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By Planning and Exerting Effort, You Can Change Things For The Better
Most of us plan to find the love of our life, our soul mate. It is a natural human instinct to find a partner. Someone who we can grow and expand with, someone we can have a family with, someone we can spend the rest of our life with. We actively search and plan to find Mr or Mrs Right. We go to parties, clubs and bars. We are always actively looking for that person until we find them. When we find someone we fancy we do everything we can to attract their attention and then courage permitting, we ask them out on a date. If the date works out well because we enjoy there company and we have certain things in common, we will date again. After a while, we will decide if this person is for us. If they are not, we break-up and start the searching process again. If they are the right person, we start to make plans for the future with them. As you spend more and more time together, your relationship grows and strengthens. So if we can put in all this time and effort, and motivate ourselves to find Mr or Mrs Right, why cant we put this same amount of effort and deliberation into gaining a satisfactory career path and improve the monetary success in our lives? If we were to use similar tactics, and exert the same amount of energy and planning, would we not eventually arrive at the same conclusion and start to make plans for the future? The strange thing is, if our relationship begins to breakdown and we become unhappy, we try to settle our differences. If all fails, we break-up and go our separate ways. We then start the whole process again. Now if we can do this on a relationship level. Why don't we do this on the career or monetary level? How come if we are unhappy in a relationship and can see it going nowhere, we can "call it a day" and find someone else? Nevertheless, will stay in a dead-end, mundane, going nowhere, unhappy job for years. Surely changing your career path should be easier then changing your partner. So think back to when you were trying to win the heart of someone you liked. Think back to all the planning, scheming and the coincidences you created. When they went to a party, you made sure you were there. You possibly knocked into them on purpose, just to start a conversation with them. You went to the same club as them, with the soul intention of getting them to notice you. You can use the same tactics to improve your career. Join a club were the people you want to meet "hang-out". Join chat rooms and forums to build relationships with likeminded people in your line of business. Create a scenario where you can bump into your boss and quickly run through an idea. The possibilities are endless. Remember you created your world. You have to make things happen. By planning and exerting effort, you can change things for the better. It's up to you. Mark Claridge specializes in teaching motivational and self-development skills. In his new book "Mindset and Match" he covers amongst other subjects how having the correct mindset can bring you all you want out of life and is available at http://www.mindsetandmatch.com
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5 Ways to Fight Pessimism Some people are naturally pessimistic and are happy being so. They view themselves as pragmatic and as having a better sense of reality. Then there are those of us who feel weighed down by negativity and wish that we could be more optimistic. This is completely possible. It all lies in the way we perceive things... 1. Stress management When we conceal our anxieties, they only build. Each concern can snowball into a feeling of being overwhelmed. Each person has their own way of letting off steam. This varies from exercise, to listening to music, to reading a good book. More of us are beginning to realize how important proper stress management is to both our physical and mental health. 2. Constant reality checks It is sometimes necessary to debate the validity of your concerns to determine whether they are rational or not. This is called self-rationalization and one of the most recognized methods is the worst case scenario. This is when you consider the worst possible situation, then go on to consider whether it is likely to happen. For example, a loved one said they would call once they arrived by subway to a certain destination. They should have reached that destination 15 minutes ago. You may dream up scenarios of there being a train accident or some other frightful incident took place. But after a little thought, you find that it's more probable that they either have yet to reach their stop or they will simply call you when it is convenient for them. You never want to leap to conclusions and cause yourself unnecessary stress. 3. Support of friends and family Friends and family are usually more than willing to provide you with a much needed reality check. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have close friends and family members to confide in though. It is detrimental to find some type of support when you are feeling extremely confused or overwhelmed. This support may have to come from a trusted co-worker or a member of a support group. Sometimes all it takes is another person's point of view to put things into perspective. 4. Own your feelings Accept that you have complete control over your perceptions and internal responses. You may not have control over what happened on your commute to work that upset you. But you are able to decide whether you become relieved when the day is finally over, or frustrated, claiming you are always being dealt a bad hand. Motivation By Facing Facts "Things is either done, or they ain't done." Marlon Sanders Quick Steps To Help You Take Action Now Need to move ahead and yet find yourself holding back? Glass Half Full YES MY GLASS IS ALWAYS HALF FULL AND YOURS CAN BE TOO! Action vs. Self Delusion Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Forgotten Your New Years Resolutions Already? How To Get Back On Track How quickly we forget. We are only a few weeks into the New Year, how many of you have forgotten that you even made any New Year resolutions. Its Not Enough Whatever you are doing in your life at the present moment; it's not enough. What do you mean it's not enough? I've done all I can. I've a good job. I work as hard as I can. I get my tasks done. I'm really proficient in what I do. I've got a good standard of living. What do you mean it's not enough? Motivation - How to Design a Life "Have you ever felt like you've become the worst possible version of yourself?" - Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail" The Art of Wastebasketry Are your filing cabinets stuffed so full that it's difficult to retrieve and file papers? If you're like 80% of the people in the audiences to whom I speak, your answer is "Yes." "Are there things in your filing cabinet you could probably throw out?" Most once again answer "Yes." So what's the problem? Change - The Skill Of Adapting To The Inevitable Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale Darkness of Winter Encourages Insights The darkness of Winter has descended. Being Determined - What Good Will That Do? 'Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.' -- Josh Billings Are You Lacking Self-Discipline? - Part 1 A man does not live until he begins to discipline himself; he merely exists. Like an animal he gratifies his desires and pursues his inclinations just where they may lead him. He is happy as a beast is happy, because he is not conscious of what he is depriving himself; he suffers as the beast suffers, because he does not know the way out of suffering. He does not intelligently reflect upon life, and lives in a series of sensations, longings, and confused memories which are unrelated to any central idea or principle. A man whose inner life is so ungoverned and chaotic must necessarily manifest this confusion in the visible conditions of his outer life in the world; and though for a time, running with the stream of his desires, he may draw to himself a more or less large share of the outer necessities and comforts of life, he never achieves any real success nor accomplishes any real good, and sooner or later wordly failure and disaster are inevitable, as the direct result of the inward failure to properly adjust and regulate those mental forces which make the outer life. Walk In The Light It was a mild October night, weeks after the horrific September 11 terrorists attacks on our nation. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, my husband, children and I, entered the gates of the North Carolina state fair. The fair lights illuminated the sky as thousands of fair attendees attempted to escape into hours of fun and fantasy. While trying to temporarily remove the overshadowing fear that more tragedy may be imminent, the excessive police security constantly reminded us of our nation's tragic events. Book Summary: Self Motivation Gail Lindenfield is a well-known British author who has written several self-help books. In Self Motivation, she does a good job of going over many aspects of self development and she provides solutions to a variety of everyday problems. Procrastination: Make It Work FOR You! Man, I love to procrastinate! And I'm pretty darn good at it, too. Would you believe I started writing this article almost six months ago? Yep. But then I found lots of ways to, well, procrastinate. But I guess you've already figured that out... What is Your Challenge January is almost over. Work, Action, Movement -You Cannot Get Anywhere Without It "You can't get anywhere in anything without work, action, movement..whatever you want to call it." Scott Haines No Excuses Don't you just hate it when people make excuses for their failures? So do I. But do you know what I hate even more? Finding myself making excuses for my failures! I have a policy that I try to live by: No excuses. Mind Power King Solomon said "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he as he continues to think so he remains. Aristotle said "What we expect that we find. Demosthenes said "What we wish that we believe. The modern theory " He can who thinks he can. You have the power to control your destiny. Every thing that is happening to you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually is what is happening in your mind. You can choose any thought you like. Every moment, every second there is a choice. You cannot live a choiceless life. You can choose the kind of life you want to lead, the kind of companion with whom you want to associate. ![]() |
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