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Day Dream Believer
I am sure you, just like the rest of us, experienced all sorts of day dreams when you were younger. Who amongst us did not find themselves, at one time or another, in the precarious position of being blissfully lost in day dream when one of our teachers called on us in class? You know how that story went. Caught completely off guard, hopelessly lost in the tranquillity of the day dream, we would awaken to the teacher's raised voice, stumble or bumble out some sort of goofy answer and then proceed to turn beet red with embarrassment as our classmates laughed at our lack of attentiveness. After being summarily chastised by our teacher and told to pay more attention and stop our foolish day dreaming, you would think that such an unpleasant event would serve as a permanent reminder to for us to quit day dreaming once and for all. Yet a few moments later, the teacher would catch us lost in a day dream once again. Even as adults, the beat still goes on. Who hasn't caught themselves day dreaming at work when they were supposed to be right in the middle of doing something else? It is kind of weird, isn't it? When you day dream, your mind somehow drifts off into a whole other world unobstructed from the rigors of your daily routine. Your mind, without your permission or conscious effort, conjures up all sorts of nice, peaceful and tranquil feelings. You are literally lost in the bliss and contentment the day dream offers when all of a sudden, BOOM!!! ... you find yourself wide awake and thrust back into the real world again. With the day dream over for now, you experience a feeling of being let down. Why is that the case? Whenever we day dream, our minds meticulously paint a breathtaking picture of the paradise we want our life to become. Isn't it ironic how we have somehow been conditioned over the years to believe that day dreams are bad for us and distract us from the business at hand? That is simply not the case. It is perfectly A-OK for you and me to regularly day dream, freeing our minds to fashion and shape the game plans we need to turn our dreams into reality. Instead of feeling guilty about day dreaming when you should be working, why not plan your day dreams? A great time to let your mind wander aimlessly, without restraint or limitations, is during your 'break' times. Whenever you take a few moments to unwind and relax, you can at the same time encourage your mind to paint a brilliant, dramatic, sensory rich day dream of the life you desire. Your mind, once turned on and turned loose, can almost over power you with a spontaneous stream of emotion laden positive thoughts, ideas and images. Then instead of waking yourself up, you should let yourself go, totally immersing yourself in the beauty and splendor of the day dream. I want you to see, feel, touch and live this beautiful picture in full detail. Can you see it? Can you sense it? Doesn't it feel absolutely terrific to see yourself doing, being and having everything that you have ever wanted? You bet it does! And if dreaming about living the beautiful life feels this great, just imagine how sensational it will feel to make these dreams a reality. I encourage you to have really big day dreams about really great things. Then I want you to wake up and make these dreams come true. The Bottom Line: Dream of your life like as it could be ? then wake up and live it like it should be. About The Author Greg is President of the Motivational and Inspirational Corner, a web-site committed to helping people uncover and realize their enormous God given potential. His website address is http://www.motivational-inspirational-corner.com greg@motivational-inspirational-corner.com
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