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About That Dream...
About that Dream... Remember your very first job? That all-grown-up feeling! Your own money to buy things... That feeling of independence! Do you still have that excitement today? Do you jump out of bed, eager to start a new day? Or are you tired, even slightly depressed? Perhaps you've lost touch with your own special *dream* over the years. What was your dream? Have you thought about it lately? Acknowledging your dream can free you up to remove the obstacles... Those Nasty Obstacles What's keeping you from your dream? Start a small list of things you consider obstacles in your way. Are they *Time,* *Energy,* *Money?* Is your life just too stressful? Brainstorm some solutions and write them in the column next to the obstacles. Each of the above were obstacles for me. We were about $14,000 in debt (credit cards and school loans). I was working 40-60 hours a week -- just to pay the bills. I was using my energy to work for *things, * leaving none for pursuing my dream. The Negotiation If you could trade something for your dream, what would it be? If you wanted it so badly you could taste it -- how could you make it happen? I wanted to work part time and pursue my writing. I negotiated with myself. If I could learn to live on 20 hours pay per week, I could go part time. Two and a half years later, we were debt free with a small nest egg. Our spending was minimal. I had finished the first draft of my book a year earlier. I moved to part time, evening hours, and my new job was now 3 miles from home. My immediate goal of part time had spurred me on. What could you negotiate with yourself today - to pull your dream a little bit closer? How about making a small deal with yourself? If I (fill in the blank), then I could (fill in the blank). Who better to negotiate with? Which Way to Easy Street? There is no Easy Street (at least not on my road map). But there is that road less traveled... with a few obstacles along the way. My husband lost two jobs soon after I made major changes in my life, the first just months later. It wasn't easy, but I had Plan B ready to go. What's the worst thing that could happen if you take a different path? Beneath your obstacle list from above, jot down the worst things that might happen. In the column next to them, jot down some ideas for a Plan B of your own. What's Keeping You? ***Time*** Instead of working more hours away from home for 'extra money', could you invest your time in planning and saving for your dream? Do your current activities move you closer to doing what you'd love to do? ***Energy*** Short on energy? Try blowing the dust off your dream. You'll be amazed at the renewed energy you'll have! Eliminate energy wasters -- things that don't move you forward. ***Money*** What spending can you 'exchange' if it means finally living your dream? Money I spent weekly buying books is now funneled back into my dream. Trade your current spending for your dream. You'll be wonderfully surprised at how much money you'll *find* for your dream! (c) 2003 Darlene Arechederra About The Author Darlene Arechederra is author of Rat Race Blues-How to Break the Stranglehold. Do what you *love* to do for a living -- not what you *have* to do! Darlene offers hope and help in *finding* money, time and energy to support your dreams. Fr*ee weekly newsletter with mini-assignments and rewards to get you back on track with your money and dreams. http://www.RatRaceRemedies.com.
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Selective Perspective Picture this: A mother and daughter are looking at the snowfall from the front widow of their home. The daughter thinks: "Great, No school tomorrow." While Mom is thinking, "Great, how will I get to work tomorrow?" Mr. Smith, Please Enter the Dream Room - Dream Big Dreams to Do Big Things! Enjoy a great quote to start off this fantastic week! Get Things Done: Take 21! Ever begin doing something that you do for a few days, and then simply stop doing it? Ask Your Question ? Get what You Desire "Questions get answers, advice, opinions, beliefs, impressions, stories, and more questions. Questions are about life, people, careers, achievements, facts, and faith. Ask and learn." - Ruby Bayan What would just the right question be worth to you? There is nothing more effective for bringing deep insight and understanding than a powerful question. You truly can ask questions that create meaningful change in your life. The right questions can lead you toward the things you desire. Questions: Simple words mixed carefully into a phrase with the power to change lives in extraordinary ways. Questions crystallize thought. Powerful questions ask "What, Why, Where, Who, How, and When?" They bring insights, visions, and new perspectives. Lord Byron wrote, "But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think." You Can! "There are only two ways of bringing brightness into your world; either change your attitude or open the closed doors of your brain" How Breaking Routine And Unexpected Acts of Kindness Can Energize Your Day! Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don't have to think about a thing we're doing throughout the day. We're programmed to run on automatic. It's important to shake things up every once in a while to get the creative juices flowing, give us an added boost of energy or give us something to concentrate on for a change. L-I-V-E-- 12 Steps to Living Your Life Many of us only inhabit our lives- we do not Live our lives. But, we can. Who are they to say it cant be done? Doesn't it just burn you up when you have just shared your 'great idea' with someone and not only are they not as enthusiastic as you, they even go as far as to say your idea won't work! Trust me if this has happened to you you're not alone. The Default Setting In the coaching relationships I have with our clients, the major problem I see is that individuals end up in the same place - over and over and over again. They mean to save money and build wealth, only to end up (again) with "too much month at the end of the money." They've lost the same 15 pounds 8 times in the last decade. They quit one job only to end up doing the exact same job with the exact same pay for a different company. They end a relationship and then start dating the same person with a different name. Sound familiar? Everyone has patterns and they are determined by what we refer to as the "default setting". My Backyard Recipe for Creating an Abundant Life There's a party going on in my backyard. Just beyond the goldfish pond you can hear the low hum coming from the bee ensemble. If you step closer, you can see them dancing on the tops of purple coneflowers dusting themselves in bright orange pollen. They seem intoxicated by the abundance of fragrant flowers. A vast treasure trove, I imagine, to a bee. Who Is The Inner Critic? The inner critic is that voice inside your head that tells you that you aren't good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough, or strong enough. It nags and natters at you to the point that your self confidence and sense of bravery is destroyed. You are convinced that the voice is correct and that you really don't have what it takes to live out your wildest dreams. As time goes on, you quit setting meaningful goals. You become resigned to a life of mediocrity and dullness. Are You Still Stuck on Still? Are you still "stuck on still?" If so, don't let fear, doubt or disappointment rob you of your future, or keep you from your desires. Instead, see yourself as the person that you want to become. Human Beings naturally navigate towards the pictures they keep in their minds. Empower yourself and create the images you want to attract. Motivation By Gratitude Whenever you feel lethargic and depressed by your situation in life reflect on how much worse things could be. This solution to depression sounds obvious and simplistic but it works. Raising The Bar One of the most popular events in the Olympics is the pole vault event. We all watch with amazement and anticipation as the competitor runs full speed down the track with a long pole in his hands. Then the jumper hangs on for dear life as he lowers the pole downwards into a hole that propels him high up in the air, high enough to clear the bar just in front of him. The jumper then has a soft landing on his back ready to jump even higher the next time. Quick Steps To Handle Setbacks Looking for a way to handle a setback? Discover Your Purpose In Life Everyone has a life purpose; a unique and special something each of us is supposed to do in LIFE. A life purpose is not a specific job or career, it is much deeper and much more fulfilling. Now, you can uncover your own life purpose. You can do it the easy, fast, modern way, using a modestly priced online program, or you can uncover your own life purpose using the more difficult (but free) old-fashioned do-it-yourself method, If you want to save a few bucks and try doing it yourself here's how ... The Untold Truth About Mentors, and Why You DONT Need One I think there is a misconception about what a mentor truly is. A mentor is someone who guides you, someone wise, someone you trust. A mentor can be your confidant, advisor, coach, or even your role model. Many people swear by their mentors and frequently credit them with much of their success. Day Dream Believer I am sure you, just like the rest of us, experienced all sorts of day dreams when you were younger. Who amongst us did not find themselves, at one time or another, in the precarious position of being blissfully lost in day dream when one of our teachers called on us in class? You know how that story went. How To Become More Patient "Lord give me patience ? and hurry!" Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Recently a person attended one of my goal setting seminars with a different kind of focus; I will call him Richie. I had the feeling, as I was leading the group in a goal setting exercise, that Richie had recently traveled this road. After hearing his story I discovered that in fact he did have a new outlook on life; and goals attached. ![]() |
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