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Procrastination Strategies: Boost Your Productivity by Getting On With It
We all suffer from procrastination from time to time but rather than fight it, think of procrastination as a gift. This gift allows you to get clarity on what is important to you and what you should work on next. Change your thinking when it comes to procrastination. Accept it. Stop beating yourself up and just accept that you are procrastinating. Don't waste energy with guilty feelings or negative self-talk, instead say this statement out loud: "I am procrastinating and I choose to be productive" ? this will remind you to change your attitude and help you to take charge of your actions. Which is it? There are typically two types of things we procrastinate: those tasks or activities which are deadline driven (and which we don't like doing) that we always leave until the last minute; and those little things we'd like to do, or should do, which aren't urgent that we just never get around to. For the first type of procrastination ? identify those regular or important activities that typically cause you to procrastinate. Is there something you particularly don't enjoy, such as writing proposals or completing staff performance reviews, which you know you always defer? Next time these come around, remind yourself that you know you have procrastinated in the past and choose to be productive instead. For the second type of procrastination ? keep a file with tasks or activities that are not urgent but that you want to complete, such as articles you want to read or letters you want to write. Choose to complete just one task from this file every week. Stick to your list. When you are finding it really difficult to complete activities, promise yourself you will stick to your diary. Make sure the activities you are procrastinating are on your 'to do' list and work through them in the order they are prioritised ? whether you feel like it or not. This way you'll get the job done and have the satisfaction of ticking-it-off your list. Set a timeframe. Allow yourself a designated amount of time to spend on or to complete the activity. Set your electronic calendar alarm to rescue you once your time is up! Move! If you're getting stuck in a procrastination mindset, break your pattern ? get up from your desk, go for a walk around the office, make a coffee or get some fresh air. Changing your location for a few minutes may be the kick-start you need. Get a 'Procrastination Pal'. No, not someone you can procrastinate with! Identify someone you can call when you are procrastinating who will help you get on track. Let them know they are your designated 'Procrastination Pal' and when you call them they have permission to help you get focused and moving. Reward yourself. Especially if it is a task you don't enjoy, make a point of rewarding yourself when it's completed. Give yourself something to look forward to as an incentive. Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy ? and where they focus their attention ? Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at http://neenjames.com/
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But, under circumstances and with events that create stresses and distortions, our questions, demands, and wishes can create a future that is specifically implemented to answer our questions. Finding Your Authentic Path "Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." ~ Theodore Roethke The Conversation of Recovery - Part Two The listening for the Conversation of possibilities will be even more unfamiliar than the one about the self-limiting belief. Even though possibilities will be caused for the individual and a sense of hope and inspiration created, there will be a tendency at some point for the person to not belief that their life can be truly transformed merely by creating possibilities. Even when the person gets the existence of his self-limiting belief, how he has been being that in his life and the impact upon himself and others as a result, a sense of doubt will arise that mere words or language will truly assist them in transforming their life let alone cause them to be successful with respect to their recovery. As with a newborn child, the existence of possibilities once invented or created will be quite fragile. There will be in the beginning of this Conversation a tendency to return to being ones self-limiting belief if for no other reason than it is familiar to the person. The self-limiting belief is about life in their comfort zone, from the ego, in what is reasonable and familiar to them. Even though the individual will become enrolled into his possibilities it is in the person's initial not getting of its application in life that will leave it vulnerable. The individual will return to his community and with this reentry a breakdown will happen. 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