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Starting Over
I worked hard for the past 17 years. I felt I had to. I only finished high school. Without a certificate to flaunt and yet wanting to climb the corporate ladder, I dedicated my effort and time to my work. I was proud of myself. At 40 years old I had reached a manager's position. The day came when I was handed the letter. Why did the company fire me? Was I not good enough? It was a massive blow to my ego. My questions only brought back anger. I was not resourceful and I could not see any positive meaning to it. As I thought about it longer, I became more angry and annoyed. Then the emotions turn into fear. What can I do now? Who would employ me? At this age and with a lack of education, how could I get another job? I was becoming an unendurable person. My relationship, which was already on the rocks suffered further. I was no longer the person I used to be. I complained and whined. I lost the confidence in myself. I could not see myself in any other way but a "wimp". I avoided friends and ignored and neglected my partner. There were no more constructive conversations between us. He was getting on well with her career and moving upwards. And the more I saw him succeeding the more I felt bad about myself. I was ashamed of myself. I thought that I was not good enough for him anymore. Finally he has had it. He walked out of my life. Not only have I lost my job. I also have lost someone whom I thought was the one for me. More resentment and self-pity came over me. I was angry with him. How could he leave me if he had loved me? I was not only broke but also alone. I was so broke that I could not afford my own home. The finance company repossessed my car. I had no material things left except my clothes in my luggage and a few books. It has to take two crisis to make me wake up to my senses. I had to change immediately. That was the only choice I had. Losing your self-confidence is bad. Losing your self-esteem is worse. Losing your self is a disaster. Until... I decided to change...in my thinking. I have to meet my basic need first, food and shelter. The company I went to offered lodging so I took the job that paid only a quarter of what I used to earn. Alone and still broke...but this time I looked at what I had left. Change does not come easy. Recovering your self-confidence and your self-esteem is an attitude and mindset that needs discipline. You need to develop the disciplines that can boost your trust in yourself again. 1. Admit that you have messed up. Whatever happened, has happened to someone else too. It is how you make out of it that matters. You either let it go and move on or wallow in self-pity. If you had taken the second option as I did, you will realize that your life would be messier than when it started. It is not too late. Admit your mistakes, forgive yourself and move on. 2. Write down realistic goals. When your self-esteem plummets, it is tough to see bright, colorful pictures of yourself smiling at your achievements. Set several realistic goals to start with. For a start, these were some of my goals... i) Put on 5kg. Lost that. I was looking very thin and gaunt for my height. I need to lift my self-image. ii) Cut smoking to 10 cigarettes a day. I can't afford more anyway iii) Read 1 hr daily. Got to feed my mind with something positive. iv) Take 20minutes walk in the park a day. I needed some fresh air and away from the cramp abode of mine. v) Keep a journal. I shunned friends so at least I could use this to pour out my feelings. vi) Record my activities. I must make full use of my time. vii) Pray and meditate. Somehow, I know I am not alone. I worked on them and made certain that I followed the disciplines. It felt good to strike out each activity daily. And when the good feelings enter again, I added more goals to my list. Slowly but surely, I began to feel good about myself again. 3) Interrupt the negative self-talks and critics. Your self-talks will not stop and mostly they are negative and criticizing. This is a challenge especially when you are trying and working hard on yourself. Learn to listen to them. Catch them "in the act". Remove, cancel, and delete. Do whatever within your power to fight back. It's funny how you could move away from people who criticize you. At times you can even tell them to shut their mouth up and you can't even tell your voices within to leave you alone. You need to be aware. You must listen. Then when you hear, you could either so gently tell the voices to leave you alone. Or, if the voices are softly whispering, tell them firmly to get out. Consciously now, speak something out loud or within yourself that you are worthy. However and whatever you say, feed your ears and your mind with encouraging words like "I love myself". Isn't it better than hearing it say over and over again how hopeless you are? 4) Remember and recall successful and positive experiences. If you really try, you will be able to remember a few of your success. I sat down in a "relaxed mode" and at first have to force myself to think of one experience that I was proud of. Soon enough, I found out that I had quite a number of beautiful experiences. - There was a time when I was given 3 promotions in a year. - I remembered the time when I sat with my friends watching the sun setting on the horizon. - I recalled my first experience snorkeling and seeing the beautiful and colorful fishes under the sea... in spite of my fear of water. - The day when I first saw my niece one hour after she was born. When you can play back these memories and experiences, you will realize that you have had great times many times over. Why rewind and play the sad and dis-empowering movies in your mind? Will it make you feel good? If not discard them just as easy as throwing photographs that we do not wish to look at. This is a mind's game. We can decide what to do with our mind. Richard Bandler stated that the brain is his favorite toy. Let's make that ours too. We have them too don't we? 5) Keep a journal. This can be therapeutic. You can write down what you think and feel. No one is going to correct your grammar. No one is going to argue about it. This is because no one is going to see it. It is yours. Why let those words keep voicing out in your head. Write them out. Say what you want to say. And maybe laugh at some of them when you sit back and read them many months later. Write down your activities too. How much time did you spend sleeping? What time did you get up? What was the first thing you saw when you got up? Whom did you meet today and how long did you use your time for socializing? How many push-ups did you do today? What ideas came to your mind today? What have you learned at work? What can you do to improve your income? 6) Read and listen. When I first started out again, I did not have many friends. My weekends were quiet. There were moments when I dreaded just the thought of it. I did not have many books to read and I did not have much money to buy them. So I spent my time at the public library. Reading motivational and inspiration books helped me especially at those times when I was down and out. I read and read. It has kept me inspired and my interest in other subjects has broadened. After a while I started to listen to motivational tapes. I fed my mind. I was determined to make my life work. 7) Pray. When you are down and out, and you think that no one is there for you, think again. As the saying goes, "you are invisibly being watched over". Fatimah Musa provides information, tips and quotes written to help people become aware that any future growth starts with their personal growth. You can visit Fatimah at http://www.about-personal-growth.com
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Choose Your Suffering - Be Willing to Pay the Price for Success! One day when my friend Todd and I were having lunch, he let me know the best piece of marital advice he ever received. He said "Phil, It's up to you. Choose your suffering." JJKs First Six Secrets to Becoming a Successful, Creative Entrepreneur! Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! How Breaking Routine And Unexpected Acts of Kindness Can Energize Your Day! Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don't have to think about a thing we're doing throughout the day. We're programmed to run on automatic. It's important to shake things up every once in a while to get the creative juices flowing, give us an added boost of energy or give us something to concentrate on for a change. How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit Someone I know maintains that "motivational words are great coming from philosophers, but that's because they're not in the real world." The power of words can be an incredible aid to helping us remain motivated and focused. Stop Holding Yourself Back Try this exercise. Take a sheet of paper and list down all the emotions you can think of? Take a couple of minutes and if possible, keep writing for as long as you can? Come on, do it. I'll still be here when you get back. A Reality Practice Suggested practice to gain freedom from self-limitation. Vanity Killed My Car When I was a freshman in college, my first car was a 1973 Dodge Swinger. Stop laughing! When I first bought the car it was quite sad looking. But hey, it was all I could afford for $700. I decided to save up enough money from my summer job and give my 'swinger' a swinging look. So I saved, and saved every nickel and dime for months. Come Alive! As many of you know I have a passion for helping people identify their dreams and go after them. What you may not know is that (much to my surprise) I have uncovered a spiritual aspect to my work. Why Bother About Your Life? Have you failed to create the life you want, because you are afraid to take risks or leave your comfort zone? 5 Ways to Fight Pessimism Some people are naturally pessimistic and are happy being so. They view themselves as pragmatic and as having a better sense of reality. Then there are those of us who feel weighed down by negativity and wish that we could be more optimistic. This is completely possible. It all lies in the way we perceive things... 1. Stress management When we conceal our anxieties, they only build. Each concern can snowball into a feeling of being overwhelmed. Each person has their own way of letting off steam. This varies from exercise, to listening to music, to reading a good book. More of us are beginning to realize how important proper stress management is to both our physical and mental health. 2. Constant reality checks It is sometimes necessary to debate the validity of your concerns to determine whether they are rational or not. This is called self-rationalization and one of the most recognized methods is the worst case scenario. This is when you consider the worst possible situation, then go on to consider whether it is likely to happen. For example, a loved one said they would call once they arrived by subway to a certain destination. They should have reached that destination 15 minutes ago. You may dream up scenarios of there being a train accident or some other frightful incident took place. But after a little thought, you find that it's more probable that they either have yet to reach their stop or they will simply call you when it is convenient for them. You never want to leap to conclusions and cause yourself unnecessary stress. 3. Support of friends and family Friends and family are usually more than willing to provide you with a much needed reality check. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have close friends and family members to confide in though. It is detrimental to find some type of support when you are feeling extremely confused or overwhelmed. This support may have to come from a trusted co-worker or a member of a support group. Sometimes all it takes is another person's point of view to put things into perspective. 4. Own your feelings Accept that you have complete control over your perceptions and internal responses. You may not have control over what happened on your commute to work that upset you. But you are able to decide whether you become relieved when the day is finally over, or frustrated, claiming you are always being dealt a bad hand. Three Fs and a Challenge It's no secret that life is a tricky animal to understand and it's even harder to tame it so that it delivers what you want. But from my work in the world of personal development I've figured out three simple things that can transform any situation, any problem, any issue...and any life. Three things that once in place can bring the best out of you, bring the best to you and allows you to enjoy all of it. What are these three things? I call them the Three F's - Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom. Nothing Ever Stays The Same Nothing ever stays the same. On the one hand we despise change yet on the other we don't want to stagnate and become boring. Yet our habits keep us locked into a course of action day after day, year after year. The way we think, the way we behave, the way we experience things, the way we react to incidents, all are dominated by our habits. They are so strong that most of do not even know what they are. Whatever our habits are they keep us fixed in a particular perspective or behaviour. They stop us reaching our potential. Self-care Isnt Being Selfish When was the last time you truly relaxed? Do you often find that another exhausting week ends and you glance at a book you bought six months ago and realise you simply haven't had the time to read it? If this sounds horribly familiar then it's likely that you are prioritising the demands in your business life and ultimately your personal life is missing out. The Untold Truth About Mentors, and Why You DONT Need One I think there is a misconception about what a mentor truly is. A mentor is someone who guides you, someone wise, someone you trust. A mentor can be your confidant, advisor, coach, or even your role model. Many people swear by their mentors and frequently credit them with much of their success. Change 101: How to Get the Changes You Desire Here's a bold statement: Ignite Your Life! Where have you come from this past year? What have you accomplished? Don't like the answers? Wish you had better ones, more fulfilling ones? You can - just one year from now! Stop Squeaking! Align Yourself for Business Success! Even for a remarkable business owner like you, from time to time, you may still loose motivation in continuing the expansion of a service or product line. At time, you may seem to have a hard time figuring out why this once fantastic business that got you so excited every morning is making you feel like a heavy weight now. Going with the Flow This whole idea of change is founded on a single principle: CHANGE IS ALL IN YOUR MIND. Why Do Flowers Inspire Me So Much? I grew up in a very cold climate where winter seemed go on for 6 months and ice, snow and barren trees is what you saw on a daily basis. Plus the bone chilling cold and cloudy skies all made for a long dreary winter. Why Do We Need Our Addictions? If money is considered to be the root of all evil, then what would we classify as our addictions? ![]() |
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