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Motivation: The Power of Vision
Here's an interesting story from the world of race car driving. One of the most important things that beginning race car drivers learn is what to do when they lose control of the car and go into a spin. The natural reaction is to focus on the wall or other object they want to avoid. Because their focus is on the wall, that's usually where they end up. Instead of focusing on the wall, the drivers learn to focus on where they want to go. This allows them to avoid the walls, stay on course and go where they want to go. What does this have to do with the power and strength of vision? Just about everything. In my counseling experience, I have found that the approach most of us take to life is to sort of "make it up as we go along." And then we wonder why things end up such a mess. It's like the old saying, "if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Even when we do have a plan, it's only a partial plan. Then when our plan doesn't work, or "hits the wall", we don't know where to go from there and give up. In order to be successful in life, I believe we need to have a clear vision for what we want, in all areas of our life. Even if we have alot of desire, energy and motivation, without a clear direction and vision, we can end up like a "dead atheist." All dressed up and no where to go. Why have vision? So let's look at how to create a vision in several key areas of our lives. There's a proverb that says "without a vision, the people perish." I think we can extend that parable and say without a vision - a marriage perishes a family perishes a career perishes A Marriage Vision One of my favorite things to do is to help a couple create a vision for their relationship. Most people spend more time planning a two week vacation than they do planning how they want their relationship to be.Here's a key question -"If we could design this relationship any way we wanted it, how would it be?" How would you - spend your time? relate to and communicate with each other? plan for your future? spend money? help each other grow? A Family Vision We live in a society where the average family spends only fourteen and a half minutes a day with each other all together. I don't believe that's what we really want. So here are some key questions for creating a family vision. What do we most value as a family? How do we want to spend our time? What legacy do we want to leave for the generations that will follow? What impact would we like to have on our community? A Career Vision We spend most of our adult waking hours at work. Yet it's one of the main areas in life where we tend to just stumble in and make it up as we go along. Here are a few key questions for creating a vision for your career. What are your dreams for your career? How would you like to spend your working hours? What would make you get up each day excited that you get to go to work? Do you want to make a living or make a life? The answers to these questions can get you started in creating a vision in each of these key areas. You can add other areas and other questions as well. The next step is to begin, right away, to take small daily actions toward each of these goals. I'll close with an example of the power of vision in our lives. Picture yourself sitting at home at your kitchen table, with a big juicy lemon on a plate in front of you. Now take a knife and cut the lemon in half. Smell and feel the juice. Now cut a slice from one half. More juice, more smell. Cut that slice in half. More juice, more smell. Now take that half, bring it up to your face, take a whiff and then bite into it. If you're like most folks, and you did this exercise, right now there is a bit of moisture in your mouth. Here's the really cool thing. There is no lemon. You created a physiological response in your body through the power of vision. And so it can be as you get a clear vision for what you want in life. The clearer your vision, the quicker your brain will respond. So get clear and get going. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Its Only Too Late If You Dont Start Living Now Remember when summer seemed to last forever? My mother use to say that some day we would realize just how fast time goes by. As usual, my mother was right. Do you Live the Life you Desire? There comes a time in every person's life when you look at yourself and wonder what became of all your dreams and plans for the future. What happened to that future? Is it too late now? Can I create a meaningful lifestyle? Motivation, Your Core Resource Your motivation is one of the core resources you have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Five Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd Some people are content to just to be another face in the crowd. By assuming this attitude, they are saying, in effect, to the rest of the world, I'm just average; there's nothing special about me. For those of us who would rather stand out from the crowd, there are some relatively easy ways in which we can accomplish this mission. None of them require a whole lot of skill or money. They do, however, require a little bit of commitment on our part. Creating Your Best Year Ever January is synonymous with resolutions and getting organized is high on many people's list. Unfortunately, perhaps some of us make a resolution, when what we really want is a revolution. The Magic of Success is Actually a Law Set in Motion. Finding it is Quite Simple Building Energy Around your Investment! Procrastinator No More! Procrastination is when ever we postpone a task or duty intentionally without a valuable explanation. It is a natural tendency in people. Let's face it, sometimes we are tired or a specific task is unpleasant to perform and we respond by putting it off until later. If it happens only once or on something of not much importance it is okay. But, what happens when a student keeps putting off the school work. At the last minute he may want to make up for the lost time but fails the class. So, can you see how procrastination can get in the way of your success and objectives? Therefore, it is crucial for people to learn how to avoid this negative tendency and manage it effectively. Below I have added some tips that can convert anyone in to a procrastinator no more! The First Step for Getting Better Results How dramatically we can change our results is largely a function of imagination. In 1960, it was a technological impossibility for man to travel into outer space. Within ten years, however, the first man stepped out onto the surface of the moon. The miraculous process of converting the dream into reality began when one voice challenged the scientific community to do whatever was necessary to see to it that America "places a man on the moon by the end of this decade." What Motivates You? As a life-long student of personal development, I've attended dozens of motivational seminars, listened to hundreds of tapes, and read untold books on the subject of motivation . I've presented motivational seminars. And yet there is one elemental truth that seems often overlooked. That is: no one can motivate you, because you have to do it to yourself. It's an inside job. And frankly it's less a function of "doing" than it is of discovering what your natural motivators are. So the key to getting and staying motivated is finding out what excites you. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What speaks to your heart as well as your head? No, Fear! The Success is Yours (1) Fear is the minds great mortal sin. Make Fear a Nine Day Wonder - Motivate Yourself with Fun! Have you heard something referred to as a "nine day wonder"? The phrase refers to something that causes a sensation for a brief period of time and then fades into obscurity. The origin of this phrase is usually tied to the nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554) as Queen of England. This reluctant queen met an untimely fate. More on that later... Employee Motivation Checklist - Ten Measures of Success In the form of a simple easy to use checklist, you can score how well you are doing out of 10. Better still, ask them. It's like what they describe as a mini-360o, where your people get the chance to give you feedback. Only here it is a lot easier and far far cheaper! But then it's how you handle the results of feedback that counts the most. Resolution Revolution: 3 Tips For Creating Real Change in the New Year 'Tis the season once again for parties, champagne, noisemakers...and of course, New Year's resolutions. Every year, millions of people go through the same ritual of making optimistic resolutions for the coming year - many of which are destined to be swept up into the dustbin with the remains of the confetti and party favors. Training Your Mind to Help You Our friend, singer and songwriter Chuck Pyle, likes to say, "The mind is like a bad neighborhood-you should never go there by yourself." If you're mind hasn't been trained to help you, via methods like meditation, shamanism or NLP, it might really be a bad neighborhood. Our minds constantly absorb thoughts, behaviors, and responses from our environment. These various thought patterns and responses may or may not be in alignment with our goals. So, unless we actively train our minds to be responsive to our needs, we may be in for a wild chariot ride (and 6 out of control horses)! Are You a Self-Saboteur? Take this questionnaire to get clear on what you may be doing to undermine your own success and happiness in life. An explanation of your score awaits at the end. Just Do It! If you run a business like I do, you probably have limited time to do all the things you need to do each day. In order to make sure I get to exercise each day, I have to get up BEFORE the chickens do ? between 4:30 AM and 5AM. Every single time I have to tell myself, "Kim, JUST DO IT!" I don't always want to either but I do it. Motivation By Consequences In 2004 seven badly behaved teenagers were sent to a brat camp in the USA by desperate parents whose lives had been made hell by their own offspring. All seven were from the UK. Optimistic Vs Pessimistic Studies have shown that on average an optimist will have a longer, healthier and a more fulfilled life then a pessimist. Qualia and Quanta Ah, those New Year's resolutions. Desire + Action = Outcome ? Anxiety & Panic This is my mathematical strategy I use to achieve everything I want in life. Allow me to explain? ![]() |
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