7 Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions

There are many people who enthusiastically make their New Year Resolutions with a fond hope that they will stick to them and thus make changes in their life for the better.

But they will soon find that they cannot keep up those resolutions and are back to their old life. How sad it is!

Some may be able to make it last for a week, or maximum for a month or two, and slowly give it up. Hardly a small percentage of people can actually keep it up to their satisfaction.

Are you one of them belonging to the former category? If so, the following tips will help you to stick to your resolutions. I have found them personally useful on most of my resolutions.

1. Before making the resolution, think carefully and ask yourself whether you really want to do that or not.

2. If your answer is "Yes" make a firm decision that at any cost you will see to that you will keep it up.

3. Once you have made up your mind to your resolution which you believe is better for your improvement, write it on a piece of paper and read it loudly, at least five times, until your mind absorbs it fully.

4. Make a few copies of that matter and stick them in your favorite places at home. One paper should be in your bedroom, which if you can see as you get up, will be fine.

5. Every day as you get up after your prayer, just read that piece of paper where your resolution is written. Read it at least 3 times.

6. The other pieces of paper should be pinned in the kitchen, drawing room, and another one on your computer. When you come to your computer side you will not miss it, but without your knowledge your attention will pass through that piece of paper as you wait for your computer to get booted, which will remind you of your resolution.

7. Finally at the end of the day, when you go to bed, remember to repeat your resolution at least twice affirming that you are going to keep up your resolution, at any cost.

When you follow the above tips, you will feel very happy that you have not broken your resolution and you are able to keep it up successfully, as the way you wanted it.

Lakshmi Menon has written articles and short stories. Now she is involved in internet marketing. Visit http://www.net4homeincome.com

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