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Finding the Easy Way
For the last hour I have been sweating over what I will write about in "Roy Bits." I have been laying in bed trying to conjure up something in my head. After I made my morning pilgrimage to the washroom, I sat down half asleep in front of the computer slumped over my desk with my head resting on folded arms and eyes closed trying to imagine what I would write about. Several weeks ago I made a list of possible titles that I may want use in future articles, so I decided to consult this treasure chest of possibilities. I briefed through four or five pages waiting for the light to come on, but nothing on the pages jumped out at me. The pages of future titles racing before my eyes gave life to another that was forming in my head. A new title was born and a new lesson was learned in that moment. Past experience has taught me that the easiest way to find a title is to just begin writing the article and the title will come later. Five years ago I found the easy way, I just sat down and starting writing without and precognition of what I was going to write about. Most of my articles have been created that way, and I seldom know what I am going to write about, if fact the first lines may be random thoughts like, "this is ridiculous, nothing is going to happen, I am wasting my time, the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and from these unrelated lines of text a thought begins to form and the beginnings of an article or book are created. The difference this morning was that I thought I was in control and that after years of writing I could just pick a title and the words would start flowing. I believed that this would be very easy, so I spend a lot of time and energy looking for the easy way to write this article. The easiest way would have been to let the process work that way it normally does, which is to simply sit down and start writing. The more my ego believes that it is in control, the harder it works to demonstrate that belief. The easy way to do a thing is the way that naturally works for you; my way is not your way and visa versa. Things that work for me may not work for you but it would seem that ego does not stop trying to find another easier way while it strives to be in control and seeks the path of least resistance. I believe that the path of least resistance comes when we look inward and spend less time trying to copy or emulate the ways of others. All of us will eventually get to where we want to be, but not all at the same time and in the same way. The fastest way to get from A to B may be in a straight line and it may not be the easiest. The easiest way to get this article started was to take the first step and start writing. Minutes, hours, and days of lamenting on how difficult it is, would bring forth the experience of difficulty. I have a natural talent for writing so when I begin to write I do not have to look for the easiest way first; I am doing it. When I think about what to write I am exploring all the difficult ways first, so that I may eventually find the easy way. Humanity is very much like that, and as we explore all the options that we have before us, we often think too much about it first which leads us away from our natural intuition and inborn abilities to find the easy way. Some people like the challenge of physical experience. The struggle that life presents is delicious and addicting, for these people it is natural to find difficult things and challenges and overcome them. The truth is that they are using their natural talents and have found the easiest way for them to experience life, overcoming obstacles brings them home the easiest way. Being taken care of without challenge would be the most difficult way to live out their lives. All of us have purpose, and when we discover that purpose and give in to it, life flows easily using our natural talents and gifts. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is hard hitting and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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