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Full Steam Ahead, Just Dont Go Off Half Cocked!
Do you do things that you don't want to do? Do you not do things that you do want to do? Do you find every reason in the book to delay what needs to be done? Would you like to know the secret of getting things done? Then hang on tight, cause this buds for you. How do you make the secret of getting things done an everyday part of your life? It's done by a nasty word?..habit. Ok then, how do I develop a habit? Another dirty word; by repetition. Plant a cotton seed and you'll grow cotton. Plant a habit or action and you'll grow a habit. Here it is: The Naked Truth! Sow a good habit and you'll grow a good character. Sow a good character and you'll grow a great destiny. Bend over backwards to help others and you'll be the first with the most all the time. Sow insult to injury and you'll go off half-cocked. Oh.. But you hurt my feelings. Nah!! That ole dog won't hunt. So, there's no sense in you putting him in your pick-up. Don't you get mad at me now. Listen; we all become what our habits make us. And, we all choose our own habits. Either consciously or unconsciously by repetition we become what our habits dictate. The nice thing is; we can go full steam ahead when it comes to developing desirable habits. Here is a good way to develop a favorable habit. Program your brain to a make an affirmation. One that I have used for many years is the affirmation, "Do it Now." And then act as soon as your subconscious flashes that affirmation to your consciousness. Swallow your pride! Here is an example. Next time your stomach says, "Eat that second piece of pie", and your "hips" say, put it back, you say, "Do it Now." Get it? This has held me in good stead for many unpleasant tasks that I would really just as soon put off as long as I could. You know things like baby sitting and changing dirty diapers. I mean hey, changing dirty diapers is way down on my list of things to do,? right next to snake hunting. Hehehe. Well, I didn't coin the phrase "Do it Now", but I have used it for many years. And, it is very important that you take action as soon as you say it. The action is what causes this to become repetitive. That's why you should only use this for a good and desirable habit you're trying to develop. Half-Cocked habits can be just as destructive as good habits can be productive. Quick As A Lick! Immediately act as soon as your subconscious flashes this affirmation to your conscious. Make it an everyday practice. Then in times of emergency, when you really need to take immediate action, the good habits that you developed will come to your aid. If you will begin using this self motivator with little things it will become easier to get things done in big matters later on. This will help you to act when opportunities come your way and not just sit there batting your eyes like a toad frog in a hail storm. That frog may have very powerful legs to jump to safety, but the dumb frog just sits there. And, how many times have we seen "our" opportunity come along; I mean it had our name written all over it. It was everything we had envisioned it would be; just like we had planned; it looked just like we knew it would look; we could even taste it. And what do we do? Sit there like a frog. And, if someone should ask us; "Why are you just sitting there?" We might not answer in these words but this is what it comes down to; we start thinking like a stupid frog. And, we think that since we don't have wings we're going to bump our little bu** when we land. Geeze?."All good things come to those who wait"?.. We can come up with the most reasonable sounding excuses for sitting there. Of course, we don't call them excuses because that would make us look like we're gold bricking. We call them rational prudence, or some other stupid Froggy line, so that everyone will think we are so intelligent. A Force You Better Reckon With! Not doing the things we need to do habitually creates a strong pattern of procrastination. It causes people to miss planes, be late for work, and sometimes can cause very serious catastrophes in our lives. Ideas can be forgotten and opportunities lost that could change our lives for the better. History has recorded great battles that were lost because someone hesitated when the time had come to take a desirable action. I talk to people all the time and the common theme of habits that most people would like to eliminate is procrastination. And my favorite secret that I tell all of them is in the title of this article. Use the affirmation "Do it Now" and go full steam ahead. Just be sure you are going for the gold and not going off half-cocked. This Is As Good As It Gets! When things begin getting done in your life you will sense a re-invigorating of your attitude. It will cause circumstances to go from negative to positive. It will cause the darkest of nights your have ever spent to become a new and pleasant day. Notice how this young man took a terrible dark night and turned it into a beautiful day. Jorgen was a young man from Denmark who wanted to visit America. He had saved and made the trip to Washington DC. All the money he had was in cash and after he checked into his hotel room he noticed his wallet was missing. Thousands of miles from his home country and not having any family or close friends here he had no way of getting more money. His hotel was pre-paid and he still had his plane ticket home. So, those two items were not a concern. He had two choices. One he could be happy; the other, he could be miserable. He couldn't make his wallet fall out of heaven so the only thing he could do is tell himself "it's time to be happy". And, this he did. He said I'm the same person I was yesterday before I lost my wallet; I'm going to be the same person tomorrow. I was happy yesterday, I will be happy today. That was Jorgen's affirmation. He refused to spend his time being unhappy over his loss. Don't Just Sit There Like A Bump On A Pickle! He realized that now is the moment. Now is the time to take action, now is the time to move full steam ahead. There is no tomorrow, only today is promised. So, when you find that it's your time to go Full Steam Ahead, Don't start cooling your jets. Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html. You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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