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This Emotion Is As Helpful As Ali-Baba And His Forty Thieves!
Are you afraid of your own best ideas? Do you ever have that cold chill run up your spine just about the time you feel you're ready to take hold of that golden opportunity that comes once in a lifetime? Well guess what? I been there, done that, and won the T-Shirt. You Too?? Hmmm. Ali Baba and his Den of Thieves could never have plundered as much wealth, peace of mind, love and joy as one mind paralyzed with fear could take. One of the things, that I found, that often prevent us from putting on our best dog and pony show is timidity. And, to add insult to injury the timidity rears its ugly head right at the moment of our strongest inspiration. Yea, And Then As Luck Would Have It. And then all the boldness we could possibly muster just melts like a snow ball on a hot July day. Whether we admit it or not, we are just a little bit afraid of those ideas when they first occur to us and, also for awhile after we have thought about them. Now this may seem a little over rated and silly, but, there is no doubt about it. It takes a certain amount of boldness to step out and place ourselves between the devil and the deep blue sea. Yet, it is exactly this kind of boldness that often creates our place in the sun. When an idea is untested, we have no past history to base our confidence on. So, this creates a little fear and starts that little voice inside our head talking to us. And, it says things like; what if you're wrong? What will you do then? What will you tell your family? Why don't you just forget this cock and bull idea? You know how gullible you are. Maybe I Better Cover My Backside! And then we answer that little Ali-Baba voice and say to ourselves, "yes, maybe I better think this through a little more". All you've done, at that point, is began a wrestling match with your own head. At this point, you have obviously done a significant amount of preparation and planning. And, NOW, at the moment of truth, you get as nervous as a pregnant possum. Have you ever noticed that it's at the moment of decision when the fear arises? Have you ever noticed that you're as bold as a Lion up until the moment when it's time to step out of the boat and walk on the water? And, at that moment, you start clucking like a chicken. Why didn't you cluck when you first got the idea? Well, That's A Fine Kettle Of Fish! Well, there was no need to then. It was only a figment in your imagination; something that deserved no attention, at that moment, and certainly not deserving of any emotional energy. So, we continue planning and making preparations until that idea is ready for the baptism of fire, and, then we start acting like we got foot-in-mouth disease. Well, Sometimes the decision to step out of the boat can make your greatest dreams come true. On the other side, if you don't step out of the boat, you'll never know. I can hear somebody saying now, "Well, you just don't know my situation". Listen, life never leaves us with no way to achieve our dreams no matter how big they are. Time To Let Loose The Dogs Of War! Anything that you have "never" accomplished in your life is not the fault of the universe; it's not the devil's fault, and it's not you that is incapable of doing it. You are more than capable. You just need to stop looking for all the chinks in your armor and begin telling yourself everyday that, "IT AIN'T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS"!! When you begin doing this you will neutralize the timidity and fear that is hanging around you and your emotions will stop being tormented and keeping you at zero all the time. The storms are always somewhere in the distance. They're apt at anytime to start blowing in your direction just to see if you built your foundation on the sand. But, you know something? You are going to face storms whether you sit right where you're at or whether you're on a mission, trying to accomplish something great in your life. The storms are there. Or haven't you noticed? I'm kidding you now. But, I tell you, it sure is nice to face a storm, step out of the boat, walk on the water, and laugh in the face of every gremlin that's trying to eat your lunch. Jump At The Chance! I'm going to tell you the story of Manley to show you how you've been dreaming too small. Manley was a life insurance agent and loved the outdoors. His fishing hobby took so much of his time that he started playing hooky from work. He had a "wild" dream of wondering if somewhere he could find people living in the wilderness that he could sell insurance to and be close to nature that he so much loved. He investigated and found that there were people like this working for the railroad and living in Alaska. Manley started packing. He didn't let doubts and fear enter his mind. He didn't let ole Ali-Baba start talking to him and tell him what a scatterbrain he was?.that he would fail?..that it was a dopy idea, 5000 miles from his home. Or, any other fearful thought that tried to attack his emotions. Manley consulted with a travel agent and took the next boat to Alaska and achieved his dream. He went slopping around in the snow and the mud, in sub-zero temperatures, to sell Insurance. My Lord, I'd rather be slapped in the face with a wet fish. :>) I think Manley must have been two grapes short of a fruit salad. Nah..I'm kidding. Listen, Life is Not Hard, It Only Needs This.. The power of a dream. What dreams have you accomplished lately? Or, what dreams has Ali-Baba and his den of thieves stolen from you? You might not want to move to Alaska, You can bet your bottom dollar I sure don't; but, size your dream up against something as high as the stars. So what if you miss it half way. Just don't shoot for the ceiling and miss it half way. Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a populas recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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