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Bold Action: Living in the Moment
Reality show audition...I did it! What an experience, a day and a half of focused effort and fun! How many times do you find yourself saying maybe next time? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you went for it? In this article I will share with you what I experienced when I decided to go for it. While visiting, over the phone, with a friend, who lives in Dallas, TX, I learned that he was on his way to audition for a reality show. The reality show "Pulpit Masters." After listening to Neil's three minute speech I found myself eager to join in. Neil's message was short, to the point, and "I loved it!" The next thing I know Neil was sharing with me that there will be a second audition tomorrow. Tomorrow was Saturday and my interest was peaked. I immediately checked out the website and what I found was: "a series setting out to find America's next great inspirational speaker" "a chance to stand up and be heard...to reach out to an audience of millions and affect their lives in a positive and meaningful way." someone with "a desire to stand before an audience and share their own insights into God and matters of the spirit and soul." I decided I was a match...;-) Next step, "could I put together a three minute speech in time?" It didn't take long for me to decide on a subject. I have been quietly working on the relationship of Faith and Belief and it seemed to fit perfectly. More importantly the words just started to flow. After sharing the opportunity with my wife it was clear that I was going to "GO FOR IT!" After writing the first draft of the speech I packed my clothes and hit the road. With three hours of travel time from Oklahoma City, OK to Dallas, TX I had plenty of time to start ironing out what I wanted to say. By 12:00am I arrived at Neil's house with plenty of time to spare. I would be rested and ready for tomorrow. The day of the audition: After responding to my three wake-up calls...just wanted to make sure...it was time to revisit my speech. YES! It was still feeling good. With the first part of the speech flowing I began to work on the second part. After an hour or so of working on the speech I decided it was time for breakfast. I love a good breakfast. After scanning Neil's bachelor like refrigerator I quickly realized how he stays so thin...he doesn't have any food! No food, not an option for me. The next best thing when I am on the road and time is critical, the GOLDEN ARCHES! Yep, good old MacDonalds. One sausage and egg McMuffin and a large OJ to go. I was feeling good and it seemed like everyone was smiling back. I love those moments. It was shaping up to be an amazing morning. Back at the car I went to set down my OJ only to have the lid come off and yes, the OJ went everywhere. No big deal, I had a role of paper towels and I had plenty of time. With a refill of OJ I was headed back to the house. The egg McMuffin was finished by the time I arrived back at the house. With Neil's directions in hand, it was time to go. It was 10:00am, I gave myself a good 15 to 20 minutes to spare and as luck would have it, I needed every bit of that time...;-) Was it me, or the directions, I just don't know. Still, between my stopping for directions, three different times, and calling the hotel, three different times, I finally arrived. The scheduled start time 11:00am, my arrival time 11:10am. Yes, I was still smiling and feeling good. Once there I settled in and focused on my speech. I was number 40, so, it was going to be a while. It wasn't until about 5:30pm that I actually had my audition. In the mean time, between focusing on my speech and eating, I was able to meet many different people. Several shared their stories or what they called; their testimonials. A NASCAR miracle or not, you decide: It takes place at a NASCAR event. This is not a small event, easily a couple hundred thousand people. While standing in line Sam and his family realized that they had left something in the car. So, rather than have everyone wait Sam decided to go it alone. Sam grabbed his ticket, placed it in his pocket and headed for the car. After making it back from the car he went to reach for his ticket only to find that it was gone. Ok, what to do. Sam decided to retrace his steps. Looking, and looking he was not able to find the lost ticket. Finally, as Sam tells it, he decided to have a talk with God; "ok lord, if you want me to buy a new ticket I will, if you want me to look in a different place I will!" It was shortly there after that Sam noticed someone selling a ticket. Their hand was held high as they yelled "Ticket, ticket for sale..." So, Sam decided to buy the ticket. "How much?" Sam asked. Forty dollars! they replied. Sam paid for the ticket and began to talk with the person selling the ticket. Sam shared that he had just lost his ticket and it was then that the person shared that they had just found the ticket on the ground. In a crowd of a couple hundred thousand people, could it be that he found Sam's ticket and Sam found him. The seller gave Sam his forty dollars back and told him to keep the ticket. He was sure it belonged to him. As Sam entered bleachers, not really knowing were his original seats were, he soon found himself right in the middle of his family. The ticket was indeed Sam's. What a story, I love stories like this, don't you. Yes, I took a risk. I acted on a feeling and got to meet some truly amazing people, and I was able to share what I do and test my speaking skills. I got to see if I could meet the challenge, and I did. One thing to keep in mind, I didn't do it alone. I had support from a close friend and my wife, thank you both...;-) What happens from here, I don't know. I feel like I did my best and that I connected with at least two of the judges. Am I who they are looking for, we will find out. The results won't be shared for at least another four weeks. If you would like to here my speech go to the link below. How bold are you willing to be? Have an awesome day! James Smith Copyright © James Smith, All Rights Reserved ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note: The author of this article has authorized its distribution with the requirement that it be published in its entirety, without changes, including the author's resource box. Please notify the author with a copy of your publication. Resource Box: Click here to listen to "Faith or Belief:" http://www.alofp.com/articles/art_H8ENWD91O.htm. James can help you set a new course for you life today. Get your free copy of "Taking Action NOW: 9 Key Strategies," by sending an email to: 9keys0020008@alifeofpossibility.com and start living today. Meet my support team: My wife: http://www.picturethisornaments.com, and my friend Neil: http://www.musicalmotivator.com
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Everyone has their share of troubles. If It Feels Good, It Must Be Right Copyright © 2003 Priya Shah ![]() |
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