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Our Future
I'm back from Hawaii; it was ten days of physical and emotional mastery. We went from learning from twenty of the planets best speakers in their field, to being pushed physically with a fifty foot pole climb, and then, flying fifteen feet like a free bald eagle to a hanging trapeze. These were some of the most invigorating experiences of my life. If that wasn't enough, a record, forty plus foot firewalk in the most tropical paradise in the world was the next challenge. As I looked in the beautiful starstudded Hawaiian sky. I noticed off to my right was a full moon. I reminded myself, as I took the first step of my new destiny, of my total love and gratitude for myself and the world. The amazing thing that came over me was that I wanted to make the planet a better place to live for myself and others as well as leaving all my fear behind that has stopped me in the past. It was one of the most incredible spiritual experiences of my life and all those extraordinary rewards came from raising my standards. I'm so proud of you, that have raised your standards, since we have introduced walkablock. Let me tell you this. The key to being in the best shape of your life spiritually, physically and mentally is to 1. continually raise your standards, 2. doing what others refuse to do and when you focus on this not only will your body, mind and spirit transform, you will be altering your destiny as well. One of my outcomes is to impact our future children. I have a major concern and I hope you can help. (Our CHILDREN) It makes me so sad to see where our future is going. All you have to do is open your eyes to see how unhealthy, lonely and depressed many of our children are, this should not be the case. We live in a world where the potential to live fulfilled lives is at an all time high, so what's the problem? Why are our children My opinion is the lack of love, dicipline and structure. I believe a change could be accomplished by incorporating physical and mental exercise as well as proper nutrition that will balance their insulin level and blood sugar levels and you will find you have happier children. I beg you to consider making this a major focus in your life. If we save the children, we will save our world and our future. It makes no sense to be in the shape of your life when the children are slowly dying. Let's get together and commit to do whatever it takes. It has been an incredible honor sharing these thoughts with you and I will leave you with this Who you are, is a gift FROM GOD, Warmest regards, See James at www.walkablock.com/james
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Rut Busting Introduction Get The Man Right One Saturday morning, a minister could not think of a sermon to write. He simply could not get inspired. He stared out of the window, at the birds splashing in the bird-bath. His mind was blank, as was the sheet of paper on his writing desk. Do We Have Free Will? It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life: How To Be Motivated Without A Motivator Many professionals spend their entire careers working under managers or supervisors that don't truly understand the importance of motivation. This lack of understanding results in one of two things: 1) Low performance and productivity of the organization and staff or 2) Self-motivation of the professional, which results in high performance, satisfaction, and productivity. If you are in the low performance category then you know how difficult it is to reach your potential without someone motivating you. What you need to begin doing is motivating yourself. Wealth Building: Let The Wealth Building Secrets Of J. Paul Getty Inspire You To Great Achievement One of the shortcuts to creating wealth is to learn from those who have achieved great wealth. Whats Stopping You? We're all familiar with the cycle: Top 10 Tips For The Best Year of Your Life! We typically think of New Year's as the time to make annual resolutions and start fresh. Unfortunately, we all know that most resolutions are quickly forgotten. The good new is that "now" is always the best time to take charge of your future and create the life you want. Real success is about choosing your priorities, and then following a plan that emphasizes the things that are most important to you. With that in mind, here are 10 suggestions for creating a wonderful, productive and rewarding year for yourself (and your practice)! Motivation: The Power of Vision Here's an interesting story from the world of race car driving. One of the most important things that beginning race car drivers learn is what to do when they lose control of the car and go into a spin. The natural reaction is to focus on the wall or other object they want to avoid. Because their focus is on the wall, that's usually where they end up. Instead of focusing on the wall, the drivers learn to focus on where they want to go. This allows them to avoid the walls, stay on course and go where they want to go. Your Dream Can Be Your Future Here is a basic truth you must accept and believe if you are to achieve your dream? Prime That Pump! Part 3 How healthy is your vision of yourself? How does your mental image of yourself stack up against that of, say, some hero of yours? Let's find out. What Motivates You? As a life-long student of personal development, I've attended dozens of motivational seminars, listened to hundreds of tapes, and read untold books on the subject of motivation . I've presented motivational seminars. And yet there is one elemental truth that seems often overlooked. That is: no one can motivate you, because you have to do it to yourself. It's an inside job. And frankly it's less a function of "doing" than it is of discovering what your natural motivators are. So the key to getting and staying motivated is finding out what excites you. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What speaks to your heart as well as your head? What You Can Do About Procrastination Goals stalled? Always running behind? Stuck in a rut? Mastering the Problem of Everyday Living People are unhappy and defeated by their everyday problems that arise in life. You should know that life is full of ups and downs. But never allow your problems and struggles dominate your life. Obstacles should not be permitted to destroy your happiness and well being. You have the power in your hand to overcome any obstacle. To overcome problems firstly you have to believe in yourself. Secondly have immense faith in your abilities. And finally have Self Confidence to face any obstacle. If you do have all these qualities you can overcome any barriers, difficulties or any limitations. Inferiority Complex can demoralize your life. So fill your mind with faith. My Grandmother Never Had a Degree There were four generations sitting at the kitchen table, smacking on Mommy's delicious meal-somehow we never made it to the dining room. I smiled to myself when I thought of how fabulous this truly was--sitting here, next to my grandmother, my mother, my father, my sister, my children and my niece-celebrating Mother's Day. Trust Your Intuition! How many times have you been faced with a decision to make and all of a sudden you get this feeling of instinctively knowing what you must do? Something inside you is telling you the difference between what you should do and what you are meant to do. Many people interpret this as a hunch, a gut feeling or having an inkling. Motivation: The Power of Asking Very shortly, in this paragraph, I'm going to share with you how to get just about anything you want. I usually try to keep things very simple and useable. Stained Glass Windows Elizabeth Kubler Ross once said, "People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun comes out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is light on from within." Hey Me, Get Out Of My Way Hey Me! Get Out Of My Way By David Stoddard How often it is we give up wanting to do something even before we give ourselves an honest chance of succeeding. Perhaps, we begin writing our autobiography. We get the table of contents and the introduction written, then we let it sit because we don't think anyone will care. We begin a diet over a weekend. Within a couple of days, we are back to our normal habits because we didn't see any immediate results. Maybe we want to start a desktop publishing business. We get it started and the clients start coming in sooner than we expected. Because of our past experiences where we have been so good at what we did, we only remember getting bombarded with more and more work when we wish we could have taken a break. We may see how this can end up, so we slack off and let the business of our dreams fade away. Or maybe we have this idea of having our own place on the Internet. We create a page, then we have different ideas to put on it. Then we think of starting a business with it. Then we also want to have a newsletter for people. Then we want to do web pages for others. Then we go back and work on ways to get people to read our newsletter. But we need a better web site. So we start from scratch and the circle continues. Having too many things we would like to do can stop us as well. Personally, I've become an expert at getting out of my own way when it comes to doing things. After all, I have gotten in my own way over and over and over again for years. I still fit the last one. So many different areas that interest me, I have jumped from one thing to another to another. Like many of the books on the bookshelf at home, I don't think I have ever finished one of them all the way through. We stop ourselves in any number of ways. - I'm not good enough: Well, on Monday, a group of students will be given a lecture by the worst teacher. The worst actor will star in a made-for-television movie. And the worst boy band will put on a mini show for friends and family in their garage. - No one will be interested: Just look around at some of the things you see on television or read in newspapers or books or magazines. It is amazing some things have lasted this long. - I'm too old/young: Colonel Sanders was in his eighties when he began his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Anne Frank was a young girl when she wrote her diary which is still published and read to this very day throughout the world. - I don't know what I want to do: You may not know exactly what you want to do, but there is something in the back of your mind that is important. Especially if you know you're not happy in what you are doing now, you know there is more you want out of life. - I want to do too much: No one says you can't do a little of everything. Just have to pick one that will set the groundwork for the others. Find what is the common thread in the things you would like, and start there. You can branch off once that foundation is in place. - The universe is out to get me: Ummmmm. Not at all. Once you make up your mind and begin heading in some direction, the universe will open up in ways you can't see right now. People will come into your life, events will take place, and you will begin to see a bit further each day. But you have to make the first moves. Motivational speaker Les Brown in his book "It's Not Over Until You Win," tells a story of a keynote speaker at a National Speakers Association conference he attended. The speaker was perhaps the worst speaker Les had ever heard. The man spoke in a monotone voice and was dull as a butter knife. By the end of his presentation, more than two-thirds of the audience had walked out. The speaker, noticing this said something that pretty much sums up this column. "The reason I am up here (Doing) and you are sitting down there (watching) is because I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself." Give yourself a chance and get out of your own way. Correct Your Mindset and Expel The Fear The main problem with many of us is we loose our direction in life. We have great aspirations upon leaving school or college but then just loose direction or do not know how to achieve our dreams. We are all taught the academic basics needed to function in today's world. We may then study further to achieve a qualification in a particular field. But we are never taught how to achieve real success. You need far more then just qualifications to make a success of your life. It's a fact that many people have left school with very few or no qualifications, but have still been very successful. The IDEAL Problem Solver The IDEAL Problem Solver is an effective tool you can use to attack your problems. If you are used to getting on your horse and riding in all directions when faced with a problem, you may find the IDEAL Problem Solver quite handy. How do you use it? ![]() |
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