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Your Most Important Opportunity says a top UK Personal Development Coach
For some people this article will turn out to be one of the most important things they've ever read. I say this because some people are ready to get to grips with life. In the next year some people will put their lives on the map. They'll know clearly what they intend to have happen and, more importantly, why. Do you want to be part of the crowd making the switch to the dizzying heights of happiness ? and when I talk about "happiness," I'm talking about real "Happiness"? Do you want to feel good after a fulfilling day at work? Do you want to live a dream relationship? Do you want you to be building wonderful bonds with your children, easily, and taking the steps to reach your full potential as a human being? If you do, the good news is this: change can be easy. Here is how? First, stop ignoring your instincts: that slumping feeling or that feeling of nausea or the little voice in your head that says: 'I want more out of life than I'm getting.' Accept it as part of you and welcome that feeling. Is it telling you that you're not being rewarded or is it saying you are not being fulfilled in work? Or is the feeling hinting something else is not right ? the relationship with your partner or your children? When you listen to your instincts and accept that things are not right you put yourself back in the driving seat where you can recreate situations and get to grips with life. When you ignore them, they return over and over again, often increasing in intensity until you have to deal with them. Sooner or later you will have to deal with all the issues in life. Why wait until they get to the point of danger where you feel ill or you feel like your world is falling apart? Deal with them while the pressure is not too intense. Deal with them now. If you leave it too late you won't be in the best frame of mind and you'll more than likely handle it poorly. Your instinct is your greatest opportunity. It is there to help you navigate through life, like a rudder on a ship. The problem is all too often we ignore it and try to navigate using logic, which is more like snapping the rudder off and hoping for the best. I don't want my newsletter readers to be the envy of their friends and family. I want them to be the example! If you want to earn more, be happier in your work, have a better sex life or a fitter body then join my free newsletter. We'll even send you a free e-book on finding greater happiness ? our way of welcoming you to our fast-growing readership. Join us now at http://www.unstoppablelife.com
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Motivation: The Power of Action, Part 1 I've heard it said that 85% of success is showing up. While that's true, in the words of radio commentator Paul Harvey, here's the rest of the story. Choose Your Suffering - Be Willing to Pay the Price for Success! One day when my friend Todd and I were having lunch, he let me know the best piece of marital advice he ever received. He said "Phil, It's up to you. Choose your suffering." 4 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Need For Acceptance... And Get On With Your Life Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you get over your need for acceptance. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you'll find that people will judge you less and accept you more! Action Rules - Just Get Started! 'Action Rules!' in the Getting Goals Game. It is the number one most important step to achieving your greatness. Understanding What Motivates People to Take Action So I wanted to buy a car. It was a tough choice but I decided that my next new car would be a Volvo. So I drove down to a local dealer and told him I wanted to take a look at a few Volvos and could he help. "Of course" he replied. 4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to callit "quits" because you just can't see any good results from allthe hard work you've done? Going with the Flow This whole idea of change is founded on a single principle: CHANGE IS ALL IN YOUR MIND. Keep Motivated To Succeed Online! Starting and managing a business takes motivation and talent. It also takes research and planning. Although initial mistakes are not always fatal, it takes extra skill, discipline, and hard work to regain the advantage. Take time beforehand to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals, then use this information to build a comprehensive and thoughtful business plan that will help you reach these goals. 7 Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions There are many people who enthusiastically make their New Year Resolutions with a fond hope that they will stick to them and thus make changes in their life for the better. How to Make the Most of Being Let Go Being let go; suffering redundancy; experiencing downsizing are all very different ways of saying the same thing. Your employer doesn't want you any more. Suddenly, that place; those people you've been bitching about for years, seems so much more attractive than it did yesterday - and you are going to fight tooth and nail to hang in there. But wait, maybe there's something in you that relishes the chance to move on and do something different. Its Never Too Late To Start Many people never start anything because they think the bus has left them standing at the station. How To Overcome Procrastination Quickly And Easily Maybe it is time to discover a new way to overcome procrastination and get motivated. Greed and Selfishness: Knowing The Difference And Loving Yourself! I hear many people discuss how selfishness leads to greed, or that being greedy is part of being selfish. I simply have to say that "greed" and "selfishness" are not the same things. These are "value words" and are based on ideas and information drilled into our heads when we were younger as something known as "basic morals." Entrepreneurs: Take Action Over Inspiration Every Time! "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory!" General George S. Patton You Want Me to Do What? Most of the time whenever we need to make an important business decision we turn to what is convenient or comfortable. Why is it that we never seem to want to venture out and try new things. Is it the fact that we know what to expect when using our current vendor(s), even if they aren't the best at what they do? Do Yourself A Favor--Forgive "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." Buddha Cure Your Burnout! Do you ever get those Sunday night blues? Dreading the week ahead, feeling the daily grind just draining away all of your energy before the week even starts? Or what about those days where you just feel like you are going through the motions and not really being present in your own life? Who Is The Inner Critic? The inner critic is that voice inside your head that tells you that you aren't good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough, or strong enough. It nags and natters at you to the point that your self confidence and sense of bravery is destroyed. You are convinced that the voice is correct and that you really don't have what it takes to live out your wildest dreams. As time goes on, you quit setting meaningful goals. You become resigned to a life of mediocrity and dullness. Change Your Life For The Better! Are you still hoping and waiting for someone somewhere to come to your rescue, wave a magic wand and instantaneously change your life for the better? So What Is Your Real Motivation? We are all guilty of wanting to change our circumstances, bettering ourselves and altering our life's plans, but unfortunately a lot of us fail to see the bigger picture. In fact many of us don't even realise that there may be a bigger picture. ![]() |
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