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Motivation: 3 Suggestions for Living a Life of Purpose, On Purpose
"There's so many roads that seem, To lead down to the sea. I wonder which road, will be the right one for me?" - Seawind I heard these lyrics on an old jazz tape the other day. They got me thinking about how so many of us live our lives, sort of making it up as we go along. So what else are we to do? Good question. Recently, I've been playing with the following notion, "How do we live a life of purpose, on purpose?" So far, I've been able to come up with three suggestions. Let's take a look at them, and see what you think. Suggestion 1 Explore and discover what kind of lifestyle and career would get you up early, keep you up late, and cause you to live each and every day with excitement, purpose and passion. Once we get clear on the answer to that question we are well on our way to living a life of purpose, on purpose. "So how do I get clear on this?", you may be asking. That's a good question, and speaks to something I try to do in all my work with people. Whether in counseling, speaking or writing, one of my rules is to never make a suggestion, the what, without supplying at least some of the how. That's because "information without application leads to frustration." The how in this case is what I call "The 3 Vision Questions." They are: If you could design it anyway you wanted, how would it be? If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do? If you had unlimited resources, time, money and support, what would you do? The answers to these questions can point you in the direction of living on purpose. While you are considering this question, be careful not to focus only on work and career. All of these questions and suggestions can be applied to marriage, family and recreation as well. It's like a question from a friend of mine that recently stopped me short- "What would your family be like if you used with them all the energy, ambition and creativity you use at work?" That one got my attention, and I'm working on it. Suggestion 2 Once you have found what drives you, your passion, if you will, don't get comfortable and begin to settle for less. Commit to always making it better and better. Motivational expert Tony Robbins teaches a concept called CANI for committing to continual improvement. CANI stands for Constant and Never-ending Improvement. The question we need to be constantly asking ourselves, whether in family life, friendship or career is, "In how many ways can we make this even better?" One of the problems, as I see it, is that instead of committing to CANI, we tend to commit to CANE. CANE is Constant and Never-ending Excuses. Remember, once we set out to do something, there can only be two outcomes. We either do it or we have excuses why we didn't. Suggestion 3 I've seen it so many times in my office. People work very hard to achieve the kind of life they desire, and they forget one crucial thing. They forget to enjoy it. Kind of hard to believe, but it happens more often than you think. When you are living the life you desire, one of the most important things to do is to enjoy it. Doesn't this contradict the CANI approach of constant and never ending improvement? No, not at all. I didn't say to get content and comfortable, I said to simply enjoy what you have worked so hard to achieve. There's a quote I still remember from my high school yearbook, (Winter Park, 1976). "There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want, and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieves the second." Use the Vision Questions to find your passion, commit to constant improvement, and then enjoy the fruits of your labor. That's a three part prescription for living a life of purpose, on purpose. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Who are they to say it cant be done? Doesn't it just burn you up when you have just shared your 'great idea' with someone and not only are they not as enthusiastic as you, they even go as far as to say your idea won't work! Trust me if this has happened to you you're not alone. Boost Your Bottom Line by Asking Powerful Questions "He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers." -African Proverb 5 Fun & Easy Ways to Get Out of the Rut I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up and bored are all words you could use to describe what I'm like on those days. Thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human ? it's not an elective. There will always be off days, and that's okay. Nothing Ever Stays The Same Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential. Whatever Happened to You? Whatever happened to all the dreams? The wants, the desires, the hopes, the cravings, the appetite, the passion? The aspirations of youth? Where did you go? Whatever happened to you? The Top Five Great Reasons to Delay Pursuing Your Dream 1. How to Get Up on a Down Day One of the major obstacles to achieving goals is losing the motivation necessary to finish them. Many times the initial surge of energy is lost after the reality of hard work or set backs sets in. Here are eleven things that can be done to maintain high motivation. Curing the Blues - 14 Feel-Good Ways to Get Out of the Dumps Everyone goes through that "in the blues" feeling once in awhile. The best cure is to be around people that you care about; family, friends; and keeping yourself busy enough to change your mind. Here are some "mood changers" to help you overcome those "down- in-the-dumps" feelings. Are Your Dreams A Day Late And A Dollar Short? One of the greatest challenges facing our ever intensive quest for the impossible dream is to make it across the finish line even if it's only by the skin of our teeth. Many outstanding accomplishments have been started just to see our vision die one foot short of the goal line. Sound familiar? Don't get your knickers in a twist; here's an idea. The Solutions to Lifes 10 Biggest Problems! Every day clients tell me about their problems, often in great detail, and I've noticed patterns that show up over and over. For many people, life's problems are viewed as "not enough money" or "not enough time". For couples, the problems are often around "communication" or "parenting" or sex. They think if they only had more money or more time or better sex or a better job, things would be wonderful. Information Age: Knowledge is King In our information age, having the right knowledge at the right time can make the difference between failure and success. Knowledge, gained through experience makes one an expert in any field. If Theres Money in a Dead Mouse... My 4 year old son was very excited. I had promised him to tell a wonderful story tonight. Motivation; 7 Musings on Motivation 1. Most of us are motivated by one of two things - inspiration or desperation. Most successful people choose inspiration as their motivation. Employee Motivation - The 8 Basics Building a team of motivated people in your business is vital to get the very best results, but so many managers focus on the 'ra-ra-ra', rather than the important things - the things that make people feel comfortable in their working environment. Here are eight that you might want to have a think about: The WeatherIs it too hot, or too cold. Your people need an environment which is, like Goldilocks said, 'Just right'. So is the office too stuffy in summer? Or too icy in winter? Is it draughty? Do people get wet when accepting deliveries, because the outside roof leaks? Literally make sure that external factors are as they wish. The BreaksSometimes working in a day-to-day job can get boring and exhausting. So people need to know when their breaks are and that they wil be able to take them - it's not that complicated. Yet often, they just aren't able to have this basic courtesy in place. Planning and caring for your people's needs is vital. It's what you would want for yourself, isn't it? HolidaysAnd vacations/holidays are important too - some would say it's the most important thing on the working year calendar. So enable this to happen, when they need to know, so that they can plan their invaluable time away from the business and refresh. Being HeardYou people need you to listen to then and hear them - really hear what they are saying and respond with action and/or acknowledgement. Be out there creating good, open relationships with your people and take in what they say - what's important to them - and deliver solutions to make conditions great. Achievable GoalsBy being really, really clear about what you expect from your employees, you will set the scene for committed staff. Through knowing exactly what their performance should look like to be judged excellent, by you, gets buy-in, big-time. So be clear, give them the resources to achieve success and they will be well onside. Being ThankedAs they do a good job for you each day - tell them. It's easy - just say 'Thank You'! Appreciation for achieving success, especially when it's from the boss is so important. So recognising excellent performance, even for small tasks, cost nothing and takes but a moment - worth building into your day job activities - every day! ChallengePeople like to do new things, to explore, to seek out and utilise their potential, Sometimes this means they will have to be 'stretched' in what they do. With a helping hand, to support, coach and grow the skills of your people, you are setting in place a keen, ambitious and ready-for-the-next-experience star in the making. So find new ways to develop them. SecurityIn today's business climate, it isn't always easy to build the best future consistently - things change too much, too quickly. But you can go some way to ensure that it is a safe place to be. With this level of security, your people will loosen up and feel capable of being with you, rather than against. It is a measure of your own leadership as to how well this works.These are basics for your people - get these right and you will be 85% there, in having motivated people working with you. Then you can turn on the charm, get radical and creative and find them right there alongside you (in front even!). Focused on building your business strongly. How You Developed Bad Habits That Rob You Of Motivation Bad habits rob you of your motivation. What are You Waiting for? Do it now! Whatever it is you have been putting off, do it. This is your life, it is not a dress rehearsal. What is it you have always wanted to do but, for some unknown reason, never quite get to? I am referring to those usually minor desires, not major goals like "get married" or "start a business." Christian Gladiators? Athletics as a Metaphor for the Christian Lifestyle When Paul first arrived in Corinth in the middle of his second missionary journey, Acts 18:2-3 reports that he joined Aquila and Priscilla in the occupation of making tents. This fits in well with what Paul himself wrote at about that same time. For example, in 1 Thess. 1:9, he says: "Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you." Similarly, in 2 Thess. 3:7-8, Paul states: "We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat any one's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you." Action Rules - Just Get Started! 'Action Rules!' in the Getting Goals Game. It is the number one most important step to achieving your greatness. We Are Trying To... How many times have you heard this in your life? Perhaps you have said it yourself. We are trying to accomplish something here. We are trying to complete this programme. We are trying to change the attitudes of our employees. We are trying to finish so we can go on holiday. We are trying to get fit. We are trying to diet. We are trying to give up smoking/drinking/eating donuts or whatever. 10 Easy Ways To Stop Procrastinating It is counterproductive to concentrate on so many tasks that you cannot accomplish them and may cost you time and energy with no results. Many people seem to spend a lot of time and energy only to achieve very few results. ![]() |
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