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Be Action-Oriented
Are you a melancholic online business owner by nature? I have something to tell you. In case you do not know what melancholy is, a melancholic person is someone who has a very detailed attitude. He or she is very aware of his or her surroundings, usually is good with words, and often good planners and strategists. Seeking details is probably their second nature. I like everything about melancholic people except for one thing ? they usually lack the initiative to take action. Very often, they are phlegmatic by nature and this, my friend, can be their greatest weakness. How often have you met people who have told you a lot of their plans ? about what they wanted to do in life and in the near future ? but never happened? Are you one of them? You probably had friends who told you about their great plans and being a great melancholy, their plans are usually very detailed. Ironically, when time passes, their plan never materialized. More often that not, the excuse lies behind their lack of will to take action. This happens almost everyday. You will also find that this is a very great challenge to all who are looking to start their own Online Business where putting in sweat equity is concerned. So, plan a little. We all still need to plan to succeed. You do not have to be very detailed, though. You might cringe at this fact but the logic is, very detailed plans make it sound as if it is "too much work". Now, are you no longer surprise why most people lack the will to take action? If you do not believe me, here is an analogy I would like you to compare. [1] I plan to go to town. I will take buses No. 6 and 24 to reach there. I will probably reach town in an hour. [2] I plan to go to town. I will walk out of the house, turn left, turn right, go straight, wait at the bus stop, climb up Bus No. 6, pay the fare, take a seat, stop at the bus terminal, walk down the platform, climb up Bus No. 24, pay the fare, take a seat, wait, and stop at the City Square. Of the two plans, which one sounds like "too much work"? The two plans still lead to the same destination. If a friend in your neighborhood asks you for direction to town, which of the above two plans will you tell him? I believe you get my point by now. On the same token, plan on what you need to do. Be precise and concise. Some extra details in your plan can be included but make sure they are useful. Your plans do not need spare parts just as your DIY tools do not need any. More "spare parts" in your plan is going to weigh a lot on your desire to take action. Sometimes to succeed in Online Business, you have to be a little bit choleric. You have to take control of your Online Business especially during its infancy stages. Your lack of control is a very good weapon to kill it so beware. Take control. I know that there are people who are afraid of making mistakes but let us be realistic ? we are all human. We make mistakes ? whether we like it or not. The best thing we can do is learn from our mistakes as much as possible and avoid making major mistakes. If you take control and make mistakes, at least you are in control and you can change it, not something or somebody else. I also believe that we are all smart people in one way or another. Most of us just lack the will to take action. This simple formula summarizes it all: [Intelligence / Work = Results] Most of us are very intelligent people but without work, there will be no results. Now it is a small wonder why the people whom we call half-wits still get ahead of us. Be action-oriented. Produce results! Copyright © Edmund Loh About the Author:
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