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The 31 Absolute Best Resources for Self Improvement
Every week, I hear from people with the same Self Improvement questions: Where should I go for help? What should I do? Who should I listen to? This article is designed to help you explore all of the people, places and things available to help you improve your life starting today. Right off the bat, I want to share with you some very good news: There are literally DOZENS of places to go and people to talk to when it comes to Self Improvement. The only problem is that it can difficult to comprehend and evaluate all of these options. That's why I've compiled a complete list of 31 Self Improvement resources. Consider it a brainstorming session to help you think about and understand all of the different choices available. I've divided the list into five sections, and for each section, I include the pros and cons of using those particular resources. Basically, I want you to use this list for two reasons: -- To get you thinking about all of the different resources available to you, and -- To get you thinking about their advantages and disadvantages, so you can appropriately choose the right one(s). So, how many of these resources have YOU used to improve your life? YOUR IMMEDIATE CIRCLE OF CONTACTS (1-4) As a general rule, the people in this group are more likely to give you personal attention, and they are more likely to sincerely care about your needs. There are two things to look out for, though. These people are not necessarily experts in the areas where you need to improve, and they might have their own agenda. But they are generally easily accessible and can be great resources. 1. Your Friends INFORMATION RESOURCES (5-12) There is an unbelievable wealth of information out there to improve your life. On the Internet alone, there are over five million websites with the exact phrases of "Self Help" or "Self Improvement." On Amazon.com, there are over 190,000 books with references to these topics. Almost all the information you are looking for can be found here, but it could take hundreds of lifetimes to find the right information for you. Which of these resources do you currently use to help you improve your life? 5. Internet Websites TRAINED PROFESSIONALS (13-22) A trained professional can help you survive and thrive in many areas of your life. Many have worked with people in your exact circumstances and helped them find the answers they were looking for. As a general rule, professionals can provide you with more objectivity than you would get from a friend or family member. One of the challenges of working with trained professionals is finding one that is suitable for you. It is important to find the right type of trained professional (i.e.--therapist or personal coach) and then the best person based on your background, needs, and personality. Trained professionals can be very expensive to work with and in some instances have a stigma attached to them. But in many cases, the benefits of working with a trained professional far outweigh the costs and the risk. 13. Therapists (Professional Counselors, Psychologists) ORGANIZATIONS (23-25) I am using the term "organizations" in a very broad sense. These can include non-profit and for-profit organizations and both professional and social organizations. The biggest benefit that many of these organizations provide is the ability to work with, network with, and share experiences with people in the same boat, on the same mission, or with the same problem. These organizations frequently have "trained professionals," often have people who are our friends and family, and use "Known Information Resources" to help each of us grow. These types of organizations are not for everybody, and the benefits that you get back are tied directly into what you are contributing. The wrong group could be a waste of time, but the right group could change your life forever. 23. Non-Profit Support Groups (i.e.--AA, Child Support Groups) OTHERS POTENTIAL AREAS (27-31) The above areas covered countless resources to improve your life. Here I have included some additional areas that others have found helpful in the past. As you can see, there is a tremendous amount of overlap between the different resources. 27. Free Government Resources (Hotlines, Brochures, Help Centers) Now that you have gone through the whole list, I have an assignment for you. I want you to evaluate each of the areas above and try to determine which of these has helped you the most in the past. Then see which resources you can use to make your future a bright one. FINAL NOTE For those of you who want to additional resources right away, we have written a comprehensive book, entitled: "Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives" This book is a groundbreaking 460-page comprehensive resource with detailed information on the top 101 experts, their insights, their messages, and their products. You can learn the secrets of Tony Robbins, Dr. Phil, Zig Ziglar, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Dale Carnegie, plus 94 more in this epic 460-page book on Self Improvement. To get complete details, visit COPYRIGHT (C) 2004 by Self Improvement Online, Inc. David Riklan is the founder of http://www.SelfGrowth.com, the #1 Rated "Self Improvement" site on the Web. He creates resources, such as his e-book, http://www.selfgrowth.com/products/top101.html, E-Course, & FREE newsletters http://www.selfgrowth.com/products/newsletters.html, to help you achieve success.
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