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At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes!
The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall. He was in the office of his Vice President's private secretary. He said to her, Linda, that's a very large picture you have of my mug for this size room isn't it? Linda said you know what I do when I have a problem? He said yea, you throw darts at it. Don't you? She smiled and said no, here's what I do. Then she demonstrated by propping her elbows on her desk, placing her chin in her cupped hands, and looking up at that picture said, Boss, what the heck would you do to solve this? What Kinds of Images do you visualize? Linda used a very powerful motivator to help solve her problems. She identified with a successful image. This sort of visualization can break the cycle of self-defeat and bad habits those years of struggles have set up with-in a personality. Linda went on to testify, I find it extremely helpful to identify with a successful and positive image that inspires me to make the right decisions. She said, sometimes it's a slogan, a picture, or any symbol that has deep meaning to me. What do your images say to you? Some people may find what Linda does humorous. But, the results of her actions are startling. Do you have a picture or symbol in your home or office that could give you the right answer for an important decision? It might be a picture of a father, mother, husband, wife, Benjamin Franklin, maybe Benedict Arnold, nah?.I'm kidding about that. I sure hope you don't visualize Benedict Arnold. :>) Why it could be a picture of a long deceased grand parent. Just anything that has deep meaning to you. Caveat!!! Make sure it conjures up deep POSITIVE emotions on the inside of you. This is nothing to play around with. If the image gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside then you're on the right track. If it makes you start looking for places to hide more bodies, then all bets is off. When it's Time to Speak??.Shut Up!! What will your image say to you? Will you Listen? There is only one way to find out. The next time you are faced with a serious problem or have to make a major decision, ask your image a question. Then LISTEN?duh?ding-a-ling. What you hear could be the most important advice you could get. When that deep stirring in your gut says, this is the way, do this, do that, then you have found the breakthrough you're looking for. Be patient, get quiet and listen. If you're not hearing anything, I can almost guarantee you you're not quiet. There is still too much turmoil on the inside of you. Another point you need to recognize is your situation is going to change whether you take the initiative to change it positively or not. But, using the concept of talking to your motivational images and listening, you have the power to determine its direction. Ah?.. I like that. You bet. I can hear someone saying now, poo poo I'm not going to talk to some silly picture. I'm not a nut. Ah??.you talk to things all the time. Sure you do. Don't believe it? Stop yourself next time you find yourself saying to your computer, why aren't you working right you sorry piece of junk? Talking to a computer, how crazy can you get? But, yeah, we talk to things all the time, but mostly in the negative vein. So, let's start talking to things that will help to shape our future in the direction we want and not pay any attention to the nay-sayers that would make you feel silly. So, What do you really want? Do you want to go around the world in 80 days? You want to play in a James Bond movie? No, well how about lassie? Nah I'm kidding. No matter what your dream is, you will find that it will materialize through visualization and imagery much easier. Rolling Snowballs uphill? Yep, that is what it is like to try and materialize your goals and ambitions through happenstance or some kind of hokey-pokey. You have heard the slogan, "whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve." Well, it's really not your mind; it's your body that does the work. But, your mind can make your body's work much easier. In fact, if you don't learn to use your mind and emotions you will put excessive and undue stress on every muscle in your body. Stress will cause all kinds of illness. Like ulcers and tape worms. :>) This is a strong statement, but, I have found out from many years of business, that things just go much easier when my mind and emotions are congruent with my activities. When your mind and emotions get out of sync with the forces of the Universe that bring health, prosperity, and success, your life will be miserable. Ok, here is your homework. I'm going to tell you a technique that is very powerful and effective. Find your image that you feel deeply about and creates powerful emotions inside you. Then, find a quiet place sit down get comfortable, close your eyes and see that image floating inside of your mind. If you don't have an image, use powerful words like; success, prosperity, health, healing, so-on, and see those words floating into your mind and let them surge all the way through your body. Feel it going through your body. Keep doing it till you feel electricity like sensations surging through you. You will. Guaranteed. Don't underestimate this. Some of the simplest things in life are the most effective. Richard Vegas © 2002 About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com. You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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Do We Have Free Will? It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life: What Being Vs Doing Really Means So often we hear about "being" rather than "doing." Often it's given as advice when we are overwhelmed, overworked and overstressed. "You should just 'be.' You're doing too much." Well, yes, obviously, but what does that MEAN? How do we just be? No Regrets MY FOUR-MINUTE DANCING CAREER Getting Out of the Zone! We've probably all heard the famous movie quip, "why don't you wait here while I slip into something a little more comfortable". It's a comment to make most of our ears (particularly male ones!) stand up on end with the anticipation that the film has actually taken a turn for the better. In real life however, slipping 'into' something more comfortable can often lead to outcomes that are anything other than desirable. No, Fear! The Success is Yours (1) Fear is the minds great mortal sin. 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