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Motivation and Change: Creating Your Daily Success Program
I get some of my best ideas for my column from my clients. One idea that really seems to work for one of my clients is having a daily success program. What's a daily success program? It's simply a daily routine designed to create a successful, well-lived day, and a successful well-lived life as a result. More than a daily schedule or day planner, a daily success program is designed to help you create a compelling day, keep you on track with your goals, wake up each day excited to begin the day, and go to bed at night feeling like you have had a day well-lived. I realize that's a fairly bold statement, but read on to see if, and how, it could work for you. What do most people think of when they first wake up in the morning? Usually something like, "Is it Saturday yet?" or "How many times can I hit the snooze button and still be to work on time?" Not a great way to start the day. I wonder what would happen if you awoke each day and asked yourself questions like: What's great about today? What am I grateful for today? What am I looking forward to today? What can I contribute today? What small steps can I take today that will have a lasting positive effect in my life? If nothing else, it breaks the pattern of waking up like a grouchy grizzly bear. After a positive start to the day, how do you keep your momentum going? Answer: Think small! What's that you say, how do you achieve anything thinking small? Because that is the only sure way to achieve any lasting long term change. Here's what I mean: Most people set out thinking big, try to do too much at once, can't do it all, get frustrated, and then give up. Sound like anyone you know? Perhaps like the person who stared back at you in the mirror this morning? The Power of Persistence and Thinking Small In the battle between the rock and the river, the river always wins. Not because it is stronger than the rock, but because it takes persistent small actions. By taking small actions each day, momentous change can take place. So here is another tool to add to your daily success program: pick a small action to take each day to improve your life. If you just do 1% better each day, you will build incredible momentum, and become virtually unstoppable. But what if I don't know what to do? First off, as I tell my 2 kids, stop whining! Now that I have got your attention, it's crucial to get it that you do not have to know what to do before you get going. Try different strategies, if they work, keep doing them. If they don't, keep trying other strategies. Remember this success comes from good judgement One of the quickest ways to be successful is to get a lot of experience. Sure, you may blow it every so often, but that's just another lesson in what not to do. Another tool to add to your daily success program is what I call "the must do's" and "the must not do's." What are three things, unique to your own situation, that you must avoid each day? What are three things that you must do each day? Once you get into the habit of thinking this way, it becomes a success habit. At the end of your successful day, it can be helpful to reflect back on what you have noticed and learned that day. Ask questions such as: What did I learn today? If you practice and install these four simple routines: wake up questions you will notice an almost immediate difference in your attitude, your energy, and your results. So what are you waiting for, get going and get growing! Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Inertia? 5 Tips to Getting Yourself Moving Again! Inertia. Even the word sounds like a disease. No, it isn't literally a disease but it is one figuratively. Simply defined inertia is: resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change. For those of us who are stuck in a job we hate, inertia can sap our energy, drain our lives of joy, and make us miserable to be around. The following 5 tips will help you make the changes necessary to bury your inertia. At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes! The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall. Have You Just Hit The Wall? Have you hit the 'brick wall' yet? Do I have What It takes? What am I made of? Do I have what it takes? I want to succeed, can I do it? Live On Fire Words seem inadequate to describe the beauty and abundance that surrounds us during the month of October in New England. It's as if Mother Nature has taken her paintbrush and with broad strokes has set the landscape ablaze in color. Discover The Spark That Motivates You In Business and Life Can There Be Any Other Business Like Your Own Business? Fear of Failure The fear of failure is more deadly than failure itself. The fear of failure paints so many imaginary scenarios which petrifies you and renders you immobile. Most folks have buried their dreams because of the fear of failure, which graduates into the fear of stepping out. Why Do We Need Our Addictions? If money is considered to be the root of all evil, then what would we classify as our addictions? Even Though As often happens following one of the Best Year Yet programs I do, a message emerges for Monday Morning Coach. Recently I conducted a BYY workshop and what struck me was how often participants (I include myself in this group, since each time I present it, I am also vicariously examining my own life) stop themselves from taking action because of the underlying belief that they don't have "enough," or aren't enough (smart enough, thin enough, ready enough, etc.) to make things happen. Gaining Wisdom Wisdom eludes me. The more I learn, the less I think I know. Maybe it's because when I learn something new I realize how much more there is to know. And by that I mean, how much we can know, not how much we must know. It's perpetual. I strive to learn more, but sometimes I feel I don't know enough. What Comes First the Action or the Feeling? In other words, it is in the "doing" that we appreciate and learn the meaning of an action or activity, not simply in thinking about it. Wherever you Go - There you Are Wherever you go, there you are. This is the title of a fantastic book by Jon Kabat Zinn. Often when going through a difficult time, some think about making a major change, a change of a job or residence. Will this really help? Of course if you are being abused or harassed, such action may be in order. But for the most part, if we change nothing about ourselves, we merely take what is inside of us wherever we wander. Keep On Keepin On In those times when everything seems to be going just perfectly, it is easy to keep moving toward the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. You are in the flow. The whole world seems to be conspiring to create your success. Dont Wait For All of Lifes Traffic Lights to Turn Green Can you imagine getting into your motor vehicle, reversing out of your driveway, selecting a forward gear then just sitting there waiting for every traffic light between your home and your destination to turn green?" How to Tune In Your Brain and Feel Motivated in Minutes Want to know how to run your brain and be more motivated? Motivation: The Power of Opportunity I think each one of us has had the experience of coming up with a great idea for a product or a way to do something, only to see someone else do it and make a ton of money. Are You an Achiever or are You an EXCUSIOLOGIST? It would be a fairly safe bet that if you are reading this article then you are on the lookout for something more in your life than what you already have. You are the Master of Your Destiny Every thought of a human being is transformed as picture in everybody's mind. Daily Motivation: 7 Methods Isn't a lack of daily motivation one of the biggest problems we face when trying to better ourselves? We often know what to do, or at least the first few steps. But we hesitate, something else catches our attention, or we just don't feel like doing what we need to do. Self-Motivation for Trainers THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SELF-MOTIVATION FOR TRAINERS: Lack of self-motivation is an unfortunate side effect of our accelerated times. Many people today are cynical and disillusioned or feel that to appear sophisticated, they must become so. They find it difficult to muster a feeling of energetic conviction toward any subject. In training, however, it is crucial to success to possess self-motivation when making presentations. Knowing this, however does not do much for the trainer who lacks inner direction. Achieving a full understanding of the anatomy of self-motivation and mastering ways of obtaining it can lead to vast improvement in training presentations. ![]() |
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