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The IDEAL Problem Solver
The IDEAL Problem Solver is an effective tool you can use to attack your problems. If you are used to getting on your horse and riding in all directions when faced with a problem, you may find the IDEAL Problem Solver quite handy. How do you use it? IDEAL stands for:
An area I found IDEAL ideal (this is no double-speak!) is in evaluating arguments and ideologies. When you hear an argument, IDEAL(ise) it:
One last thing you can do with this alphabet soup is to critically evaluate arguments. Here's how: It would be helpful if you could try to use the IDEAL Problem Solver in different situations for some time to experience its full impact. About The Author Ke o agile is an NLP Coach and publisher of In TheZone (http://inthezone.port5.com), an NLP focused ezine for capacity builders in the personal and professional skills development area
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Make Fear a Nine Day Wonder - Motivate Yourself with Fun! Have you heard something referred to as a "nine day wonder"? The phrase refers to something that causes a sensation for a brief period of time and then fades into obscurity. The origin of this phrase is usually tied to the nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554) as Queen of England. This reluctant queen met an untimely fate. More on that later... Forgotten Your New Years Resolutions Already? How To Get Back On Track How quickly we forget. We are only a few weeks into the New Year, how many of you have forgotten that you even made any New Year resolutions. Have You Just Hit The Wall? Have you hit the 'brick wall' yet? Discover Your Purpose In Life Everyone has a life purpose; a unique and special something each of us is supposed to do in LIFE. A life purpose is not a specific job or career, it is much deeper and much more fulfilling. Now, you can uncover your own life purpose. You can do it the easy, fast, modern way, using a modestly priced online program, or you can uncover your own life purpose using the more difficult (but free) old-fashioned do-it-yourself method, If you want to save a few bucks and try doing it yourself here's how ... Finding the Easy Way For the last hour I have been sweating over what I will write about in "Roy Bits." I have been laying in bed trying to conjure up something in my head. After I made my morning pilgrimage to the washroom, I sat down half asleep in front of the computer slumped over my desk with my head resting on folded arms and eyes closed trying to imagine what I would write about. Playing With Mindfulness: Sneaking In The Back Door I often meet people who say things like, "I've been working on mindfulness for over twenty years." 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 2 Here are a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths," that hold many of us back from achieving success... Keeping Perspective: When Bad Things Happen That Are Not Life Threatening The very first thing to question is how important is this in the overall scheme of life? Compared to all of the things that have happened, are happening, and could happen in my life - how bad is this? Is it something that will impact the rest of my life? Is it temporary? Although the pain may not feel like it's temporary, it usually is. It's important to get a perspective. If your car has been stolen, that's a major nuisance that will cost you time and money to replace, but how does that compare to a diagnosis of cancer? If your marriage is ending, it can be extremely painful, but your life will continue no matter how bleak circumstances may seem. So wouldn't it be easier to find a way to transcend the pain and move on, let go, and take away the power from the negativity? Wouldn't it be more pleasant to look at the 'bright side'? and yes! There always is a flip side! It may not be one you believe in at the moment, it may not be where you want to focus, but there IS another perspective. Discover How to Stay Motivated and Be Successful If you surveyed 50 people asking each their definition of success, chances are you would receive fifty different answers. Even so, there are certain steps everyone must follow in order to be successful. One of the most important is - staying motivated. Head First: 6 Simple, Must-Do Steps to Achieving Extraordinary Results! What important goal have you set for yourself? What is the most important thing in your life that you have been trying to do for sometime now and haven't made any progress? Why haven't you made any progress? Why isn't the project going forward? Do you believe it can be done? The Easy Way To Lasting Self Motivation Will power alone will never work over the long term. It is the hardest way possible to get yourself to do anything. What Motivates You? As a life-long student of personal development, I've attended dozens of motivational seminars, listened to hundreds of tapes, and read untold books on the subject of motivation . I've presented motivational seminars. And yet there is one elemental truth that seems often overlooked. That is: no one can motivate you, because you have to do it to yourself. It's an inside job. And frankly it's less a function of "doing" than it is of discovering what your natural motivators are. So the key to getting and staying motivated is finding out what excites you. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What speaks to your heart as well as your head? Information Age: Knowledge is King In our information age, having the right knowledge at the right time can make the difference between failure and success. Knowledge, gained through experience makes one an expert in any field. Make Up Excuses Why You Can We all have excuses as to why we can't do something. Ask anyone and they can give you a million excuses why it can't be done, why they haven't moved forward on their goals, and on and on. Making up excuses takes a lot of energy and time. So since, as humans, we seem to enjoy making up excuses, I have a great idea. Lets make up excuses why we can. Trust Your Intuition! How many times have you been faced with a decision to make and all of a sudden you get this feeling of instinctively knowing what you must do? Something inside you is telling you the difference between what you should do and what you are meant to do. Many people interpret this as a hunch, a gut feeling or having an inkling. Do You Know Which Door To Open? Do you remember that old television program that gave the contestant the opportunity to choose one of three doors and receive whatever was behind the door? Violating Boundaries: Assert Yourself and Take Charge "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ? Benjamin Franklin The Power Of The Brain THE BRAIN Hold That Elevator! As Prince, or whatever his name is now put it in one of his songs, "When Life's elevator tries to bring you down go crazy, punch a higher floor!" Action Rules - Just Get Started! 'Action Rules!' in the Getting Goals Game. It is the number one most important step to achieving your greatness. ![]() |
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