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What is Your Challenge
January is almost over. Why do most New Year's Resolutions fail? By now, many New Years resolutions would be thrown out,forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year. Why do they fail? Perhaps, because these resolutions are renewed, recycled, reworded every New Year, without a serious intent of fulfilling them.Without a plan. It sounds good at the time. Everyone's doing it.These resolutions are empty words. Empty words. Diet? Lose weight? Cut down on the use of credit cards? Be more prompt with bill payments? Cut down on shopping. Read more, pursue that elusive dream, whatever that is. Be a better partner, parent, friend and employer or employee. This is a common one:Exercise!. Meditate. Time is passing by, welcome to 365 days of procrastination. Time to change your strategy. Yes, life entails strategies, planning,action and implementation. But, build it one step at a time. Think of the company you work for. They have a business plan, a budget; they make sure they have the resources needed, financial, time and human . They assess their position on schedule. They implement, they act decisively when it matters. This is their challenge in order to succeed. So, what is your challenge? Replace the worn out resolutions that you make year year.The words lost their essence, their meaning long ago. Re-think, plan a strategy to meet your challenge. Make it worth your while. In a nutshell, are these pursuits challenging ? Healthy lifestyle: 1. good , healthy nutritious food 2. healthy portions of food 3. balance work, family and recreation, each area gets a time of their own 4. exercise choose what is best for you, a lot to choose from 5. time for yourself- discover, nurture and listen to your inner self Financial Health 1. budget- a well planned budget 2. outline major expenses for the year- car, house repairs, travel 3. analysis of spending habits- what you need and what you want 4. pay down debt- mortgage, credit cards 5. no matter what age group- a nest egg /retirement/emergency funds Try a 21-day challenge. This is not an original idea. But studies show that if you try your best for 21 days, it eventually results in developing a healthy habit. A forum I'm on has this 21-day challenge. It turns participants into doers. That's what you need to become- a doer. Take it one challenge at a time. What is important to you? Diet, weight loss? Challenge yourself to adopt a healthier eating habit. If fast food and take-out food is your style, there are healthy choices in this area. BUT-is cooking such an aversion and bother that the convenience of take-out or frozen meals are so tempting. There are benefits to cooking. You can choose, experiment and be creative. It's actually a rewarding endeavour. Surprise yourself. You love food, eat very healthy portions, you never feel full. More food is good for you. OK- think aboout this seriously. Vegetables. Yuk. What wants them? Think again. You do!!! Get the idea? Try this for 21 days. Focus on this challenge,with dedication and enthusiasm.Do it! If you succeed, your 21 days would act as your spring board to the next challenge . One challenge at a time, you can build it up to eventually meeting all those New Years Resolution you've dropped by the wayside. E N D About the writer: Bonnie Moss writes about spirituality, tools available to all to walk the path. Visit her website , a metaphysical site that offers information on tarot, crystals, aura, journalling and other topics. Recent topics deal with the ligher side of life. http://goldencupcafe.tripod.com
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14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated Why should you bother to spend your valuable time to learn how to get motivated and stay motivated? The Downward Spirals Of Life - Top Ten Steps For Freeing Ourselves From Some people call them vicious circles or cycles. I prefer to think of them as downward spirals of life. Those periods that we can all become trapped in like the whirlpool of water as it drains from the tub. If we're not careful and mindful these downward spirals can suck the life right out of us. Here are a few simple and effective steps you can use to free yourself of such life sucking periods. The 31 Absolute Best Resources for Self Improvement Every week, I hear from people with the same Self Improvement questions: Where should I go for help? What should I do? Who should I listen to? How to Become an Effective Self-Help User "Know Yourself" That's what the big guy said way back when? Was it Aristotle, Plato or Socrates? Anyhow, that's the essence of what this article is about. Mind Power King Solomon said "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he as he continues to think so he remains. Aristotle said "What we expect that we find. Demosthenes said "What we wish that we believe. The modern theory " He can who thinks he can. You have the power to control your destiny. Every thing that is happening to you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually is what is happening in your mind. You can choose any thought you like. Every moment, every second there is a choice. You cannot live a choiceless life. You can choose the kind of life you want to lead, the kind of companion with whom you want to associate. Motivation: 3 Powerful Quotes from Golfer Tiger Woods I am not a golfer, unless you count an occasional game of putt-putt. I'm not even a fan of the game. But I am a fan of excellence, and so the following quotes by golfing great Tiger Woods recently caught my attention: Life Issues Pt.2 - Against All Odds Against all odds. I think that should be the motto of every person that is striving to be successful. The "odds" can be almost be anything: a lack of money, a lack of experience, a lack of self esteem and the list goes on and on. But to become successful, one has to over everyone of them and anything negative that comes your way. Whats Stopping You? We're all familiar with the cycle: How To Avoid Being Labelled As Average When your life is over how will you be graded? Will you get an A or a B or will you get a C Average? Will your time on this earth be rated as average? None of us want to be average. We all want to be successful. We all, deep down, have the desire to achieve something in our lives. So why oh why are you satisfied with being Ms or Mr average? What is it that makes you content being average? Why Do Flowers Inspire Me So Much? I grew up in a very cold climate where winter seemed go on for 6 months and ice, snow and barren trees is what you saw on a daily basis. Plus the bone chilling cold and cloudy skies all made for a long dreary winter. Your Life Story: Whatcha Gonna Do? Write Your Life Story NOW before Its Too Late! Imagine this scene: Project yourself into the future. You are 87 years old and sitting on the couch in the living room of your house. Sitting around you are your grand children and their children too. The smaller ones and maybe even some of the older ones ask you to tell them a story. They enjoy your stories. And of course you are more than happy to oblige them. Then after all, this is your family! Your offspring! You've told them many stories over the years. This time, however, they want you to tell them a different story. The story they want to hear this time, and everyone seems particularly primed to hear, is the story of your life. They are all waiting eagerly for you to begin. The Dawn On The Nile Valley Has Secrets To Tell! (3) Me and Mao Tse-Tung! Happy New Year H appiness depends upon your outlook on life. Courage Is A Gift "It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. -Epictetus, the 1st Century Greek Philosopher After the Big Project: Recovering From Success My older daughter got married 10 days ago. The wedding was a joyous and extraordinary experience, way beyond our imaginings. I am deeply happy about all of this, and feel strongly validated by the whole experience. Courage "Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ? John Wayne Don?t Let Motivation Cause You to Fail Yesterday my teenage son Matt came home with a less than stellar report card. (Yes, even peak performance experts sometimes have trouble motivating others.) Now Matt is by no means stupid. The reason he got poor grades is because he did not do the work that was required for some of his classes. Why didn't he do the work? According to him, he didn't feel motivated to do it. After having a loud discussion with him (translation: I was ranting and raving), I realized that Matt is no different than many people in his erroneous idea about motivation and success. Do The Hardest Thing First And The Rest Will Be Easy Have you ever noticed that in life we almost always choose the easy road, the path of least resistance when it comes to challenges in our way? How to Change Your Negative Reality It is often taken for granted that the reality tomorrow will be the same as today. Inertia? 5 Tips to Getting Yourself Moving Again! Inertia. Even the word sounds like a disease. No, it isn't literally a disease but it is one figuratively. Simply defined inertia is: resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change. For those of us who are stuck in a job we hate, inertia can sap our energy, drain our lives of joy, and make us miserable to be around. The following 5 tips will help you make the changes necessary to bury your inertia. ![]() |
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