have a country in mind; somewhere you've holidayed and fallen in love with, somewhere you already have family or friends or somewhere you've seen on the TV or in movies and where you dream of making a new life? Some people do have very definite plans about where in the world they'd like to be this time next year, but it seems that just as many people are a little overwhelmed at the choice and have yet to make a final destination decision. So, how do you decide? Well, everyone has different desires but as a general guide, the following are some of the main areas you should consider and research before you make your ultimate choice. They'll help your head keep your heart in check when you visit and fall in love with a property or pace of life! Demographics Step Five - Visit the countries you've short listed as dream destinations. This may sound so obvious to many people, but unfortunately in my time as an expatriate in 5 very different countries I've met many people who have made the move based on house prices or photographs alone and seriously regret their decision. You have to get a feel for a country before you make a commitment to it. First impressions do count but they are not the be all and end all - when you spend longer in a place you begin to see both the cracks and the hidden treasures. Step Six - Remember that you can't run away from your problems or who you are. Problems, issues, debts and emotional baggage will follow you around the world! You'll still react to upsets the same way whether you're at home or abroad. Self knowledge is the key to success in life. Problems always crop up, but if you can learn to live or deal with them before you go, you are far more likely to survive life abroad. Step Seven ? Ready, steadily, go! If you've done your homework, covered all the considerations and suggestions I've made, and researched all your options you will have found your motivation, found the inner stoicism to see this through, and you will ultimately have your new life mapped out in your mind. You are now ready to make the whole thing happen! It's time to move steadily through the practicalities of sorting out your old life and preparing your new life. And if you spend time dealing with the necessary organisation and arrangements, the time to go will come around so quickly, you'll soon find you're living your new life abroad and never looking back. Rhiannon Williamson is a publisher with specialist knowledge covering literally every single aspect of moving & living abroad. From offshore investment and offshore banking to international living and buying property abroad. Check out her site Shelter Offshore to find out how you can escape from the rat race, relocate overseas, and profit from your move!
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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone - Before Its Too Late Think about what you're doing each day and ask yourself - "Is what I'm doing now getting me to where I want to get to?" If the answer is "No" then do something different. Get out of your comfort zone and change your habits. Discover the Hidden Power of Self Motivation Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention. Do It Now! "At the end of our lives we never regret at the things we failed at but at the things we hope for but never attempted." Richie Dayo Johnson How To Avoid Being Labelled As Average When your life is over how will you be graded? Will you get an A or a B or will you get a C Average? Will your time on this earth be rated as average? None of us want to be average. We all want to be successful. We all, deep down, have the desire to achieve something in our lives. So why oh why are you satisfied with being Ms or Mr average? What is it that makes you content being average? No, Fear! The Success is Yours (1) Fear is the minds great mortal sin. The Loneliness of Personal Growth The cream rises to the top. That means that it separates itself from the milk. Perhaps that is what the New Age Movement is really all about. We tell ourselves that it's lonely at the top. Yes, it is. Maybe we have to figure out how to maintain ourselves as cream, but also stay whipped up within the milk? I'm picturing some sort of luscious desert all decadent and wonderful... like hot cocoa with the marshmallows stirred in rather than just floating on top. But then the marshmallow is no longer a unique wonderful treat, it's been broken down into the masses and lost it's integrity. It's a different lesson that comes into play after you've experienced a decent bit of enlightenment and growth. Habit Change--Six Steps to Success As every New Year approaches, many of us are doing the usual?thinking, "This year will be different. I'm going to change?(fill in the blanks)?my work habits, my attitudes. I'll lose those pounds; I'll make that difficult choice that's long overdue." We re-make these resolutions throughout the year. The Greatest Secret To Producing Real SOLID Excellence! One fact stubbornly stays true: while everyone desires to succeed, only those who truly COMMIT to their dreams would be able to attain success. For most people, having MORE money, MORE freedom and MORE success is nothing but a feeble desire. The reality is that they can live without it even though it is great to have it. As a result, they never (and never need to) take enough massive action to achieve their dreams when something else more 'important', 'urgent', 'realistic' or 'down-to-earth' comes to fill up their time. Dismantle Self Imposed Limits Round about us is an invisible box that we have created around ourselves, which defines our horizon. Things within this box are within reach, achievable, see-able, touchable, believable, feasible, possible. Outside this box is a region beyond our wildest imagination. Things in this domain are too much to handle or contemplate. They are beyond reach. Don't even think about it, and we don't. Problems or Opportunities? As best I can tell hereā??s how it breaks down. Activity Versus Accomplishment Each and every day, all of us continually search for the extra edge to win at the sport of sales and marketing. One of the most important things that you need to know is that there is a thin line that exists between activity versus accomplishment. Many people feel if they are "active" then they are productive. This is not true! Too often people run around shuffling papers, go back and forth to meetings and are continually on and off their cell phones, but they never accomplish a single task. Consequently, they never obtain their ultimate goal. Around The World On $80 Jules Vernes adventure story, Around the World in 80 Days, stimulated the imagination of 26-year-old Robert Christopher. Why Do Flowers Inspire Me So Much? I grew up in a very cold climate where winter seemed go on for 6 months and ice, snow and barren trees is what you saw on a daily basis. Plus the bone chilling cold and cloudy skies all made for a long dreary winter. Selective Perspective Picture this: A mother and daughter are looking at the snowfall from the front widow of their home. The daughter thinks: "Great, No school tomorrow." While Mom is thinking, "Great, how will I get to work tomorrow?" What is your Altitude? It is something that everyone ? and I do mean everyone ? has the same opportunity to possess. It is something that can change you, those around you, and your future immediately. It is something that will never leave you in a worse position than before you possessed it. It is something that affects your behavior which then in turn is demonstrated by your performance. This something is called Positive Attitude. Five Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone Expanding your comfort zone isn't quite the same as building self-confidence. However, the two do fit together rather nicely. The one begets the other. So many people feel stuck in a rut... bored from a routine that is safe and comfortable but not very exciting. Fear of falling flat on your face or of looking foolish stops you from reaching out beyond that cozy little life you've created for yourself. If your goal is to expand your comfort zone, then you must think positive while doing these. Remember that nothing really bad can happen to you if you are smart in how you go about trying new things. It's all just new adventures. Become like a curious child and have some fun. Mastering the Problem of Everyday Living People are unhappy and defeated by their everyday problems that arise in life. You should know that life is full of ups and downs. But never allow your problems and struggles dominate your life. Obstacles should not be permitted to destroy your happiness and well being. You have the power in your hand to overcome any obstacle. To overcome problems firstly you have to believe in yourself. Secondly have immense faith in your abilities. And finally have Self Confidence to face any obstacle. If you do have all these qualities you can overcome any barriers, difficulties or any limitations. Inferiority Complex can demoralize your life. So fill your mind with faith. The Simple Secret To Lasting Motivation This is a key to lasting motivation and beating procrastination. How To Get Motivated When You Have An Off Day What can you do on days like these? Is there a way to get motivated and stay motivated? A Resolution for Excellence "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle ![]() |
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