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Happy New Year
H appiness depends upon your outlook on life. A ttitude is just as important as ability. P assion find yours this year! P ositive thoughts make everything easier. Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them. N ew beginnings with a new year. E nthusiasm a true secret of success. W ishes may they turn into goals. Y ears go by to quickly, enjoy them. E nergy may you have lots of it. A ppreciation of life, don't take it for granted. R elax take the time to relax in this coming year. About The Author: Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, http://www.wow4u.com. You will find a collection of motivational and inspirational thoughts, stories, quotes, poems, smiles, proverbs, and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
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It Is Up To You One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, "if it is to be, it is up to me." That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn't mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career. Motivation By Your Family And Cornermen The motivation for good or bad which we get from our families is huge. They can either destroy our dreams or help us create them. Most of the boxers in the Contender series are strongly supported by their families. The organisers recognise this fact by allowing families to live close to the Contender Gymnasium. Overcoming the Fear of Getting Started Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. -- Dale Carnegie What You Can Do About Procrastination Goals stalled? Always running behind? Stuck in a rut? At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes! The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall. Activity Versus Accomplishment Each and every day, all of us continually search for the extra edge to win at the sport of sales and marketing. One of the most important things that you need to know is that there is a thin line that exists between activity versus accomplishment. Many people feel if they are "active" then they are productive. This is not true! Too often people run around shuffling papers, go back and forth to meetings and are continually on and off their cell phones, but they never accomplish a single task. Consequently, they never obtain their ultimate goal. Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard? We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one's sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes. JJKs First Six Secrets to Becoming a Successful, Creative Entrepreneur! Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Every Passing Minute Is A Chance To Turn It All Around Every passing minute. Motivation By Consequences In 2004 seven badly behaved teenagers were sent to a brat camp in the USA by desperate parents whose lives had been made hell by their own offspring. All seven were from the UK. 7 Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions There are many people who enthusiastically make their New Year Resolutions with a fond hope that they will stick to them and thus make changes in their life for the better. Vanity Killed My Car When I was a freshman in college, my first car was a 1973 Dodge Swinger. Stop laughing! When I first bought the car it was quite sad looking. But hey, it was all I could afford for $700. I decided to save up enough money from my summer job and give my 'swinger' a swinging look. So I saved, and saved every nickel and dime for months. Struggling With Juggling 'The trick to juggling is determining which balls are made of rubber and which ones are made of glass.' --Anon Come Alive! As many of you know I have a passion for helping people identify their dreams and go after them. What you may not know is that (much to my surprise) I have uncovered a spiritual aspect to my work. If It Feels Good, It Must Be Right Copyright © 2003 Priya Shah The New Morality In a world where dynamism alters egos and principles in a man every second, where men divest in tenets that secure them from being devout to something natural, where humanity seeks reasons to be ignorant just to feel sly and intelligent ? we're confronted with issues of morality. We can no longer be satisfied with being truthful incessantly, we can no longer be happy for the sake of empathizing, we can no longer be sympathetic in a world that beseeches us to be methodological, we can no longer be human when the invariable pretension has made us lose our ethicality forever ? we can only choose to be different moralists altogether. Succinctly ? we need a new morality. What is your Altitude? It is something that everyone ? and I do mean everyone ? has the same opportunity to possess. It is something that can change you, those around you, and your future immediately. It is something that will never leave you in a worse position than before you possessed it. It is something that affects your behavior which then in turn is demonstrated by your performance. This something is called Positive Attitude. How to Get Motivated and Have Industrial Strength Self-Motivation It is not your fault if popular self-help courses have never worked for you over the long term. Finding Motivation: What To Do When You Dont Feel Like Doing Anything "The measure of your success usually comes down to who wins the battle that rages between the two of you. The 'you' who wants to stop, give up, or take it easy, and the 'you' who chooses to beat back that which would stand in the way of your success - complacency." Chris Widener Self-Improvement-Inspiration: How to Exit Your Own Rat Race We can all get in a rut from time to time. Who hasn't had a moment in their lives where you've asked yourself the question: "Why am I doing this?" ![]() |
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