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Motivation: 3 Powerful Quotes from Golfer Tiger Woods
I am not a golfer, unless you count an occasional game of putt-putt. I'm not even a fan of the game. But I am a fan of excellence, and so the following quotes by golfing great Tiger Woods recently caught my attention: "I smile at obstacles." "My will can move mountains." "I will do it with all my heart." This is a great approach to solving problems and facing challenges in life. "I smile at obstacles." What a novel approach. Most of the time, we cringe, avoid and complain instead. Unfortunately, none of that solves a problem. Often, problems just get worse. Smiling at obstacles means we know that we're bigger than the problems facing us, because we know we will learn and become stronger and wiser through solving them. Instead of complaining about challenges, we can see them as gifts. Most every problem or challenge comes with a gift in its hands. The gift is what we will learn through solving the problems and facing the challenges. Several years ago I worked in a drug rehab program for teenagers. Late one evening, as I talked with one of the staff about the crises of the day, I said "You know what, whatever we do in the rest of our careers will have to be easier than this." Scott's response was, "Either that, or this is just preparing us for what's next." Scott was right. Problems and challenges can either define you or refine you. When you embrace the situation in front of you, you are refined like gold. "My will can move mountains" This does not mean that our will is the be all and end all of any given situation, or that our will can get us anything we want. Frankly, if humans are the be all and end all, we are all in big trouble. What this quote means, I believe, is that when we focus our energy on the problems before us, they are in trouble. The ability to understand where you are, look at where you exactly want to go, create a plan to get there, and then work the plan for all you are worth brings incredible rewards. Focused action can move the mountains in front of you. But too many times we are like the frog in this riddle: "Three frogs were sitting in a pond on a lily pad when one decided to jump off. How many frogs were left?" Most people say two. The correct answer is three, because while the frog may have decided to jump, he did not jump off. While it's important to decide to do something, focused action is the only way to get the results you want. "I will do it with all my heart" I believe most people sleepwalk through life. Just stand outside a large office building on a Monday morning. You'll see people in trances, sleepwalking through their day. Yet when we bring all our heart to any activity, we come alive and actually have the opportunity to live the way we say we want to. All of us know folks who brings their whole heart to what they do. Don't you love being around them? Why not be one of those people yourself? When we bring our whole heart to a problem or challenge, it is easier to solve, and we just might have fun along the way. There is a saying that there is a time in the life of every problem or challenge when it is big enough to notice, and small enough to solve easily. When you bring these three skills to the table, you will notice problems early, solve them easily and grow more than you ever thought you would. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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What You Can Do About Procrastination Goals stalled? Always running behind? Stuck in a rut? Self-Limiting Beliefs: The Inner Enemies of Progress What are they? Todays Trivia I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether. I could be, assuming my cables would stretch that far, in my bed inputting numbers into my laptop and still be making money. (Believe me, it sounds like far more fun than it is, and is not nearly as profitable as one might think.) A Perfect World ... Imbalance Creates Motivation I am a big proponent of balance. Everything has to be just so. I believe that we should all strive to obtain balance in our lives. Balance between career and family. Balance between public and private. Balance between spiritualism, finances, and materialism. What Once Was - Ain?t No More Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I'll get right to the point. The past is gone ? vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi, Ho Silver!" It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone! Success -- The Key and the Fire Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction. Some people seem to be naturally self-controlled and some seem to have no self-control at all. Others seem to constantly struggle with self-discipline. The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle Motivation By Your Family And Cornermen The motivation for good or bad which we get from our families is huge. They can either destroy our dreams or help us create them. Most of the boxers in the Contender series are strongly supported by their families. The organisers recognise this fact by allowing families to live close to the Contender Gymnasium. The Conversation of Recovery - Part One Transformational Counseling is all about assisting another human being to live a life that they love and to live it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is about creating a space for others to learn how to transform their lives, to live a life differently from how it was in the past, to truly create what they desire. Transformational Counseling is about assisting others in their getting and utilizing a powerful technology that will enable them to make a true difference in their life and in the lives of others. Transformational Counseling is about assisting another to become present to how they have stopped themselves in their life and in the process transform their way of being in the world. While comprised of a variety of distinctions that are important for understanding the process of transformation, the utilization of Transformational Counseling has five interrelated components that are crucial to its successful use with others and even with oneself. Self-Motivation for Trainers THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SELF-MOTIVATION FOR TRAINERS: Lack of self-motivation is an unfortunate side effect of our accelerated times. Many people today are cynical and disillusioned or feel that to appear sophisticated, they must become so. They find it difficult to muster a feeling of energetic conviction toward any subject. In training, however, it is crucial to success to possess self-motivation when making presentations. Knowing this, however does not do much for the trainer who lacks inner direction. Achieving a full understanding of the anatomy of self-motivation and mastering ways of obtaining it can lead to vast improvement in training presentations. Explanations?... or Excuses? Which of the following "explanations" have you heard (or used!) in the past few weeks? Come Alive! As many of you know I have a passion for helping people identify their dreams and go after them. What you may not know is that (much to my surprise) I have uncovered a spiritual aspect to my work. 5 Keys to Maintaining Personal Change I look out my window at daybreak as the sunrise creates tiny sparkles on sheets of frozen snow. Two mornings later, the snow and sparkles are gone. Even the warmer weather will not last long. 2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face those fears in order to move forward in our lives. 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It is only now that we start understanding the greatness of the tragedy. How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit Someone I know maintains that "motivational words are great coming from philosophers, but that's because they're not in the real world." The power of words can be an incredible aid to helping us remain motivated and focused. ![]() |
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