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The Greatest Secret To Producing Real SOLID Excellence!
One fact stubbornly stays true: while everyone desires to succeed, only those who truly COMMIT to their dreams would be able to attain success. For most people, having MORE money, MORE freedom and MORE success is nothing but a feeble desire. The reality is that they can live without it even though it is great to have it. As a result, they never (and never need to) take enough massive action to achieve their dreams when something else more 'important', 'urgent', 'realistic' or 'down-to-earth' comes to fill up their time. Realize that you have a choice to make every single day but somehow the lesser choice almost always ranks as FIRST priority! I cannot help but stress how important the word COMMITMENT is. When you commit to something, you would do whatever it takes to achieve it, no matter how difficult the situation is. When you COMMIT to something, your dream becomes a MUST. When a dream becomes a MUST...You operate from a different mindset. People who truly achieve their dreams make them an absolute MUST to do so. When something becomes an absolute MUST, you would do whatever it takes to get it (within ethical and moral means). Making them a MUST also taps into your potential and unlimited resources to achieve anything you want! Ask yourself: are your dreams and goals an absolute must or just weak desires that you can live without? Almost everything you had ever achieved in the past-believe it or not-was an absolutely MUST. If not, you wouldn't have achieved anything till now. The problem is most of us tend to live a mediocre life based on survival and necessity, and living an exceptional life is not a MUST so long as we never make it a point NOW. The only way to achieve your dreams and live an exceptional life is when you raise your 'level of acceptance'. You may set a dream to earn $10,000 from Internet Marketing but if you are willing to accept $2,000, then $2,000 is what you are going to get because $2,000 is your level of acceptance. Your level of acceptance is $2,000 and the moment it goes below your acceptance level, your mind hits panic mode and you would do whatever it takes to earn $2,000 again. Raising your level of acceptance requires that you get 'dissatisfied' and 'inspired' and one of the best ways to do it is to read about or mix around with people who are much better than you. So if you are earning $2,000, kindly mix around with people who are earning X times as much as you. You are simply taking advantage of a particular environment by planting yourself in it. When you are not mixing around with successful people and you are all by yourself, here's the great secret you can apply to produce better and greater results at all times: get 'dissatisfied' and 'inspired' by putting yourself ON THE LINE! In other words, put yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no choice but to step up to the next level. How to put yourself on the line? Make a public declaration of your dreams and establish a commitment so that it will hurt not to do it. When the brain is given a choice to do something or put it off, it will always gravitate towards the easier path. But when you have no choice but to do it, the inherent power of a commitment and a declaration will always help you find a way! Do the following exercises: 1) Write down 5 goals that you MUST achieve. 2) Define your current levels of acceptance and redefine new levels for these 5 goals. 3) For these 5 goals, write at least 2 ways you can put yourself on the line for each of them. 4) Take massive action and DO IT! Remember, in whatever you are doing, be it writing, creating a site, presenting, promoting, selling, forging new relationships etc., put in the x-factor that is Commitment in all your intentions, and all your actions will be executed at a new and higher level in one way or another. Be committed to do whatever it takes, and you will most likely get it. Gifts Download: http://www.internetmasterycenter.com/freeload.html Justin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center (http://www.internetmasterycenter.com) and Fresh Resources (http://www.freshresources.com). This article is free for reprint in your website, e-mails and other mediums with permission by default. The signature must be included. If it is for a profitable purpose e.g. content for a paid e-book, you must notify us.
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The First Step for Getting Better Results How dramatically we can change our results is largely a function of imagination. In 1960, it was a technological impossibility for man to travel into outer space. Within ten years, however, the first man stepped out onto the surface of the moon. The miraculous process of converting the dream into reality began when one voice challenged the scientific community to do whatever was necessary to see to it that America "places a man on the moon by the end of this decade." How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit - Part II A friend of mine read the article, How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit, and dryly made the comment, "So what?" The Undeniable Power of a Mastermind Group A Mastermind is a group of individuals who are joined in purpose. All bringing their collective talents and experiences to the achievement of a common goal. Have A Crack! For everyone the New Year is now in full swing. There is also a percentage of us that are wondering where the last few months went. This is why we all need to start focusing on what we all want to achieve this year and more importantly make sure we actually try to achieve it. Do It Now! "At the end of our lives we never regret at the things we failed at but at the things we hope for but never attempted." Richie Dayo Johnson Hey Me, Get Out Of My Way Hey Me! Get Out Of My Way By David Stoddard How often it is we give up wanting to do something even before we give ourselves an honest chance of succeeding. Perhaps, we begin writing our autobiography. We get the table of contents and the introduction written, then we let it sit because we don't think anyone will care. We begin a diet over a weekend. Within a couple of days, we are back to our normal habits because we didn't see any immediate results. Maybe we want to start a desktop publishing business. We get it started and the clients start coming in sooner than we expected. Because of our past experiences where we have been so good at what we did, we only remember getting bombarded with more and more work when we wish we could have taken a break. We may see how this can end up, so we slack off and let the business of our dreams fade away. Or maybe we have this idea of having our own place on the Internet. We create a page, then we have different ideas to put on it. Then we think of starting a business with it. Then we also want to have a newsletter for people. Then we want to do web pages for others. Then we go back and work on ways to get people to read our newsletter. But we need a better web site. So we start from scratch and the circle continues. Having too many things we would like to do can stop us as well. Personally, I've become an expert at getting out of my own way when it comes to doing things. After all, I have gotten in my own way over and over and over again for years. I still fit the last one. So many different areas that interest me, I have jumped from one thing to another to another. Like many of the books on the bookshelf at home, I don't think I have ever finished one of them all the way through. We stop ourselves in any number of ways. - I'm not good enough: Well, on Monday, a group of students will be given a lecture by the worst teacher. The worst actor will star in a made-for-television movie. And the worst boy band will put on a mini show for friends and family in their garage. - No one will be interested: Just look around at some of the things you see on television or read in newspapers or books or magazines. It is amazing some things have lasted this long. - I'm too old/young: Colonel Sanders was in his eighties when he began his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Anne Frank was a young girl when she wrote her diary which is still published and read to this very day throughout the world. - I don't know what I want to do: You may not know exactly what you want to do, but there is something in the back of your mind that is important. Especially if you know you're not happy in what you are doing now, you know there is more you want out of life. - I want to do too much: No one says you can't do a little of everything. Just have to pick one that will set the groundwork for the others. Find what is the common thread in the things you would like, and start there. You can branch off once that foundation is in place. - The universe is out to get me: Ummmmm. Not at all. Once you make up your mind and begin heading in some direction, the universe will open up in ways you can't see right now. People will come into your life, events will take place, and you will begin to see a bit further each day. But you have to make the first moves. Motivational speaker Les Brown in his book "It's Not Over Until You Win," tells a story of a keynote speaker at a National Speakers Association conference he attended. The speaker was perhaps the worst speaker Les had ever heard. The man spoke in a monotone voice and was dull as a butter knife. By the end of his presentation, more than two-thirds of the audience had walked out. The speaker, noticing this said something that pretty much sums up this column. "The reason I am up here (Doing) and you are sitting down there (watching) is because I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself." Give yourself a chance and get out of your own way. Clear Thinking - Ten Ways Does your mind sometimes feel like a television station you can't quite tune in? You know there's an interesting program on - or several, but everything is mixed with static. What if you could "tune in" at will, have clear thinking whenever you want it? Try some of the following. Being Determined - What Good Will That Do? 'Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.' -- Josh Billings No Excuses Don't you just hate it when people make excuses for their failures? So do I. But do you know what I hate even more? Finding myself making excuses for my failures! I have a policy that I try to live by: No excuses. Bold Action: Living in the Moment Reality show audition...I did it! Get The Man Right One Saturday morning, a minister could not think of a sermon to write. He simply could not get inspired. He stared out of the window, at the birds splashing in the bird-bath. His mind was blank, as was the sheet of paper on his writing desk. Seven Aspects of Making Brilliant Decisions: The Relationship Between Work and Self Workweek: an opportunity for discovering and shaping; the place where the self meets the world. The Thrivers Secrets to Success?: It Starts With Your Attitude - Get a Grip and GoŽ! What impact would it have on your professional and personal life if you could learn the secret of successful living known by about 25% of the people? Think about that for a minute and even pause right now and write some thoughts down. How would your life be different if you operated like a "thriver" - a person who thrives and flourishes no matter what life throws at him or her? Victorious Living How are things going for you? Are you sitting on top of the world or at the bottom of a pile of problems? Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth or raised on the wrong side of the tracks? Do you say that life dealt you a bad hand? Know what? You are in good company. Everyone has their share of troubles. Greed and Selfishness: Knowing The Difference And Loving Yourself! I hear many people discuss how selfishness leads to greed, or that being greedy is part of being selfish. I simply have to say that "greed" and "selfishness" are not the same things. These are "value words" and are based on ideas and information drilled into our heads when we were younger as something known as "basic morals." Being Genuinely Curious Yesterday at the dinner table, my eleven-year-old daughter asked me, "Aren't there times when you absolutely know you're right and the other person is wrong?" She had a disagreement at school that day and believed that her view was the truth. I said, "I used to think I was always right and that other people were wrong. Now I still think I may be right, but I realize that other people know things that I don't. I'm more interested in learning than being right." Breaking Through Resistance Why is it that every time you start something new, a million and one things get in the way? 5 Keys to Maintaining Personal Change I look out my window at daybreak as the sunrise creates tiny sparkles on sheets of frozen snow. Two mornings later, the snow and sparkles are gone. Even the warmer weather will not last long. DAMAGED On the J-O-B. That's where I met him. Quentin Cole was his name. Everyone called him Q for short. Q was an extremely attractive man. He was 6'2", had the waviest-curliest-jet-black hair that you ever saw. This man had the deepest dimples, hazeliest of green eyes, and a physique to die for. He always dressed well and smelled so, so g-o-o-d. WOW! Five Mores to Enhance Your Performance When you think about the most successful, happy, fulfilled people you know, you could probably identify some characteristics these people have in common. If we were sitting together, I'm sure we could build a nice list of these characteristics, attributes, habits and attitudes. ![]() |
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