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Are You a Self-Saboteur?
Take this questionnaire to get clear on what you may be doing to undermine your own success and happiness in life. An explanation of your score awaits at the end. 1. When someone offers help you usually 2. Your level of organization is 3. If someone gives you a key contact, you 4. When opportunity knocks 5. The idea of being prepared, i.e. keeping an extra clean suit handy, having a beeper, always keeping extra promotion materials on hand, seems 6. The idea that someday you will be successful enough to call your own shots seems 7. When an important project begins to reach some kind of climax, as it nears its conclusion, you Scoring:
Want to get out of your own way and get on with your dreams? Check out Suzanne Falter-Barns' ebook, Living Your Joy* How to Find the Time, the Money and the Energy to Live Your Dream at http://www.howmuchjoy.com/livingyourjoy.html Her free ezine, The Joy Letter, brings you a crisp, fresh burst of inspiration for your dream every week or two. Sign up at http://www.howmuchjoy.com/joyletter.html and receive her valuable report, "35 Guaranteed Time Savers." About The Author Suzanne Falter-Barns is the author of How Much Joy Can You Stand? (Ballantine) and keeper of http://www.howmuchjoy.com -- a website where you can push past your fears and create your dreams. Join her if there's more you want to accomplish in life, and you just need an inspiring nudge!
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Productivity Engineering Review: Productivity Engineering- A hypnosis program to help you improve your performance at work. Personal Motivation: Without Struggle There Is No Progress As each day ends and another begins, the words of Frederick Douglas ask us as individuals to recognize the relationships between life's daily struggles. 212 Degrees At 211 degrees, water is pretty darn hot. Making the Invisible Visible: The WOW Behind the HOW! "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -Gandhi Creativity Management ? Productivity As A Job Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. How You Developed Bad Habits That Rob You Of Motivation Bad habits rob you of your motivation. About Creating a New Life 1. Where do I start to create a new life? Lego Laws for Life Just about everybody owns or has owned a bucket of Legos in their time. There's no denying the fun they provide for a child or even for an adult, which is why, many Lego collections are passed down from one generation to the next. These brightly colored blocks of joy serve to challenge our creativity and our imaginations. They act as an empowering influence on our lives in that they almost beckon us to transform them into anything we want or can imagine. How to Make the Most of Being Let Go Being let go; suffering redundancy; experiencing downsizing are all very different ways of saying the same thing. Your employer doesn't want you any more. Suddenly, that place; those people you've been bitching about for years, seems so much more attractive than it did yesterday - and you are going to fight tooth and nail to hang in there. But wait, maybe there's something in you that relishes the chance to move on and do something different. A Wake Up Call The story below is a true story that happened in September. Hey Me, Get Out Of My Way Hey Me! Get Out Of My Way By David Stoddard How often it is we give up wanting to do something even before we give ourselves an honest chance of succeeding. Perhaps, we begin writing our autobiography. We get the table of contents and the introduction written, then we let it sit because we don't think anyone will care. We begin a diet over a weekend. Within a couple of days, we are back to our normal habits because we didn't see any immediate results. Maybe we want to start a desktop publishing business. We get it started and the clients start coming in sooner than we expected. Because of our past experiences where we have been so good at what we did, we only remember getting bombarded with more and more work when we wish we could have taken a break. We may see how this can end up, so we slack off and let the business of our dreams fade away. Or maybe we have this idea of having our own place on the Internet. We create a page, then we have different ideas to put on it. Then we think of starting a business with it. Then we also want to have a newsletter for people. Then we want to do web pages for others. Then we go back and work on ways to get people to read our newsletter. But we need a better web site. So we start from scratch and the circle continues. Having too many things we would like to do can stop us as well. Personally, I've become an expert at getting out of my own way when it comes to doing things. After all, I have gotten in my own way over and over and over again for years. I still fit the last one. So many different areas that interest me, I have jumped from one thing to another to another. Like many of the books on the bookshelf at home, I don't think I have ever finished one of them all the way through. We stop ourselves in any number of ways. - I'm not good enough: Well, on Monday, a group of students will be given a lecture by the worst teacher. The worst actor will star in a made-for-television movie. And the worst boy band will put on a mini show for friends and family in their garage. - No one will be interested: Just look around at some of the things you see on television or read in newspapers or books or magazines. It is amazing some things have lasted this long. - I'm too old/young: Colonel Sanders was in his eighties when he began his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Anne Frank was a young girl when she wrote her diary which is still published and read to this very day throughout the world. - I don't know what I want to do: You may not know exactly what you want to do, but there is something in the back of your mind that is important. Especially if you know you're not happy in what you are doing now, you know there is more you want out of life. - I want to do too much: No one says you can't do a little of everything. Just have to pick one that will set the groundwork for the others. Find what is the common thread in the things you would like, and start there. You can branch off once that foundation is in place. - The universe is out to get me: Ummmmm. Not at all. Once you make up your mind and begin heading in some direction, the universe will open up in ways you can't see right now. People will come into your life, events will take place, and you will begin to see a bit further each day. But you have to make the first moves. Motivational speaker Les Brown in his book "It's Not Over Until You Win," tells a story of a keynote speaker at a National Speakers Association conference he attended. The speaker was perhaps the worst speaker Les had ever heard. The man spoke in a monotone voice and was dull as a butter knife. By the end of his presentation, more than two-thirds of the audience had walked out. The speaker, noticing this said something that pretty much sums up this column. "The reason I am up here (Doing) and you are sitting down there (watching) is because I represent the thoughts you have rejected for yourself." Give yourself a chance and get out of your own way. The Power Of The Brain THE BRAIN What Makes You Special? Many people are too busy today trying to fit themselves into the image of other people. This ranges from physical appearance to dressing mannerism right to extreme character imitations. Daily Motivation--Be Kind to Yourself for a Change "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these." --George Washington Carver Its Only Too Late If You Dont Start Living Now Remember when summer seemed to last forever? My mother use to say that some day we would realize just how fast time goes by. As usual, my mother was right. The Top 10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination When a person is bored or uninterested, certain tasks and projects can seem like torture! This feeling usually leads to procrastination, and procrastination often leads to guilt. Here are some practical ways to avoid these situations and overcome procrastination: Going The Extra Mile There is one sure way to get what you want in life, but few people actually do it. Put this practice firmly into your day to day business activities and you will have an advantage over the rest of the crowd. A Special Q & A - All About Passionately Soaring in Life 1. How do I discover my passion? Creativity and Innovation Management ? the Value of Challenge Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Five Great Ideas From Aristotle It was Socrates who said that the purpose of philosophy is to help each of us become "an excellent human". That seems like a respectable and reasonable big-picture goal for every person on the planet. ![]() |
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