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6 Simple Steps To Accelerating your Learning
What is Accelerated learning? Simply put, accelerated learning is the ability to absorb and understand new information quickly, and also to be able to retain that information. It involves the process of unleashing the abilities within us. Every one of us learn differently. Accelerated learning calls upon us to learn techniques of learning that exactly match our personal learning styles. When we are learning in our preferred ways, learning becomes natural, easier and faster. That's why it's called accelerated learning. Basically, the brain can be thought of being made up of the "Left Brain" and "Right brain". The left brain is the expert in language, mathematical processes, logical thoughts, sequences and analysis. The right brain specializes in rhythm, music, visual impressions, color, and pictures. Although each is dominant in certain activities, both sides are involved in almost all thinking. The point is that to learn the accelerated way, you must involve your whole brain. Have you heard of the 8 intelligences? Can you name all 8 to me? There are 8 multiple intelligences : Linguistic, Logical-Mathematics, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist as put forth by Harvard professor of education Howard Gartner. In accelerated learning, we use our strongest form of these 8 intelligences and learning will then be more enjoyable. To master the art of accelerated learning overnight is impossible. It takes time and effort to increase the rate at which you learn. Still, let me give a brief overview of the entire process of accelerated learning. The 6 simple steps to accelerating your learning are: Motivating the mind - motivating yourself so that you are in a confident and resourceful state that best supports learning. There are several ways, including the use of visualization, affirmations, and goals-setting. Acquiring the information - using your personal and preferred way of absorbing the information. There are 3 distinct styles of processing information that we use. We'll use all 3 styles, only the degree to which we use them differs and that accounts for our varying styles of learning. The 3 styles are Visual ( seeing ), Auditory ( hearing ), and Kinesthetic ( physical activities and involvement ). So, your job is to find out your preferred style of learning and use methods of learning that correspond to your style. Searching out the meaning - when what you're learning has meaning to you, remembering it is will be an easy feat! Again, this depends on the most dominant form of intelligence in you and how you exploit it. Triggering the memory - recall whatever you've learned at will with proven memory techniques. Such techniques may include the link method, the number-shape methods and so on. You have to consider the workings of memory and learn only when your memory is in an optimal state. Exhibiting what you know - show that you know and fully comprehend what you've learned. If your learning and absorption of the information have been effective, you must be able to be fully capable of showing it anytime and anywhere. If you can really show that you know, you have absolutely comprehended the material you've learned! Reflecting upon what you've learned - learning is a continuous process; we must learn from our mistakes. Self-analysis is important as it marks the end of the accelerated learning of a skill or new knowledge. When, upon finishing your learning of something, you reflect upon the process itself. Of course, reading about the process and not taking action will not in any way serve you to master accelerated learning. If you're still unsure of how to proceed to really go into deeper depth into accelerated learning, you may download my free accelerated learning ebook course at: http://self-improvement101.uni.cc/free-self-help-courses/mental/accelerated-learning.htm Remember, the essence of accelerated learning is in using methods of learning that really suits your natural learning style. Good luck with your quest towards accelerated learning! About The Author Jake Sim is the founder of Self-Improvement101, a popular website about personal development. Great personal success articles, free ebooks and downloadable courses, and more resources are available. Subscribe to his highly recommended newsletter and get a FREE $19 self-growth ebook! http://www.self-improvement101.uni.cc contact@self-improvement101.uni.cc
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