You Want Me to Do What?

Most of the time whenever we need to make an important business decision we turn to what is convenient or comfortable. Why is it that we never seem to want to venture out and try new things. Is it the fact that we know what to expect when using our current vendor(s), even if they aren't the best at what they do?

I believe that it's human nature to keep doing the same things over and over, using the same resources over and over, giving the same effort over and over.

Answer these 2 questions.

1.) When you shower, do you always wash in the same order?

2.) When you go on vacation, do you stay in the same place as

last time or at least near it?

What if there was a better way of doing these things? of staying in better places? of operating a business?

Well, I think there is.

We have to be willing to try new and different things. Just because it's different to us, doesn't mean that it won't work.

An example. I've been consulting for a company that is launching a new concept for companies to save money on printing and office supplies by making them a member of a large buying group. Some companies saw the savings they could obtain, but wouldn't try it because it wasn't familiar to them. They didn't want to learn a new way of buying, so they didn't sign up. The companies that were willing to venture out and try this new model were successful! They started saving hundreds and thousands of dollars immediately. All because they were willing to get outside of their comfort zone.

My advice is this:

Be Bold, Be Willing, and Go For It!

Ken Hamilton is a consultant for One Source GPO in Franklin, TN. He can be reached at 888-591-7722 or

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